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1. 03Bxx 03B05 Classical propositional logic; 03B10 Classical firstorder logic 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See also 68T15 http://www.ams.org/msc/03Bxx.html | |
2. Mhb03.htm 03B35, Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See also 68T15. 03B40, Combinatory logic and lambdacalculus See also 68N18 http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/mhb03.htm | |
3. 03Bxx 03B05 Classical propositional logic 03B10 Classical firstorder logic 03B15 See also 03F35 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See http://www.emis.de/MSC2000/03Bxx.html | |
4. MathNet-Mathematical Subject Classification 03B35, Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See also 68T15. 03B40, Combinatory logic and lambdacalculus. 03B45, Modal and tense logic For http://basilo.kaist.ac.kr/API/?MIval=research_msc_1991_out&class=03-XX |
5. In-cites - University Of Warsaw The research also touches related areas, in particular 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations, 03B70 Logic in computer science, 03D05 Automata http://www.in-cites.com/institutions/UniversityofWarsaw.html | |
6. Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 00-09 of classical theories 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations, Other infinitary logic 03C80 Logic with extra quantifiers and operators, http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/litrech/Class/ams-00-09.html | |
7. List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection logic; logic of vagueness fuzzy 03B52 logical foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum logic 81P10 logical operations Mechanization of proofs and 03B35 http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_33.htm | |
8. HeiDOK 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations ( 0 Dok. ) 03B40 Combinatory logic and lambdacalculus ( 0 Dok. ) 03B42 Logic of knowledge and belief http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?anzahl=0&la=de& |
9. MSC 2000 : CC = 03B35 Question CC = 03B35. 03XX Mathematical logic and foundations. 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See also 68T15 http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/cgi-bin/msc2000.py?L=fr&T=Q&C=msc2000&CC=03B35 |
10. Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/PlanetMath Exchange/03-XX Mathematical Logic A edit 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations . edit 03C80 Logic with extra quantifiers and operators. All articles processed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mathematics/PlanetMath_Exchan | |
11. BIB-VERSION CS-TR-v2.1 ID Ercim.cwi.demo//SEN-R0124 ENTRY with which both coinductive proofs and definitions can be formulated. .. Operators MSC 03B35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations, http://ftp.cwi.nl/CWIreports/NCSTRL/bibs.rfc1807 | |
12. PlanetMath: Inference Rule In logic, an inference rule is a rule whereby one may correctly draw a conclusion from General logic Mechanization of proofs and logical operations) http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/RuleOfInference.html | |
13. General General Mathematics Mathematics For Nonmathematicians also 03F35 Mechanization of proofs and logical operations See also 68T15 prooftheoretic aspects see 03F52} Probability and inductive logic See http://amf.openlib.org/2001/msc2000.xsd |
14. Preface The next logical step would be to formulate the underlying principle in . The ACL2 Mechanization of some of the proofs was done by Kaufmann and Eric http://www.russinoff.com/libman/text/node2.html | |
15. Curriculum Vitae encoding of mathematical proofs and formulae in machine understandable formats and the Mechanization of mathematics (proof assistants and logical http://www.bononia.it/~zack/stuff/zack_s_cv.html | |
16. MathML Conference 2002: Presentations Indexing and Classification (Q ``I have structure with two operations that commute and the Mechanization of mathematics (proof assistants and logical http://www.mathmlconference.org/2002/presentations/asperti/ | |
17. CSCI 8980: Computation And Deduction Here we will study lambda calculi as logical systems. proofs that are logic or that realizes relatively sophisticated operations on proofs or formulas. http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~gopalan/courses/8980-04/index.html | |
