The Theorem Of Napoleon Please enable Java to see an interactive version of napoleon's theoremDrag any of the large red vertices of the inner triangle
Maths Thesaurus Nanometre, Napier's bones, Napier's constant, Napoleon point, napoleon's theorem.Napoleon's triangles, Napoleon's point, Natural log, Natural logarithm, Natural number.
Maths Thesaurus: Napoleon's Theorem Home napoleon's theorem If we take any triangle and draw equilateral triangleson each of its sides, then the incentres of these three new triangles form a
Napoleon's Theorem napoleon's theorem. He also was interested in mathematics. His discovery, Napoleon'sTheorem, is a very interesting tesselation. It is basically this.
June Lester - Mathematical Presentations University of Victoria, Canada, August 1993. A generalization of Napoleon'stheorem to ngons. A generalization of napoleon's theorem to n-gons.
June Lester- Mathematical Publications 53 (1997) 4 35. A generalization of napoleon's theorem to n-gons. CR Math. Soc.Canada 16 (1994) 253 - 257. This work has spawned several other projects.
Volume 5 Abstracts P. Pech The Harmonic Analysis of Polygons and napoleon's theorem, 5 (2001) 013022Plane closed polygons are harmonically analysed, ie, they are expressed in
CRC Concise Encyclopedia Of Mathematics On CD-ROM: N Inequality; Napierian Logarithm; Napkin Ring; Napoleon Points; Napoleon'sProblem; napoleon's theorem; Napoleon Triangles; Nappe; Narcissistic
Alvy - Infinite Hexagon Theorem 2/17/03 See paper for full details, such as how this theorem is a generalizationof napoleon's theorem. An even prettier theorem. Sorry, this
STACHEL / Institut Fuer Geometrie Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, II. Ser., 70, 335351 (2002); napoleon's theoremand Generalizations Through Linear Maps. Beitr. Algebra Geom.
Geometria Translate this page Home. First Examples. Resp. Analysis. Exercises. JavaScript.napoleon's theorem. GeoScript-File GeoStyle-File.
SOME SELECTED PUBLICATIONS The Mathematical Gazette, 79(485), 374378, July 1995. 14. A generalized dualof napoleon's theorem and some further extensions. Int. J. Math. Ed. Sci.
CMB - Vol. 44, N3 Min Ho Lee and Hyo Chul Myung Hecke Operators on Jacobilike Forms, 282. AngelaMcKay An Analogue of napoleon's theorem in the Hyperbolic Plane, 292.
Der Satz Des Napoleon Translate this page Lester, JA, A generalization of napoleon's theorem to n-gons, CR Math. Rep. Acad. 8(1981), 458459 Wetzel, JE, Converses of napoleon's theorem, Amer. Math.
Glossary Music (and transformations). N. Click on the letter to obtain informationon napoleon's theorem; Network; Why there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics;