- Exterior Differential Systems and Euler-Lagrange Partial Differential Equations by Phillip Griffiths, Daniel Grossman, et all July, 2003
- Riemannian Geometry by Luther Pfahler Eisenhart, 13 October, 1997
- Compact Riemann Surfaces by Jurgen Jost, 20 June, 2002
- Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint by John McCleary, January, 1995
- The Vector Analysis Problem Solver (Problem Solvers) by Staff of Research and Education Association, E.G. Milewski, et all January, 1994
- Conformal Representation by Constantin Caratheodory, April, 1998
- Introduction to Differentiable Manifold by Louis Auslander, Robert E. MacKenzie, June, 1977
- Curvature and Homology by Samuel I. Goldberg, June, 1998
- Real Submanifolds in Complex Space and Their Mappings by M. Salah Baouendi, Peter Ebenfelt, et all 28 December, 1998
- Rigid Local Systems. (AM-139) by Nicholas M. Katz, Luis A. (Series Editor) Caffarelli, et all 11 December, 1995