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1. Many-Valued Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) The formalized languages for systems of Manyvalued logic (MVL) follow the two standard patterns for propositional and predicate logic, respectively http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-manyvalued/ | |
2. Multi-valued Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Polish logician and philosopher Jan ukasiewicz began to create systems of Manyvalued logic in 1920, using a third value possible to deal with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-valued_logic | |
3. Resources For Many-Valued Logic Bibliography and link collection by Reiner Hähnle. http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~reiner/mvl-web/ | |
4. Many-valued Logic With Vector Semantics L.Arshinskiy Logic.ru This essay discusses main properties of one type of a Manyvalued logic, describing incomplete and contradictory propositions. These logic are based on http://logic.ru/en/node/252 |
5. Journal Of Multiple-Valued Logic And Soft Computing Subject areas Systems of Manyvalued logic, mathematical fuzzy logics, fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, approximate reasoning, history of logic. http://www.oldcitypublishing.com/MVLSC/MVLSC.html |
6. MacColl And Many-Valued Logic: An Exclusive Conjunction Argues, against Rescher, that MacColl s logic cannot reasonably be counted as Manyvalued. By Peter Simons. http://www.hf.uio.no/ifikk/filosofi/njpl/vol3no1/manyval/index.html | |
7. Many-valued Logic, Or Multivalued Logic --Â Britannica Online Encyclopedia alternative logics, foundations of mathematics, history of logic, Jaina logic, propositional calculus. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-363303/many-valued-logic | |
8. Many-Valued Logic, Partiality, And Abstraction In Formal Specification Languages On the other hand, Manyvalued logic is emerging as a mainstream tool in abstraction of formal analyses of various kinds, and we suggest that specification http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/13/4/415 | |
9. Simplification Of Many-Valued Logic Formulas Using Anti-Links -- BECKERT Et Al. An antilink operation on a generic language is defined for expressing Many-valued logic formulas called signed NNF and it is shown that all interesting http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/8/4/569 | |
10. Possibilities And Paradox: An Introduction To Modal And Many-Valued Logic Website for the book ``Possibilities and Paradox An Introduction to Modal and Manyvalued logic . Information on Philosophical logic, Relevant/Relevance http://www.princeton.edu/~fraassen/Possib¶d.htm | |
11. Many-valued Logic - Britannica Concise Manyvalued logic Formal system in which the well-formed formulae are interpreted as being able to take on values other than the two classical values of http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9370466/many-valued-logic | |
12. ORDERED STRUCTURES IN MANY-VALUED LOGIC Symposium ORDERED STRUCTURES IN Manyvalued logic. May 29th - June 1st 2006, Villa Angelina - Massa Lubrense (NA) Aim of Symposium The Symposium will http://www.dmi.unisa.it/people/bgerla/www/conf/ | |
13. Many-valued Logic Processor For Data Query Systems - US Patent 5398199 Manyvalued logic processor for data query systems - US Patent 5398199 from Patent Storm. This data query apparatus consists of an application software and http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5398199-claims.html | |
14. ON THE MINIMIZATION OF FUNCTIONS OF MANY-VALUED LOGIC, The article is devoted to formulating the problem of the minimization of the logical functions of Manyvalued logic constants, characteristic functions, http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0 |
15. A Many-valued Logic For Approximate Reasoning A new system of Manyvalued logic, the Extended Post system of order p, p 2, is proposed as a system of logic supporting reasoning with facts and rules http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1012182&dl=ACM&coll=&CFID=15151515&CFTOKEN |
16. REFERENCES TO "MANY-VALUED" LOGIC FROM THE WWW Reasoning and Planning on Sensor Data an Application of a Manyvalued logic Gaetano Chemello, Enrico Pagello, Claudio Sossai and Luciana Stocchiero. http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~mperkows/ISMVL/many-valued-www.html | |
17. JSTOR Philosophical Problems Of Many-Valued Logic Philosophical Problems of Manyvalued logic. (Edited and translated from the Russian by Guido Kiing and David Dins- more Comey. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0038-5859(196410)16:2<247:PPOML>2.0.CO;2-4 |
18. Many-valued Logic Processor For Data Query Systems - Patent 5398199 This data query apparatus consists of an application software and a circuitry for the processing of the data selection condition of the user query embodied http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5398199.html | |
19. IBM Technical Journals A new system for Manyvalued logic, the Extended Post system of order p, p greater 2, is proposed as a system of logic supporting reasoning with facts and http://domino.watson.ibm.com/tchjr/journalindex.nsf/4ac37cf0bdc4dd6a85256547004d |
