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         Category Theory:
  1. Aristotle's Theory of Substance: The Categories and Metaphysics Zeta (Oxford Aristotle Studies) by Michael V. Wedin, October, 2002
  2. Measure and category; a survey of the analogies between topological and measure spaces by John C. Oxtoby,
  3. Classifying Spaces and Classifying Topoi (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1616) by Ieke Moerdijk, October, 1995
  4. A Course in GB Syntax: Lectures on Binding and Empty Categories (Current Studies in Linguistics) by Howard Lasnik, Juan Uriagereka, 23 February, 1988
  5. Categories of Symmetries and Infinite-Dimensional Groups (London Mathematical Society Monographs, New Series, No 16) by Yu. A. Neretin, G. G. Gould, et all August, 1996
  6. Lectures on Tensor Categories and Modular Functors (University Lecture Series, No 21) by Bojko Bakalov, Alexander, Jr. Kirillov, November, 2000
  7. Triangulated Categories (Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 148) by Amnon Neeman, 01 February, 2001
  8. Derived L-Adic Categories for Algebraic Stacks (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, No. 774) by K. Behrend, 01 May, 2003
  9. Categorical Foundations : Special Topics in Order, Topolgy, Algebra, and Sheaf Theory by Maria Pedicchio, Walter Tholen, October, 2003
  10. Uncountably Categorical Theories (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol 117) by Boris Zilber, July, 1997

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