JSTOR Directions In Relevant Logic. The classical logic of relevant logicians. Pp. 8793. LARISA MAKSIMOVA. The nonexistence of finite characteristic matrices for Subsystems of Rt. Pp. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(199312)58:4<1466:DIRL>2.0.CO;2-4
Encoding Two-valued Nonclassical Logics In Classical Logic 117 Renate A. Schmidt, EUnification for Subsystems of S4, Proceedings of the 9th International II, Extensions of classical logic, Synthese Library Vol. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=778530
03Bxx 03B05 classical propositional logic; 03B10 classical firstorder logic; 03B15 Higher-order logic and type theory; 03B20 Subsystems of classical logic http://www.ams.org/msc/03Bxx.html
Connexive Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Systems of connexive logic are neither Subsystems nor extensions of classical logic. Connexive logics have a standard logical vocabulary and comprise http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-connexive/
Brainstorms: Evolutionary Logic Systems could become sparsely instantiated, leading to Subsystems that effectively In short, classical logic cannot deliver evolution because evolution http://www.iscid.org/boards/ubb-get_topic-f-6-t-000171.html
03Bxx 03B05 classical propositional logic 03B10 classical firstorder logic 03B15 Higher-order logic and type theory 03B20 Subsystems of classical logic http://www.emis.de/MSC2000/03Bxx.html
03Bxx 03B20, Subsystems of classical logic (including intuitionistic logic). 03B22, Abstract deductive systems. 03B25, Decidability of theories and sets of http://www.impan.gov.pl/LIB/MSC/03Bxx.html
Mauro Ferrari The circuit is described by formulas of classical logic and the delays of . we will give as examples some families of effective Subsystems of a wide http://www.dicom.uninsubria.it/~ferram/publications/
List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection logic) nonclassical logic (nonstandard 511.31 logic) Subsystems of classical logic (including intuitionistic 03B20 logic, Lambek calculus, BCK and BCI http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_33.htm
HeiDOK 03B15 Higherorder logic and type theory ( 0 Dok. ) 03B20 Subsystems of classical logic (including intuitionistic logic) ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?anzahl=0&la=de&
20th WCP: Sentential Falsehood Logic FL4 In other words, the laws of classical logic are valid for sentence ( S) , . Subsystems of FL4. Lets define three sublogics of FL4 that correspond to http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Logi/LogiPavl.htm
Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy logic concept challenges the concept of classical logic. . household appliances, cameras, automobile Subsystems, and smart weapons. Fuzzy logic is http://www.kurdishscientist.com/FuzzyLogic.htm
Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 00-09 logic 03B05 classical propositional logic 03B10 classical firstorder logic 03B15 Higher-order logic and type-theory 03B20 Subsystems of classical logic http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/litrech/Class/ams-00-09.html
Reverse Mathematics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Reverse mathematics makes use of several Subsystems of second order arithmetic. because it is a theory in classical logic including the excluded middle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_mathematics
Publication Lists Th. Coquand, Computational Content of classical logic, in A. Pitts and P. Dybjer . Applications of a representation theorem to Subsystems of arithmetics, http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~makoto/sci9799body.html
Kelly And Varela Unlike classical logic, we do not lump together the contrasting and the nodes, Subsystems) which exhibit stability as a totality, and the parts are the http://www.aippc.it/articles/aippc1.html
Variants Of Set Theory - MIMS One possibility is to replace classical logic by intuitionistic logic. Various much weaker Subsystems seem to be more appropriate. http://www.mims.manchester.ac.uk/research/logic/variants-set-theory.html
MCS - Computer Science Seminars And Short Courses, 96-97 We look at various preservation theorems of classical logic (principally the LosTarski and verifying the major Subsystems of AMULET (address interface, http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/seminars/archive/ComputerScience96-97.html
Main Text Some axiomatic theories of truth and related Subsystems of secondorder arithmetic .. Fefermans axiomatization KF formulated in classical logic is an http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sfop0114/abstracts.htm