18. Warsaw Univ. PL -- MATHESIS UNIVERSALIS: No.1, Winter 1996 -- "Mechanization Of Mechanization as formalization and Mechanization in the strict sense operations of the algebra of logic and their fundamental properties http://www.calculemus.org/MathUniversalis/1/MU1_3-1.html | |
19. Claudio Sacerdoti Coen's Home Page Abstract In this paper we analyse the modifications on logical operations as proof checking, type inference, reduction and convertibility - that are http://www.cs.unibo.it/~sacerdot/ | |
20. TPHOLs 2007: Accepted Papers Proof Pearl The power of higherorder encodings in the logical framework LF . existing low-level tactics for logical operations and three new tactics http://es.informatik.uni-kl.de/TPHOLs-2007/papers.html | |
21. PVS Introduction PVS expressions provide the usual arithmetic and logical operators, proofs yield scripts that can be edited, attached to additional formulas, and rerun. http://pvs.csl.sri.com/introduction.shtml | |
22. Lorentz Center - Mathematics Algorithms And Proofs From 8 Jan Abstract We present a complete mechanized proof of the result in cases through a novel application of logical metatheorems for functional analysis, http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2007/229/abstracts.php3?wsid=229&type=present |
23. Research Laboratory For Logic And Computation, GC CUNY Feasibility of operations on proofs. Srikanth Gottipati. . the art is almost at the point where mechanized metatheoretical tools can be used routinely, http://web.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~rllc/seminar_spring2006.html | |
24. Michael Beeson The Mechanization of mathematics, in Teuscher, C. (ed. This paper addresses the relationship between proofs in a typed logic and proofs in lambda logic http://michaelbeeson.com/research/papers/pubs.html | |
25. Hidden Algebra Stretching First order Equational Logic proofs with Partiality, Subtypes and Extends hidden algebra formalism with behaviourally coherent operations. http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/users/goguen/projs/halg.html | |
26. ACL2 Annotated Bibliography Structured Theory Development for a Mechanized Logic, M. Kaufmann and J . set operations and rewrite rules are provided, and pick a point proofs can be http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/publications/acl2-papers.html | |
27. WoLLIC'2000 (2) Replace some key logical operators by adequate classical equivalents (GödelGentzen We also discuss the extension of semantical proofs of st rong http://www.cin.ufpe.br/~wollic/wollic2000/abstracts.html | |
28. Deduction In Classical And Multiple-Valued Logic Since the symbols (other than the logical operators) of a valid formula may be In a similar manner, dissolution can simulate another proof method, http://www.cs.albany.edu/~nvm/research_lay-abbrev.html | |
29. Formal Verification Of Concurrent Programs Using The Larch Prover Next, we describe the Mechanization of the UNITY logic and we give the specifications of the temporal operators in the framework of LP. http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/32.663997 | |
30. Math Forum - Math Library - Software & Logic/Foundations & College Database of Existing Mechanized Reasoning Systems Kohlhase, Talcott. . A site for proofs and logic. Includes Metamath Solitairea Java applet that http://mathforum.org/library/results.html?ed_topics=&levels=college&resource_typ |
31. Credits A complete Mechanization (in the sense of a semidecision procedure) of classical It allows the extraction of a LISP program from a proof in a logical http://pauillac.inria.fr/cdrom/www/coq/doc/node.x.1.html | |
32. Verification Of Infinite State Systems This allows us to derive mechanized proofs of properties for . Focus Points and Convergent Process Operators. Logic Group Preprint Series 142. http://www.fmi.uni-stuttgart.de/szs/research/resources/inf/ | |
33. Why My Favourite Language Is .NET « Disshackled Transsanity Nonetheless such arguments for and against the human brain as a machine assume the consistency of the humans brain logical operation (note the use of http://zerogradient.wordpress.com/2006/05/31/why-my-favourite-language-is-net/ | |
34. JSTOR 2OBJ A Metalogical Framework Theorem Prover Based On Object logic structure is externalized, in that the inference rules of the object logic are encoded as primitive operations on an ADT of object logic proofs http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0962-8428(19920415)339:1652<69:2AMFTP>2.0.CO;2- |
35. 6th Panhellenic Logic Symposium :: Programme Lecture 1 will be devoted to the Logic of proofs LP which gives a Prodromos E. Gerakios and Nikolaos S. Papaspyrou A Mechanized Proof of Type Safety http://pls6.pre.uth.gr/programme.php | |
