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1. IngentaConnect Corner On Directions In Nonclassical Logic Corner on directions in Nonclassical logic. Author Wansing H.1. Source Journal of logic and Computation, Volume 11, Number 6, 1 December 2001 , pp. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/logcom/2001/00000011/00000006/art00759 | |
2. Nonclassical Logic Theorem Proving Nonclassical logic theorem proving. Source, Journal of Automated Reasoning archive Volume 1 , Issue 1 1985 table of contents. Pages 35 37 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=8109.8116 |
3. Prof. Dr Heinrich Wansing Corner on directions in Nonclassical logic Starting in 2001, the Journal of logic and Computation opens a corner on directions in Nonclassical logic. http://www.tu-dresden.de/phfiph/prof/lowiphil/index.php?go=go/editorialboards |
4. The Bulletin Of Symbolic Logic, June 2006 E. Schechter, Classical and Nonclassical logic an introduction to the mathematics of propositions, reviewed by Roger D. Maddux, page 308. http://www.math.ucla.edu/~asl/bsl/1202-toc.htm | |
5. Questions And Answers About The AI Microelectronics Laboratory Fuzzy logic is another Nonclassical logic that is already popular with microcontrollers. It solves a completely different problem. Fuzzy logic deals with http://www.ai.uga.edu/~mc/microqa.html | |
6. Arnon Avron - Online Available Papers Studia logica 82 (a special issue of Studia logica on Cutelimination in classical and Nonclassical logic), 157-176, 2006. A. Avron, A. Zamansky http://antares.math.tau.ac.il/~aa/papers.html | |
7. Connexive Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Connexive logic is a comparatively littleknown and to some extent neglected branch of Nonclassical logic. Systems of connexive logic are neither subsystems http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-connexive/ | |
8. Classical Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Classical vs nonclassical logic . In D.M. Gabbay, C.J. Hogger, and J.A. Robinson, (Eds), Handbook of logic in Artificial Intelligence and logic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_logic | |
9. 161-212 Non-Classical Logic This subject concerns nonclassical logic, that is, logic that extends or critiques the more orthodox logic normally encountered in a first course in logic. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/HB/subjects/161-212.html | |
10. An Introduction To Non-Classical Logic - Cambridge University Press This book is an introduction to nonclassical propositional logics. It brings together for the first time in a textbook a range of topics in logic, http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=052179434X |
11. ESSAYS ON NON-CLASSICAL LOGIC This book covers a broad range of upto-date issues in non-classical logic that are of interest not only to philosophical and mathematical logicians but http://www.worldscibooks.com/mathematics/4799.html | |
12. Non Classical Logic Non Classical logics. Research / Miscellaneous. Tutorials / Bibliographies Fuzzy logic. Computational logic. Quantum logic. Philosophy of logic http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/logica/lgnon_cl.htm | |
13. Journal Of Applied Non Classical Logic The Journal of Applied Nonclassical Logics, published quarterly, is the key publication for the newest research in the field. http://jancl.e-revues.com/ |
14. History Of Science © 2001- 2007 - Logical Empirism And Non-classical Logic Recent works on nonclassical logic emphasised that its borderline with classical logic has to be put on the validity of the law of double negation. http://www.historyofscience.it/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62 |
15. The Questia Online Library Priest, Graham. an Introduction to NonClassical logic. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&se=gglsc&d=5001902120 |
16. The Probabilistic Argument For A Non-classical Logic Of Quantum Mechanics a nonclassical logic in quantum mechanics. In outline the argument is the following. The working logic of a science is the logic http://suppes-corpus.stanford.edu/article.html?id=69 |
17. Specter Feinstein Make Non-Classical Logic Breakthrough! | Threat Level From Wir Tonight Senator Dianne Feinstein (DCA) and House Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter (R-PA) will announce on the Senate floor that they have made a http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2006/05/specter_feinste.html | |