Renate A. Schmidt: Publications Together with B. Konev and S. Schulz (eds). Journal of Applied Nonclassical logic 16 (1-2). . E-Unification for Subsystems of S4. In Nipkow, T. (ed. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~schmidt/publications/
List KWIC DDC And MSC Lexical Connection Subsystems of classical logic (including intuitionistic logic) 03B20 subtraction 513.212 subvarieties 14K12 success runs 519.84 http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/dml_11_50.htm
Perspectives In Logic - List Of Books Subsystems of second order arithmetic based on such axioms correspond to in book form of the classical decision problem of mathematical logic and its http://www.aslonline.org/books-perspectives-list.html
Branislav Boricic PhD On some Subsystems of Dummett s LC , Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grunlagen On some interpretations of classical logic , Zeitschrift fur http://www.ekof.bg.ac.yu/visitors/stuff/boricic.htm
Introduction In the terminology of the interacting cognitive Subsystems (ICS) model of . Of these, one is the classical logic prevalent in conscious thinking, http://www.scispirit.com/wok/Introduction.html
Anytime Approximations Of Classical Logic From Above Finger And One only has to restrict some axioms or derivation rules in order to obtain a subsystem of classical logic. Sound and incomplete methods are useful for http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/17/1/53?ck=nck
Neil Tennant We shall establish the decidability of classical monadic firstorder logic. We shall isolate intuitionistic logic as a subsystem of classical logic, http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/tennant9/650.html
Springer Online Reference Works In this sense constructive logic is broader than the logic of constructive mathematics. The most prominent difference from traditional (classical) logic http://eom.springer.de/c/c025330.htm
Twenty-six Open Questions Is there a single axiom for classical logic in A and N using the rules Is there, in particular, an NNfree axiom set for classical logic in C and N http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~dulrich/Twenty-six-open-questions-page.htm
CAT.INIST Translate this page Intuitionist logic-Subsystem of, Extension of, or Rival to, classical logic? R SYLVAIN Philosophical studies 5311, 147-151, Kluwer, 1988. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=11911023
Sytax Of Modal Logic The minimal classical logic, which is axiomatized by (PC), (MP), and (CGR), is denoted E. In particular, one can show that E is a proper subsystem of M, http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~duc/Thesis/node49.html
Towards Mathematical Philosophy In fact also many nonclassical logics, e.g., intuitionistic logic, .. Since classical propositional logic is Post-complete, any additional axiom in its http://www.logika.umk.pl/TrendsIV/abstracts.htm
Fuzzy Logic classical logic relies on something being either true or false. Thus, something either completely belongs to a set or it is completely excluded from it. http://www.danmeter.dk/products/neuromonitoring/dmtech/fuzzylogic/index.html
Department Of Philosophy This is a course in symbolic logic up to and including predicate logic with . and intuitionistic logic as an important subsystem of classical logic. http://philosophy.osu.edu/studentInfo/courses/CourseDescription.cfm
1995 - Technical Reports - Computing - Imperial College London To support this, we have used classical logic to represent partial subsystem analysis leaves out information from the subsystem environment (context), http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/research/technicalreports/1995/
AUTHOR INDEX The systems presented are versions of singlesuccedent sequent systems for classical logic. The cut-elimination results for the single-succedent systems can http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/bulletin/v343.html
3. KGC 1993: Brno, Czech Republic Problems in logic Programming, Database Theory and classical logic. Giovanni Faglia Double Exponential Inseparability Of Robinson Subsystem Q+ From http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/kgc/kgc93.html
NORM None the less, the claims to universality of classical logic must be rejected. . CL as a subsystem, the classical and the dialectical logic are united . http://nb.vse.cz/kfil/elogos/logpoint/94-1/ZELN.htm
CASC-17 Entrants' System Descriptions Gandalf version c stands for the Gandalf for classical logic. . FINDER Sla94 (a finite model generator) as a subsystem of OTTER in order to determine http://www.cs.miami.edu/~tptp/CASC/17/SystemDescriptions.html
The QED Manifesto - Some Background We regard this `bootstrapping problem -how to get, rigorously, from checking theorems in a weak logic to theorems in a powerful classical logic, http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/logic/qedres03.htm