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1. JSTOR Combinatorial Set Theory Partition Relations For Cardinals. Combinatorial set theory Partition relations for cardinals. Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 10o; Disquisitiones mathematicae http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(198803)53:1<310:CSTPRF>2.0.CO;2-0 |
2. Jonsson-like Partition Relations And J V V F. Galvin and K. Prikry Infinitary Jonsson algebras and Partition relations, Algebra Universalis, vol. 6 (1976), pp. 367376. http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.jsl/1102022223 | |
3. [math/0703647v1] A Note On Strong Negative Partition Relations A note on strong negative Partition relations. Authors Todd Eisworth Comments 23 pages. Covers my talk at the AMS meeting at Miami University. http://arxiv.org/abs/math.LO/0703647v1 | |
4. Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Trees and positive ordinary Partition relations (80104, 13-18), V. Negative o.p.r. s and the discussion of the finite case (105-157, 19-26), VI. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/general/erdos/cit/57303019.htm | |
5. Atlas: Ramsey Theory Of Open Covers: From Partition Relations To Games By Nadav We describe a new approach that proves directly the game theoretic assertion from the Partition relation. This allows solving some open problems of Kocinac. http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/t/t/07.htm | |
6. Combinatorial Set Theory Partition Relations For Cardinals - Elsevier This work presents the most important combinatorial ideas in Partition calculus and discusses ordinary Partition relations for cardinals without the http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/librarians/501847 | |
7. Partition Relations For Countable Topological Spaces Partition relations for countable topological spaces. Source, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A archive Volume 43 , Issue 2 (November 1986) table of http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=7948.7951 |
8. IngentaConnect Partition Relations For Kappa-normal Ideals On Pkappa(lambda) Partition relations for kappa normal ideals on P kappa ( lambda ). Author Matet P. Source Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 121, Number 1, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/01680072/2003/00000121/00000001/art000 |
9. Using Boxes To Kill Squares And Other Results On Negative Partition Relations We show equivalences under fairly weak conditions between some negative Partition relations. Then we generalize Jensen s boxes to give a parameter of http://digitalcommons.libraries.columbia.edu/dissertations/AAI9970163/ | |
10. Choodnowsky, Wolfsdorf: A Theorem On Polarised Partition Relations For Singular A theorem on polarised Partition relations for singular cardinals. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France, 110 (1982), p. 349356 http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/fitem?id=BSMF_1982__110__349_0 |
11. Akihiro Kanamori Bibliography Negative Partition relations for Ultrafilters for Uncountable Cardinals. Regressive Partition relations for Infinite Cardinals. http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/philosophy/kanamori.html | |
12. Albin L. Jones A proof (involving elementary substructures) of a Partition relation . Polarized Partition relations Involving Weakly Compact Cardinals http://www.mojumi.net/albin/ |
13. Kafkoulis, George (1990-05-16) Homogeneous Sequences Of Cardinals For Ordinal De Title, Homogeneous sequences of cardinals for ordinal definable Partition relations. Degree, PhD. Option, Mathematics. Advisory Committee http://etd.caltech.edu/etd/available/etd-06132007-073731/ | |
14. Research Papers M. Scheepers, Rothberger s property and Partition relations, The Journal of Symbolic M. Scheepers, Large open covers and a polarized Partition relation, http://math.boisestate.edu/~spm/research_papers.htm | |
15. DBLP: E. M. Kleinberg 7, E. M. Kleinberg, Joel I. Seiferas Infinite Exponent Partition relations and WellOrdered Choice. J. Symb. Log. 38(2) 299-308 (1973) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/k/Kleinberg:E=_M=.html | |
16. Richard A. Shore: Publications On large cardinals and Partition relations, Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1971), 305308 (with Weak compactness and square bracket Partition relations, http://www.math.cornell.edu/~shore/publications.html | |
17. Front: [math.LO/0407440] Positive Partition Relations For P_{kappa,lambda} Title Positive Partition relations for P_{kappa,lambda} Authors Pierre Matet, Saharon Shelah Categories math.LO Logic Report number Shelah MtSh804 http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0407.5440 | |
18. Citebase - Strong Partition Relations Below The Power Set: Consistency, Was Sier Strong Partition relations below the power set consistency, was Sierpinski right, II? Authors Shelah, Saharon. We continue here Sh276 but we do not http://www.citebase.org/abstract?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/9201244 |
19. Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society A polarized Partition relation for cardinals of countable cofinality P. Erd s, A. Hajnal, and R. Rado, Partition relations for cardinal numbers, http://www.ams.org/proc/0000-000-00/S0002-9939-07-09143-5/home.html | |
20. Peter Clote's Publications Weak Partition relations, finite games and independence results in Peano arithmetic , Model Theory of Algebra and Arithmetic, Springer Lecture Notes in http://clavius.bc.edu/~clote/publications.html | |
21. Math/0407440 Positive Partition Relations For P_{kappa,lambda} math/0407440 Positive Partition relations for P_{kappa,lambda}; Pierre Matet, Saharon Shelah. http://eprintweb.org/S/article/math/0407440/bibtex | |
