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1. JSTOR Effectively Retractable Theories And Degrees Of Undecidability We identify a sentence with its Godel number so that we speak of 0 sets of . degrees OF Undecidability 601 resulting sequence of sentences, say do, d~,. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(196912)34:4<597:ERTADO>2.0.CO;2-3 |
2. 03Dxx Other Turing degree structures; 03D30 Other degrees and reducibilities; 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences; 03D40 Word problems, etc. http://www.ams.org/msc/03Dxx.html | |
3. List For KWIC List Of MSC2000 Phrases sentences decidability of theories and sets of 03B25 sentences Undecidability and degrees of sets of 03D35 separability 54D65 http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc/m-kl_11_48.htm | |
4. Mhb03.htm 03D28, Other Turing degree structures. 03D30, Other degrees and reducibilities. 03D35, Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/mhb03.htm | |
5. Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 00-09 deductive systems 03B25 Decidability of theories and sets of sentences, reducibilities 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences 03D40 http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/litrech/Class/ams-00-09.html | |
6. MathNet-Mathematical Subject Classification 03D25, Recursively enumerable sets and degrees. 03D30, Other degrees; reducibilities. 03D35, Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences http://basilo.kaist.ac.kr/API/?MIval=research_msc_1991_out&class=03-XX |
7. HeiDOK 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences ( 0 Dok. ) 03D40 Word problems, etc. ( 0 Dok. ) 03D45 Theory of numerations, effectively presented http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=03D&anzahl |
8. DC MetaData For:The Halting Problem For Additive Machines Is Not Decidable By An 68Q10 Modes of computation 03D25 Recursively enumerable sets and degrees 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences 68Q65 Abstract data types; http://www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de/preprints/shadow/06_4.rdf.html | |
9. DC MetaData For: Decidability Of Code Properties See also {20M35, 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences We explore the borderline between decidability and Undecidability of http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/reports/shadows/00-11report.html | |
10. DC MetaData For: Decidability Of Chaos For Some Families Of Dynamical Systems MSC 2000 37C99 None of the above, but in this section 03D35 Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences. Preprint Server. http://www.preprint.impa.br/Shadows/SERIE_A/2002/188.html | |
11. J Logic Computation -- Sign In Page we shall consider not only sentences but also formulas with free .. On the structure of degrees of index sets. Algebra and Logic (1979) 18463Â480. http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/exm038v1 | |
12. General General Mathematics Mathematics For Nonmathematicians systems Decidability of theories and sets of sentences See also 11U05, 12L05, Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences Word problems, etc. http://amf.openlib.org/2001/msc2000.xsd |
13. 359/369 (Total 5522) NO 152 03E04 Ordered Sets And Translate this page See also 06B25, 08A50, 20F10, 68R15. 139, 03D35, Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences. 138, 03D30, Other degrees and reducibilities http://www.mathnet.or.kr/mathnet/msc_list.php?mode=list&ftype=&fstr=&page=359 |
14. Catálogo Translate this page Búsqueda por tema 03D35 - Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences Martin Weese, Undecidable extensions of the theory of Boolean algebras http://catalis.uns.edu.ar/cgi-bin/catalis_pack_demo_devel/wxis?IsisScript=opac/x |
15. 0 Top The TOP Concept In The Hierarchy. 1 Adverbial Modification 308 degrees of sets of sentences 309 effectively presented structure 31 329 thue system 33 unicorn 330 Undecidability 331 word problem 332 reference The http://staff.science.uva.nl/~caterina/LoLaLi/soft/ch-data/gloss.txt |
16. Richard A. Shore: Publications On the AEsentences of alpha-recursion theory, in Generalized Recursion Theory II, . The theories of the T, tt and wtt r.e. degrees Undecidability and http://www.math.cornell.edu/~shore/publications.html | |
