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1. JSTOR Representation Theory For Polyadic Algebras. This is a direct generalization of the corresponding result of Halmos for locally finite Polyadic algebras of infinite degree. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(196409)29:3<148:RTFPA>2.0.CO;2-U |
2. IngentaConnect On Amalgamation Of Reducts Of Polyadic Algebras G Polyadic algebras are obtained by restricting the (similarity type and) axiomatization of dimensional Polyadic algebras to finite quantifiers and http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/12/2004/00000051/00000004/art00001 | |
3. Note On Cylindric Algebras And Polyadic Algebras. Note on cylindric algebras and Polyadic algebras. A. H. Copeland. Source Michigan Math. J. Volume 3, Issue 2 (1955), 155157. Primary Subjects 02.0X http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.mmj/1028990028 | |
4. Information Algebra - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Reducts of cylindrical algebras (Henkin, Monk Tarski 1971) or Polyadic algebras are information algebras related to predicate logic (Halmos 2000) . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Algebra | |
5. Preprints Of The Algebraic Logic Dept. Gábor Sági Noncomputability of the consequences of the axioms of the omega-dimensional Polyadic algebras. Abstract dvi version PostScript version http://www.math-inst.hu/pub/algebraic-logic/Contents.html | |
6. Algebraic Logic - Elsevier Halmos (Polyadic) algebras in Database Theory. Characterizing Relativized Cylindric algebras. Strictly Finite Schema Axiomatization of QuasiPolyadic http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/librarians/523236 | |
7. Relation Algebras From Cylindric And Polyadic Algebras Relation algebras from Cylindric and Polyadic algebras. István Németi, András Simon. Journal Title Logic Journal of the IGPL. Date 1997. Volume 5 http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/show?doc=dbl/ljigpl/1997_5_4__RAFCAP.htm&query=algebr |
8. CiteULike: On Amalgamation Of Reducts Of Polyadic Algebras On amalgamation of reducts of Polyadic algebras algebra universalis, Vol. 51, No. 4. (August 2004), pp. 301359. Citation format http://www.citeulike.org/article/641133 | |
9. Baztech Informacja O Publikacji Streszczenie angielskie Lambda abstraction algebras are designed to algebraize the untyped lambda calculus in the same way cylindric and Polyadic algebras http://baztech.icm.edu.pl/baztech/cgi-bin/btgetdoc.cgi?BUS1-0003-0024 |
10. EMail Msg <9407221103.AA03846@rodin.wustl.edu> Yes Polyadic algebras are due to Halmos. If there is an _intensional_ theory of subsumption of composite relational structures, I don t know of it. http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/email-archives/srkb.messages/274.html |
11. Relation Algebras From Cylindric And Polyadic Algebras This paper is a survey of recent results concerning connections between relation algebras (RA), cylindric algebras (CA) and Polyadic equality algebras (PEA) http://nsdl.org/resource/2200/20061012021614925T | |
12. Abstracts Of Fundamenta Informaticae Volume 32. Number 1 Lambda abstraction algebras are designed to algebraize the untyped lambda calculus in the same way cylindric and Polyadic algebras algebraize the http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/abs32.html | |
13. Berti, Massimiliano Distinguished algebras of logic 10.1 Cylindric algebras. 10.2 Relation algebras, substitution cylindric algebras, Polyadic algebras.- 10.3 Relativization. http://www.yurinsha.com/410/p6.htm |
14. From MAILER-DAEMON Fri May 18 091452 2007 Date 18 May 2007 09 Another version of equivalence results can be obtained if we replace CAs by Polyadic algebras introduced by Halmos. One more delicate point is that CAs are http://www.mta.ca/~cat-dist/archive/2007/07-5 | |
15. OUP: UK General Catalogue Predicates, terms, and operations in Polyadic algebras Terms and Equality Predicates, terms, operations, and equality in Polyadic Boolean algebras http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780821841389 |
16. [Geo80] Generalized Quantifiers On Polyadic Algebras volume = {25}, title = {Generalized quantifiers on Polyadic algebras}, year = {1980}, fjournal = {Acad\ emie de la R\ epublique Populaire Roumaine. http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~leustean/GLAU/bib2html/output/entry-Geo-8 | |