18. A Non-classical Logic For Information Retrieval -- Van Rijsbergen 29 (6): 481 -- Implicit in many information retrieval models is a logic. These logics are hardly ever formalised. This paper formalises a nonclassical logic underlying http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/29/6/481 | |
19. MOLOG Once the user has chosen the set of inference rules to be used (and thus a nonclassical logic), MOLOG works just as a Prolog interpreter given a database http://www.irit.fr/ACTIVITES/EQ_ALG/Herzig/molog.html | |
20. UVic Course: PHIL 531 Topics In Non-Classical Logic Topics in NonClassical logic. Units 1.5 or 3.0. Note May be taken more than once for credit in different topics with approval of the Philosophy Graduate http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2007/CDs/PHIL/531.html | |
21. Categories: Re: Subobject Classifier And Non-classical Logic (intuistion Prev by Date categories Subobject classifier and nonclassical logic (intuistionistic); Next by Date categories embeddability; Previous by thread http://north.ecc.edu/alsani/ct01(9-12)/msg00045.html | |
22. JSTOR An Argument In Favour Of Non-Classical Logic For Quantum Theory If greater attention is paid to specific features of the mathematical formalism then the argument for the adoption of a nonclassical logic may be seen in a http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-2638(198403)44:2<61:AAIFON>2.0.CO;2-U |
23. Books - Essays On Non-Classical Logic - 9789810247355 Buy Essays on NonClassical logic - Price Range $77.52 - $101.49 from 2 sellers. http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/isbn=9789810247355 | |
24. Introduction To Non-Classical Logic | ISBN: 052179434X Introduction to NonClassical logic. by Graham Priest. ISBN-10 052179434X. ISBN-13 978-0521794343. List Price $23.99. Best Price $16.24 (Save 32%) http://www.valorebooks.com/affiliate/buy/siteID=ujMviO/ISBN=052179434X | |
25. TANCL '07 - Home Algebraic and Topological Methods in NonClassical logics III working on many facets of non-classical logic;; to foster future collaborations. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/events/special/tancl07/ | |
26. Powell's Books - Introduction To Non-classical Logic (01 Edition) By Graham Prie This is the first introductory textbook on nonclassical propositional logics http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=719&cgi=product&isbn=052179434 |
27. Outlines Of A Non-classical Logic For The Approach Of Fuzziness Since the classical logic is not apt to deal with indeterminacy, a new approach of the latter will be a nonclassical one that may be called an aoristic http://www.ici.ro/ici/revista/sic1999_4/art06.html | |
28. HYLE 5-1 (1999): Atomism And The Reasoning By A Non-Classical Logic Of course, we do not claim that people deliberately argued by means of a nonclassical logic before it was recognized and properly formalized. http://www.hyle.org/journal/issues/5/drago.htm | |
29. PHIL2100 - Worlds, Possible & Impossible: An Introduction To Non-Classical Logic Modal logic and some of intuitionism, paraconsistent, deontic, Worlds, Possible Impossible An Introduction to NonClassical logic PHIL2100 http://www.uq.edu.au/study/course.html?course_code=PHIL2100 |
30. Centre For Logic, Epistemology And The History Of Science - CLE NonClassical logic, Model Theory and Computability , Studies in logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, North-Holland Pub. http://www.cle.unicamp.br/english/ | |
31. Francoise BASCH, Gender And Fantasies: About Victorian Norms Of Womanhood Yet despite their daring challenge to the norms of classical logic, the inspiration behind nonclassical logic is characteristically more down-to-earth. http://www.soton.ac.uk/~wer/abnormalabstracts.htm | |
32. Atlas: A Many-sorted Algebraic Approach To First Order Predicate Calculi For Non Finally, a mathematical definition not only a nominal or an ostensible one- responsible with the identification of a (non-classical) logic -and of the http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caug-50 | |
33. An Introduction To Non-Classical Logic For Sale - TradeMe.co.nz - New Zealand An Introduction to NonClassical logic for sale - TradeMe.co.nz - New Zealand Trade Me is New Zealand s leading shopping website, with thousands of online http://www.trademe.co.nz/Books/Textbooks/Humanities-social-science/auction-13232 | |