17. Publication Of V.L. Selivanov On the structure of degrees of index sets. Algebra and Logic, 18, . Undecidability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labeled forests (joint with http://vseliv.nspu.ru/en/publ/part | |
18. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY PROGRAM IN PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC LOGIC Robert Soare, /Recursively Enumerable sets and degrees/, Springer. The famous incompleteness, Undecidability and undefinability results of Godel and http://logic.cmu.edu/pal-courses-s05.txt |
19. Tree Structure Of LoLaLi Concept Hierarchy Updated On 2004624 330 Undecidability . . . . 328 theory of numerations . 308 degrees of sets of sentences . . . . 319 recursive equivalence type . http://remote.science.uva.nl/~caterina/LoLaLi/soft/ch-data/tree.txt | |
20. Hilary Putnam Bibliography ÂDecidability and Essential Undecidability. Journal of Symbolic Logic 22.1 (March 1957) . Âdegrees of Unsolvability of Constructible sets of Integers. http://www.pragmatism.org/putnam/ | |
21. Springer Online Reference Works Both natural and programming languages can be viewed as sets of sentences, that is, finite strings of elements from some basic vocabulary. http://eom.springer.de/F/f040850.htm | |
22. Computability Theory Post asked whether there is an intermediate c.e. degree and this was solved by Friedberg and .. We define Rosser sentences and show their Undecidability. http://caltechmacs117b.wordpress.com/ | |
23. 1. Computability And Randomness Higher Randomness Notions And The theory of the polynomial manyone degrees of recursive sets is undecidable (with K.Ambos-Spies). STACS 92, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 577, http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~nies/onlinepapers.html | |
24. Mathematical Preprints By Steffen Lempp The Pi3theory of the enumerable Turing degrees is undecidable, with andré Nies .. in terms of congruences and effective conjunctions of Pi01-sentences. http://www.math.wisc.edu/~lempp/papers/list.html | |
25. North Texas Logic Conference Logic, 1997 proved the Undecidability of the firstorder theory of the enumeration degrees of the 02-sets. A closer analysis of their proof shows that http://www.math.unt.edu/logic/ntlc/ntlc.html | |
26. Studia Informatica AbstractThe degree of Undecidability of nonmonotonic logic is investigated. arithmetical but not recursively enumerable sets of sentences definable by http://www.studiainformatica.ii.ap.siedlce.pl/volume.php?id=7 |
27. Olivier Finkel The stretching theorem for local sentences expresses a remarkable reflection . Undecidability of Topological and Arithmetical Properties of Infinitary http://www.logique.jussieu.fr/www.finkel | |
28. Boolos Bibliography (with Hilary Putnam) degrees of unsolvability of constructible sets of Extremely undecidable sentences. Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (1982) 191196. http://web.mit.edu/philos/www/facultybibs/boolos_bib.html | |
29. Sentence Modeling And Parsing Parsing is the process of discovering analyses of sentences, that is, consistent sets of relationships between constituents that are judged to hold in a http://cslu.cse.ogi.edu/HLTsurvey/ch3node8.html |
30. Computability Complexity Logic Book Reduction concepts and degrees of unsolvability. 114 Reduction concepts (theorem of Post), index sets (theorem of Rice and Shapiro, Sncomplete program http://www.di.unipi.it/~boerger/cclbookcontents.html | |
31. Annals Of Pure And Applied Logic Decidable and undecidable prime theories in infinitevalued logic On Sigma1 and Pi1 sentences and degrees of Interpretability. by Per Lindström v. http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/dbl/apuapl/index.html | |
32. DBLP: André Nies 2 Klaus AmbosSpies, André Nies The Theory of the Polynomial Many-One degrees of Recursive sets is Undecidable. STACS 1992 209-218 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/n/Nies:Andr=eacute=.ht |
33. Publications - Timothy Hinrichs Logicians frequently use axiom schemata to encode (potentially infinite) sets of sentences with particular syntactic form. In this paper we examine a http://logic.stanford.edu/~thinrich/publications.htm | |
34. Logic Colloquium 2003 Older results typically showed the two quantifier level decidable and the third undecidable. We examine the situation for the r.e. degrees, the degrees http://www.helsinki.fi/lc2003/titles.html | |