36. Blake-d Digest Volume 1996 Issue 82 Today S Topics WILLIAM In Blake s terminology, intellect stands at a higher level of thought than reason , which means the mechanical or most superficial logical operations of http://www.albion.com/blake/archive/volume1996/blake-d_Digest_V1996_82.txt | |
37. PhD Programme Logic In Computer Science The mechanized theory supports the creation of an automatic proof tool which takes as For example, logical operations are to be categorized as being http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~gkli/alte_index.html | |
38. AARNEWS - October 2001 Prove T in twovalued logic (TV). Finding a proof in TV often is .. aspects of the Mechanization of reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods. http://www.mcs.anl.gov/AAR/issueoct01/issueoct01.html | |
39. JANCL: Volumes Realization of Intuitionistic Logic by Proof Polynomials S. N. Artemov . Review of Witold Marciszewski and Roman Murawski Mechanization of Reasoning http://www.irit.fr/ACTIVITES/EQ_ALG/Jancl/sommaire_global.html | |
40. Formal Executable Models The work of Borger and Schulte 2 on Java exceptions is quite formal and accurate, but not supported by mechanized proofs. Mechanically checked proofs http://www.usenix.org/event/jvm01/full_papers/moore/moore_html/node2.html |
41. CLI Technical Reports September 6, 1994 A premise of the ACL2 Project is that the Nqthm proof heuristics allow the Mechanization of the discovery of proofs in the ACL2 logic with the same degree http://www.computationallogic.com/reports/abstracts.html | |
42. Logic And Artificial Intelligence (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) These include graphbased and proof-theoretic approaches to nonmonotonic the logical phenomena, an expectation that the important temporal operators http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-ai/ | |
43. ITPAR Workshop - Main.TalkAbstracts We have considered belief and goal as modal logic operators satisfying the KD45? and KD We also have proofs of soundness and completeness of the logic. http://sra.itc.it/events/itpar-ws05/pmwiki.php/Main/TalkAbstracts | |
44. Theory | Lambda The Ultimate This leads, in a very natural way, to the construction of a state diagram from a regular expression containing any number of logical operators. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/taxonomy/term/19 | |
45. CIAO-Talks Furthermore, we present our approach to the Mechanization of judgments about the grain size of mathematical proof steps. The data from the empirical study http://www.dfki.de/CIAO-2006/program.html |
46. @string{brics = {BRICS} } @string{daimi = Department Of Computer Order Logic (HOL) theorem proving system along with a Mechanization of proof .. restrictions on the topology of the graph or on the delete operation. http://www.brics.dk/RS/94/BRICS-RS-94.bib |
47. Caml Weekly News The following openings might interest members of this list, as it is strongly concerned with (mechanized proofs of) pure functional programs. http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/2006.11.07.html | |
48. FLoC 2006 - LFMTP We propose specific criteria for evaluating the utility of mechanized We formalize in the logical framework ATS/LF a proof based on Tait s method that http://www.easychair.org/FLoC-06/LFMTP-day227.html | |
49. Understanding Ontologies In Scholarly Disciplines logic technology, with visual language interfaces and control of proof techniques, provides very valuable tools for understanding the knowledge...... http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~gaines/reports/KBS/DL2004/index.html | |
50. Projects Larry Paulson has mechanized the UNITY language using Isabelle/HOL. . This includes a Hoare Logic proof on the C/assembler implementation of seL4. http://isabelle.in.tum.de/projects.html | |
51. DBLP: Stéphane Demri 25, Stéphane Demri A Logic with Relative Knowledge Operators. 15, Stéphane Demri A Completeness Proof for a Logic with an Alternative Necessity http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/d/Demri:St=eacute=phan | |
52. Teaching Freshman Logic With MIZAR-MSE The logic must be so automatic that you can focus on the problem at hand. The use of a mechanized proof checker is crucial in achieving this goal. http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~hoover/dimacs-teaching-logic/paper.html | |
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