17. JSTOR Nonhomogeneous Polyadic Algebras NONHOMOGENEOUS Polyadic algebras LEON LEBLANC Introduction. In a series of papers 14 Halmos introduced the theory of homogeneous Polyadic algebras. http://spider.jstor.org:9080/spidergate/article?sici=0002-9939(196202)13:1<59:NP |
18. Scientific Commons An Autobiography Of Polyadic Algebras (2000 An Autobiography of Polyadic algebras (2000). Paul R. Halmos. Abstract. rence.) I liked symbolic logic the same way as I liked algebra simplifying an http://de.scientificcommons.org/507145 |
19. PDF: A Categorical Approach To Polyadic Algebras - AcrobatFiles.com Download A categorical approach to Polyadic algebras at AcrobatFiles.com. http://www.acrobatfiles.com/mathematics/238-11827-pdf.html | |
20. Read This: Logic As Algebra It certainly leads naturally into Halmos s Algebraic Logic, which develops the theory of multiple quantifiers via Polyadic algebras. http://maa.org/reviews/logalg.html | |
21. DBLP: István Németi 44, István Németi, Gábor Sági On The Equational Theory of Representable Polyadic Equality algebras. J. Symb. Log. 65(3) 11431167 (2000) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/n/N=eacute=meti:Istv=a | |
22. [Abstract] Software Verification In An Algebraic Setting 19 L. Leblanc, Nonhomogeniuos Polyadic algebras, Proc. American Mathematical Society, 13(1), 1962, 59 65. 20 E.M. Beniaminov, An algebraic approach to http://actapress.com/PDFViewer.aspx?paperId=14578 |
23. Intute Harvester - Search Results ON THE EQUATIONAL THEORY OF REPRESENTABLE Polyadic EQUALITY algebras. I. Németi, G. Relation algebras from cylindric and Polyadic algebras http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search_harvester.pl?term1=polyadic&subject=scien |
24. Atlas: On Representation Of Cylindric Algebras By Miklos Ferenczi The natural algebraizations of first order logic e.g. locally finite cylindric (or locally finite quasi Polyadic) algebras do not form a variety. http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/o/c/17.htm | |
25. List For KWIC List Of MSC2000 Phrases algebras commutative rings and 13XX algebras composition 17A75 algebras cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation 03G15 algebras De_Morgan algebras http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc/m-kl_11_02.htm | |
26. Gnist.no Equality in Polyadic algebras; Terms and Equality Predicates, terms, operations, and equality in Polyadic Boolean algebras; Brief Summary Polyadic Boolean http://www.gnist.no/vare.php?ean=9780821841389 |
27. Springer Online Reference Works A related theory of Polyadic algebras, due to P.R. Halmos a5, emphasizes operators corresponding to the logical operation of substitution of terms for http://eom.springer.de/b/b110750.htm | |
28. 03Gxx 03G05 Boolean algebras See also 06Exx; 03G10 Lattices and related structures See also 06Bxx 03G15 Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras http://www.ams.org/msc/03Gxx.html | |
29. Salibra/papers.html Polyadic algebras over nonclassical logics. D. Pigozzi and A. Salibra. Algebraic Methods in Logic and in Computer Science, C. Rauszer (ed. http://www.dsi.unive.it/~salibra/papersnino.html | |
30. The Book Pl@ce Title Detail Equality in Polyadic algebras, Terms and Equality, Predicates, Terms, Operations, and Equality in Polyadic Boolean algebras, Brief Summary, Polyadic Boolean http://www.bookplace.co.uk/bookplace/display.asp?K=9780821841389&aub=Paul Halmos |
31. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages 03G15 Cylindric and Polyadic algebras, etc. 05A99 Classical combinatorial problems 11B83 Special sequences of integers and polynomials http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/general/erdos/cit/47303057.htm | |
32. List KWIC DDC And MSC Lexical Connection algebras commutative rings and 13XX algebras composition 17A75 algebras cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation 03G15 http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/dml_11_01.htm | |
33. MSC 2000 : CC = Algebras 03G15 Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras 06D72 Fuzzy lattices (soft algebras) and related topics Nouveau code MSC 2000 http://portail.mathdoc.fr/cgi-bin/msc2000.py?L=fr&T=Q&C=msc2000&CC=Algebras |