34. FTP'98 Extended Abstracts in the volume Automated Deduction in Classical and NonClassical logics, Automated theorem proving in first-order logic modulo on the difference http://www.logic.at/ftp98/ | |
35. Logic Colloquium 2003 Classical and nonclassical logic, Hall 1, Friday 15.8. 17.00-17.20 Vladimir A. Stepanov Semantics of self-reference a dynamical systems approach http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/LC2003/abstracts/csc.html | |
36. Paoli (L&PS - Vol. 2 - No. 1 - 2004) Once upon a time the phrase Ânonclassical logic was roughly synonymous with Âphilosophical logicÂ. This widespread identification had only in part its http://www.univ.trieste.it/~episteme/L&PS_Vol2No1/paoli (L&PS - Vol. 2 - No. 1 - | |
37. ScienceDirect - Information Sciences : Filter-based Resolution Principle For Lat Latticevalued logic is a kind of important non-classical logic, which can be applied to describe and handle incomparability by the incomparable elements in http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0020025506002210 | |
38. JICSLP'96 - Advance Program And Schedule 1A Constraint logic Programming; 1B NonClassical logic Programming; 2A Implementation; 2B Deductive Database Updates; 3A Types and Modes http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~jicslp96/program.html | |
39. Heinrich Herre's Homepage Special Issue of the Journal of Applied NonClassical logic 71-2 (1997); Ho Ngoc Duc Resource-Bounded Reasoning about Knowledge, Dissertation, 1998 http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/fk/pers/herre.html | |
40. PhysOrgForum Science, Physics And Technology Discussion Forums -> When Is A Logi nonclassical logic. The non-classical logic that Sikorski refers to are modal logics, which are also the logics of hypotheticals and counterfactuals. http://forum.physorg.com/index.php?showtopic=252 |
41. The Language Of Science / Logic (Heinrich Wansing) There is a distinction between classical logic and nonclassical logic. In classical logic certain assumptions are made which are reasonable in several http://www.polimetrica.eu/site/?p=111 |
42. Dimitar P. Guelev - Papers Journal of Applied Nonclassical logic, volume 14, issue 1-2, 2004, pp. 185-213. An extended abstract was presented at the Workshop on Interval Temporal http://www.math.bas.bg/~gelevdp/papers.htm | |
43. Help-File Creating SATURATE Input Files From (Non)Classical logic Formulae Otherwise, the translation of non-classical formulae into predicate logic induces a http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/SATURATE/doc/translate.html | |
44. Bulletin Of Symbolic Logic It is designed to cover all areas within the purview of the ASL mathematical logic and its applications, philosophical and nonclassical logic and its http://www.aslonline.org/journals-bulletin.html | |
45. Pathways To Philosophical Logic And The Philosophy Of Logic The subject of nonclassical logic is now far too big to permit the writing of a comprehensive textbook, so I have had to place some restrictions on what is http://www.formalontology.it/pathways_logic.htm | |
46. Abstracts Of Michael's Other Stuff We argue that both classical logic and nonclassical derivatives, though different in the details, are based on common grounds. This insight gives rise to http://web.inf.tu-dresden.de/~mit/publications/misc/ordered-abstracts.html | |
47. When Is A Logic A Quantum Logic? n\nThe nonclassical logic that Sikorski refers to are modal logics,\nwhich are also the logics of hypotheticals and counterfactuals. http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=31276 |
48. Professor D This paper is the first in a series in reformulating classical and nonÂclassical logic in a goal directed way. It initiates the programme, continued in http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/staff/dg/pubs/all.html | |
49. Philosophy: PI31007: Logic And Paradox (University Of Dundee) Appreciation of reasons for introducing many valued, modal and nonclassical logics and familiarity with some examples of many-valued and modal logic. http://www.dundee.ac.uk/philosophy/current/undergrad/module/PI31007_LogicParadox | |
50. Stephen Read's Articles Truthmakers, Disjunction and Necessity , in Essays on Nonclassical logic , ed. H. Wansing, World Scientific 2001, pp. 91-110. Self-Reference and Validity http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~slr/read_papers.html | |
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