22. Powell's Books - Combinational Set Theory: Partition Relations For Cardinals By Powell s Books is the largest independent used and new bookstore in the world. We carry an extensive collection of out of print rare, and technical titles http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=719&cgi=product&isbn=044486157 |
23. Hyperlinked List Of Shelah's Papers LO/9706224 Shelah, A polarized Partition relation and failure of GCH .. LO/9305206 Comfort+Kato+Shelah, Topological Partition relations to the Form http://shelah.logic.at/listb.html | |
24. Polarized Partition Relations Polarized Partition relations. James E. Baumgartner, András Hajnal. Journal Title The Journal of Symbolic Logic. Date 2001. Volume 66. Issue 2 http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/show?doc=dbl/josylo/2001_66_2_811_PPR.htm&query=rubin |
25. Times Obituary Many of these developments were expounded in Combinatorial Set Theory Partition relations for Cardinals which Rado coauthored with three others and http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Obits/Rado_Richard.html | |
26. Union College Math Department (Publications): Publications (Alan D. Taylor) Negative Partition relations for ultrafilters on uncountable cardinals (with A. Kanamori), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 92 (1984) 83Â89. http://www.math.union.edu/people/faculty/publications/taylora.html | |
27. Federalism, Not Partition - Council On Foreign Relations Sen. Joe Biden (DDE) and CFR s Leslie Gelb in the Washington Post say the US should support federalism, not Partition, in Iraq. http://www.cfr.org/publication/14358/federalism_not_partition.html | |
28. E-Notes: India-Pakistan Relations - FPRI Without understanding the significance of Partition, itÂs impossible to understand the evolution of IndoPakistani relations. The experience of Partition http://www.fpri.org/enotes/200604.asia.ganguly.indiapakistanrelations.html | |
29. ASL Info Main Page In his thesis, he introduced new techniques to solve a problem of Erdös on ordinal Partition relations which had been open for about 30 years. http://www.aslonline.org/Sacks_recipients.html | |
30. Topics In Discovering Modern Set Theory. II. Some negative Partition relations and the Negative SteppingUp Lemma. Characterizations of weakly compact cardinals. Arrow relations with infinite http://www.math.ohiou.edu/~just/anno2.html | |
31. Pakistan Since Partition, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and suspicion. Although many issues divide the two countries, http://www.infoplease.com/country/profiles/pakistan.html | |
32. Review And Survey Of Subject Area [End Of First Year Report] A hash algorithm is used to Partition relations into disjoint buckets, so that all tuples with the same join attribute value(s) are in the same bucket. http://www.techscribe.co.uk/fyr/ch2.htm | |
33. Background Notes Archive - South Asia India Since Partition, relations between Pakistan and India have been characterized by rivalry and suspicion. Although many issues divide the two countries, http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/sa/pakistan9711.html | |
34. 03E: Set Theory 03E02 Partition relations; 03E04 Ordered sets and their cofinalities; pcf theory; 03E05 Other combinatorial set theory; 03E10 Ordinal and cardinal http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/03EXX.html | |
35. Equivalence Relations Each equivalence relation on a set Partitions the set into its equivalence classes but also for each Partition of the set there is an equivalence relation http://www.math.csusb.edu/notes/rel/node3.html |
36. Partition Of A Set - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia If an equivalence relation is given on the set X, then the set of all equivalence classes forms a Partition of X. Conversely, if a Partition P is given on X http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_a_set | |
37. Geometric Functional Analysis Probability Seminar These simplified selection principles can be characterized by the BaumgartnerTaylor Partition relation, which is a generalized form of the ordinary Ramsey http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~tsaban/gfap.html | |
38. Laver: A Saturation Property On Ideals In this paper we consider a saturation property of ideals on K which implies this Partition relation, as well as generalizations to cases where K 2e . http://www.cedram.org/numdam-bin/fitem?id=CM_1978__36_3_233_0 |
39. Equivalence Relation The power of an equivalence relation lies in its ability to Partition a set into the disjoint . The Correspondence of Equivalence Relation and Partition http://www.iscid.org/encyclopedia/Equivalence_Relation | |
40. The Partition Function And Relation To Thermodynamics The Partition function and relation to thermodynamics. http://www.nyu.edu/classes/tuckerman/stat.mech/lectures/lecture_5/node5.html |
41. Relation Subclass-Partition In Theory Frame-Ontology So I could have made the subclassPartition relation take a variable number of arguments. I decided not to use a sequence variable because that is not a http://www.loa-cnr.it/medicine/frame-ontology/relation42.html | |
42. Equivalence Relation Theorem 2 Let {A1, , An} be a Partition of a set A. Define a binary relation R on A as follows a, b R if and only if a Ai and b Ai for some i, http://www.cs.odu.edu/~toida/nerzic/content/relation/eq_relation/eq_relation.htm | |
43. PlanetMath: Partition Is Equivalent To An Equivalence Relation Corollary 1 For every Partition $ P=\lbrace P_i\mid i\in I\rbrace$ of $ S$ , $ E= \bigcup \lbrace P_i^2\mid i\in I is an equivalence relation. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/PartitionIsEquivalentToAnEquivalenceRelation. | |
44. BBC NEWS | India Pakistan | Timeline Ever since the Partition of the subcontinent in 1947, when Britain dismantled its Indian empire, India and Pakistan have been arch rivals. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/south_asia/2002/india_pakistan/ | |
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