34. Strong Amalgamation, Beck--Chevalley For Equivalence Relations And Interpolation {2} F. Borceux, Handbook of Categorical Algebra, in Encyclopedia of {3} A. Daigneault, Freedom in Polyadic algebras and two theorems of Beth and Craig, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=937449 |
35. Matches For: Homogeneous locally finite Polyadic Boolean algebras of infinite degree; Terms Algebraic logic, III. Predicates, terms, and operations in Polyadic algebras http://www.jpbm.org/bookstore?fn=20&arg1=chelsealist&item=CHEL-154 |
36. Hajnal Andreka, Steven Givant, Szabolcs Mikulas, Istvan Nemeti This theorem and its analogues for quasiPolyadic algebras with and without equality are formulated in the Henkin-Monk-Tarski monograph on cylindric http://www2.renyi.hu/pub/algebraic-logic/rect.dense.abstract | |
37. LINGUIST List 18.3537: Studia Logica 87/1 (2007) Finitary Polyadic algebras from Cylindric algebras DOI 10.1007/s11225007-9073-6 Autor Miklós Ferenczi A Duality for the algebras of a ukasiewicz n + http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-3537.html | |
38. PlanetMath: 03G05, , Boolean algebras. 03G10, -, Lattices and related structures. 03G12, -, Quantum logic. 03G15, -, Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras http://planetmath.org/browse/categories/03Gxx/ | |
39. 03Gxx 03G05 Boolean algebras See also 06Exx 03G10 Lattices and related Polyadic algebras; relation algebras 03G20 Lukasiewicz and Post algebras See also http://www.emis.de/MSC2000/03Gxx.html | |
41. 03Gxx 03G15, Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras. 03G20, ukasiewicz and Post algebras See also 06D25, 06D30. 03G25, Other algebras related to http://www.impan.gov.pl/MSC2000/03Gxx.html | |
42. Citebase - Algebraic Logic, Varieties Of Algebras And Algebraic Varieties Diskin, Polyadic algebras for the nonclassical logics, Riga, Manuscript (1991), unpublished. G/A, 13 Z. Diskin, A unifying approach to algebraization of http://www.citebase.org/abstract?identifier=oai:arXiv.org:math/0312420&action=ci |
43. A Survey Of Abstract Algebraic Logic In contrast to Boolean, cylindric, Polyadic, and Wajsberg algebras which were defined before the LindenbaumTarski method was first applied to generate them http://www.mat.ub.es/~jmfont/docs/Survey.html | |
44. AUTHOR INDEX A model theoretic characterization of complexity of theories, 190195 27/4. Non-Computability of the Equational Theory of Polyadic algebras, 155-164 30/3 http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/bulletin/s.html | |
45. Logic And Mathematics That is an unfortunate misunderstanding cylindric algebras (and Polyadic algebras) were an important initial attempt in the 1950s to make explicit the http://suo.ieee.org/email/msg12653.html | |
46. Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 00-09 above but in this section 03Gxx Algebraic logic 03G05 Boolean algebras, Polyadic algebras; relation algebras 03G20 Lukasiewicz and Post algebras, http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/litrech/Class/ams-00-09.html | |
47. MathNet-Mathematical Subject Classification 03G15, Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras. 03G20, Lukasiewicz and Post algebras See also 06D25, 06D30. 03G25, Other algebras related to http://basilo.kaist.ac.kr/API/?MIval=research_msc_out&class=03-XX |
48. HeiDOK 03G15 Cylindric and Polyadic algebras; relation algebras ( 0 Dok. ) 03G20 Lukasiewicz and Post algebras ( 0 Dok. ) 03G25 Other algebras related to logic http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=03G&anzahl |
49. Charles Pinter MR0321735 (48 102) Pinter, Charles A simpler set of axioms for Polyadic algebras. Fund. Math. 79 (1973), no. 3, 223232. (Reviewer S. Comer) 02J15 http://charlespinter.com/ | |
50. Logic And Language Links - Polyadic Algebra Polyadic algebra. This concept has currently no gloss. Polyadic algebra is a subtopic of algebraic logic. Polyadic algebra has currently no subtopics. http://staff.science.uva.nl/~caterina/LoLaLi/Pages/16.html | |
51. Concrete Groups And Axiomatic Theories I | The N-Category Café A Polyadic Boolean algebra (which here will simply be called a theory) is a covariant functor T Fin Bool such that for every f m n in Fin, http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2007/10/concrete_groups_and_axiomatic.html | |
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