"Archives: Re: Problems And Suggestions For Coq de bruijn indexes. So does Coq when it works on my formalization of CoC, i.e. it has to execute my implementations of xi and beta conversion. http://www.iist.unu.edu/~alumni/software/other/inria/www/coq/mailing-lists/coqcl
Calculus Of Inductive Constructions In the expressions lambda xT, U and for all xT, U the occurrences of x in U are bound. They are represented by de bruijn indexes in the internal structure http://flint.cs.yale.edu/cs428/coq/doc/Reference-Manual006.html
@article {Ohori19970892-463561, Author = Ohori A. , Author Different from de bruijn indexes, our integer representation of a variable corresponds to the actual offset to the value in a runtime environment http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/lisp/1997/00000010/00000001/00134679;j
A Question On Free Variable Capture. | Lambda The Ultimate The upshot of alpha conversion is simply that the labels don t matter, the bindings do, and there are a number of formal tricks, such as de bruijn indexes http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2407
Abstracts Of The Workshops At The School In Logic And Computation There are several well known approaches, e.g. nameless variables (de bruijn indexes) and quotienting by alphaconversion, but these have their own drawbacks http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/eefschool1999/abstracts2work.html
MySQL AB :: Index Usage In 4.1.7 If something did change in the new version 4.1.7 can someone tell me how the indexes are used by MySQL now ? With kind regards, F. de bruijn http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?87,8135,8135
EULER Record Details Forwarding indexes are calculated for cube networks and generalized de bruijn networks. General bounds are derived which show that de bruijn networks are http://www.emis.de/projects/EULER/detail?ide=1987chunforwindecomm&matchno=6&matc
Rewriting.Term.SimpleType.TermsLifting Operation of lifting (increasing indexes of variables) and lowering (decreasing them) on of terms using de bruijn indices) is defined in this file. http://color.loria.fr/doc/Rewriting.Term.SimpleType.TermsLifting.html
De Bruijn Index - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In mathematical logic, the de bruijn index is a notation invented by the Dutch mathematician Nicolaas Govert de bruijn (IPA d b yn) for representing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_index
De Bruijn Indices@Everything2.com De bruijn indices are a method of proving two programs are what is called alphaequivalent. Imagine that you had two programs like this http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1518466
Archives Of The Caml Mailing List > Message From John R Harrison It s been interesting for me to see a discussion of de bruijn versus a variable must be substituted for a de bruijn index throughout the body. http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2000/10/01d25588e0b8cd3cb88a86db5
De Bruijn Indices de bruijn s index representation eliminates the need for arrows associating leaf nodes with nodes through a numbering scheme. The numbers at the leaf nodes http://www.cs.cornell.edu/info/projects/nuprl/cs611/fall94notes/cn14/section3_4.
Concrete Representation - The Twelf Project Next, we translate the Church boolean operator Not, p.p( x. y.y)( x. y.x) from a bruijn index to a HOAS representation. http://twelf.plparty.org/wiki/Concrete_representation
Inge De Bruijn - Tag Story Index - USATODAY.com Petria Thomas of Australia upset defending Olympic champion Inge de bruijn in the 100meter butterfly Sunday night, while American Jenny Thompson was once http://asp.usatoday.com/community/tags/topic.aspx?req=tag&tag=Inge de Bruijn
Re: Directory Documents In Konqueror SOLVED On Saturday 02 November 2002 945 am, Leo de bruijn wrote On Saturday 02 November 2002 0058, I got the error after copiing a file named index.html. http://osdir.com/ml/kde.linux/2002-11/msg00011.html
Inge De Bruijn - Timeline Index In the process of winning three golds in Sydney, Inge de bruijn did so by setting three new world records. She broke her own 100 meter butterfly world http://www.timelineindex.com/content/view/764
Search Engine, Meta Search Engine, Best Search Engine De bruijn digraph, View Interesting Sites. De bruijn graph, View Interesting Sites. De bruijn index, View Interesting Sites http://www.irazoo.com/InterestingSites/AllPages/De-Page6.aspx
De Bruijn Cycle Java demonstration of debruijn Cycle, Java demonstration of de bruijn Cycle. visit Sun s website at http//www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp, http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Combinatorics/deBruijnCycle.shtml
Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie - Author Index: Bruijn, J.A. Author index bruijn, J.A.. New research. Dutch Journal of Psychiatry 33 (1991) 9. A.M. den Hollander, J.A. bruijn, R.W. Trijsburg http://www.tijdschriftvoorpsychiatrie.nl/en/zoeken/lijst.php?autid=19
Info On Necklaces, Lyndon Words, De Bruijn Sequences Information Index Generation Index COS homepage At first glance De bruijn sequences appear to have little to do with necklaces or Lyndon words http://www.theory.cs.uvic.ca/~cos/inf/neck/NecklaceInfo.html
Publications Its implementation of lambdaterms does not use named variables or de bruijn indices (the two common approaches) but instead uses a graph representation. http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/pubs/index.html
Practical Foundations Of Mathematics The de bruijn index of a bound variable is the number of ls which separate its use from its declaration in the tree structure of the term. For example lx. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pt/Practical_Foundations/html/s2e.html
RPM Shipped By Bert De Bruijn Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date RPM shipped by Bert de bruijn bert@debruijn.be http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/Bert_de_Bruijn__bert_debruijn.be_.html
British Journal Of Cancer - Author Index J H W de Wilt, T L M ten Hagen, G de Boeck, S T van Tiel, E A de bruijn R H J Mathijssen, J Verweij, W J Loos, P de bruijn, K Nooter and A Sparreboom http://www.nature.com/bjc/author_index/aid93.html