35. Atlas: Victoria International Conference 2004 - Abstracts The set of Krandom strings has long been known to be undecidable. It is shown that the Turing degrees of Schnorr-random sets are those of Martin-Loef http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/select/camo-01?session=1 |
36. Abstracts Additionally, we consider the complexity of sets of formulae naturally defined in finite models. We state that the set of sentences true in almost all http://www.impan.gov.pl/~kz/Abstracts.html | |
37. Lawrence S. Moss: Articles The Undecidability of Iterated Modal Relativization, with Joseph S. Miller Traditional syllogisms involve sentences of the following simple forms All X http://www.indiana.edu/~iulg/moss/aarticles.htm | |
38. AUTHOR INDEX Single matrices for the operations of both types contain two sets of designated values one of possible values (degrees of truth) for the premisses, http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/bulletin/v331.html | |
39. Let S Be The Set Of All Sets That Don't Contain Themselves. Does S Contain Itsel The comment by KK in this metafilter thread (the one this sentence is . For instance, the angles of a triangle in a flat plane always add to 180 degrees, http://www.metafilter.com/44614/Let-S-be-the-set-of-all-sets-that-dont-contain-t | |
40. All About Oscar The theory had the revolutionary aspect of treating infinite sets as Thus, the existence of undecidable sentences in each such theory points out an http://www.britannica.com/oscar/print?articleId=109532&fullArticle=true&tocId=24 |
41. M. E. Szabo: The Collected Works Of Gerhard Gentzen In this context he constructs an infinite set of sentences that has no . This refers to a small portion of Godel s 1931 paper on Undecidability. http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/szabo.php | |
42. 2007-08 UCI Catalogue: Social Sciences Introduction to sentence logic, including truth tables and natural deduction; . 205C Undecidability and Incompleteness (4). Formal theory of effective http://www.editor.uci.edu/07-08/ss/ss.10.htm | |
43. Peter Suber, "Non-Standard Logics" Would it be interesting to make these sets undecidable? Logics that deal with the truth of conditional sentences, particularly in the subjunctive mood. http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/logsys/nonstbib.htm | |
44. Godel's Theorem@Everything2.com It proved difficult to construct a theory of sets which outruled such objects . To prove that an undecidable sentence existed, Godel needed to find a http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=23136 |
45. EULER Record Details Of course $\cup$ is definable in ${\cal D}$, but many interesting degreetheoretic results are expressible as $\Sigma_2$-sentences in the language of ${\cal http://www.emis.de/projects/EULER/detail?ide=1993jocksigm2theuppe&matchno=11&mat |
46. George Boolos - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1982, Extremely undecidable sentences, Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 191196. 1987c (with Vann McGee), The degree of the set of sentences of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Boolos | |
47. ICALP'07: Accepted Papers - Track B The Undecidability result holds also for the simulation of twolabel BPP processes. . bound on the length of the local sentence in terms of the original. http://icalp07.ii.uni.wroc.pl/acceptl-trackb.html | |
48. FOM: Midwest Model Theory Meeting Another way to look at this is to look at the Pi0-1 sentence. There is an old theorem of mine about Undecidability in dynamics of semilinear maps that http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1999-November/003475.html | |
49. Abstracts For Publications Of Prof. J. Maurice Rojas Computational Arithmetic Geometry I sentences Nearly in the Polynomial We consider the averagecase complexity of some otherwise undecidable or open http://www.math.tamu.edu/~rojas/abstracts.html | |
50. Information Typically, one points to the sentence This statement is unprovable as an leads to a logical contradiction (a formally undecidable proposition?). http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/local/scisoc/information/1july04.html | |
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