20. CADAIR: Many-Valued Logic And Qualitative Modelling Of Electrical Circuits Citation, Lee M.H., Manyvalued logic and Qualitative Modelling of Electrical Circuits, in Proc. QRÂ2000, 14th Int. Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, http://cadair.aber.ac.uk/dspace/handle/2160/91 | |
21. Theorem(e): Multi-valued Logics Sigfried Gottwald Manyvalued logics (General survey with special emphasis on t-norms and fuzzy logic. Algebraic-semantic point of view). http://theoreme.blogspot.com/2006/05/multi-valued-logics.html | |
22. IngentaConnect Many-Valued Logic, Partiality, And Abstraction In Formal Specific The purpose of this article is to clarify the role that Manyvalued logic can or should play in formal specification of software systems for modeling http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/igpl/2005/00000013/00000004/art00415 | |
23. [math/0408370v1] Bernoulli Automorphisms In Many-valued Logic Title Bernoulli automorphisms in Manyvalued logic. Authors Giovanni Panti. (Submitted on 26 Aug 2004 (this version), latest version 28 Jan 2006 (v2)) http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0408370v1 | |
24. Chapter XVIII The Possibility Of Set Theory Based On Many-valued Chapter XVIII The possibility of set theory based on Manyvalued logic. Thoralf A. Skolem. Source Thoralf A. Skolem, Abstract Set Theory (Notre Dame, http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.ndml/1175197491 | |
25. Atlas: The Algebras Of Lukasiewicz Many-valued Logic: A Historical Overview By R I shall outline the history of the algebras corresponding to Lukasiewicz Manyvalued logic from the pioneering work by G. Moisil in the early forties until http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/s/m/18.htm | |
26. From Lattice Ordered Abelian Groups To The Algebras Of Many-valued Logic: A Surv From lattice ordered abelian groups to the algebras of Manyvalued logic a survey. Author info Abstract Publisher info Download info Related http://ideas.repec.org/a/cmt/pumath/puma2005v016pp0089-0102.html | |
27. Mason Archive Repository Service: Items For Subject Items for Subject Manyvalued logic . Return to Browse by Subject Sort by Title Sorting by Date. Showing 5 items. Variable-Valued logic System VL1 http://mars.gmu.edu/dspace/handle/1920/2852/items-by-subject?subject=many-valued |
28. Livre Function Algebras On Finite Sets: Basic Course On Many-valued Logic And Cl Function algebras on finite sets basic course on Manyvalued logic and clone theory (Monographs in mathematics). Auteur(s) LAU Dietlinde http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/fr415714.html | |
29. Peter Suber, "Non-Standard Logics" Manysorted logic; Many-valued logic; Modal logic; Non-monotonic logic; Paraconsistent logic; Partial logic; Prohairetic logic; Quantum logic http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/logsys/nonstbib.htm | |
30. Challenge Problems With Condensed Detachment Distributivity Theorems in Manyvalued logic; Finding CD-Derivations of . axioms for the implicational fragment of Many-valued logic P(i(x,i(y,x))) (MV1) http://www.cs.unm.edu/~veroff/CD/ | |
31. A Simple Top-Down Query Answering Procedure For Many-Valued Logic Programming We present a simple, yet general topdown query answering procedure for Many-valued logic programming, which allow to deal with imprecision and some forms http://dienst.isti.cnr.it/Dienst/UI/2.0/Describe/ercim.cnr.isti/2006-TR-06?tipos |
32. Multi-valued Logic: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Manyvalued logic Formal system in which the well-formed formulae are interpreted as being able to take on values other than the two classical values. http://www.answers.com/topic/multi-valued-logic | |
33. Mason Archive Repository Service: Items For Subject Items for Subject Manyvalued logic . Return to Browse by Subject Sort by Title Sorting by Date. Showing 0 items. Home Advanced Search http://mars.gmu.edu:8080/dspace/handle/1920/466/items-by-subject?subject=many-va |
34. OUP: UK General Catalogue Besides, the reader can find information concerning the main systems of Manyvalued logic, related axiomatic constructions, and conceptions inspired by many http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780198537878 |
35. The Many Valued And Nonmonotonic Turn In Logic, 8 - Elsevier Manyvalued logic (Grzegorz Malinowski) Chapter 2. Paraconsistent logic Preservationist Variations (Bryson Brown) Chapter 3. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/708230 | |
36. Springer Online Reference Works Functions, the collection of which together with the corresponding operations over them form a Manyvalued logic. The functions of Many-valued logic and http://eom.springer.de/M/m062260.htm | |
37. Paraconsistent Knowledge Bases And Many-Valued Logic Paraconsistent Knowledge Bases and Manyvalued logic. Jørgen Villadsen. Type, Conference paper With referee. Conference, International Baltic Conference http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=2395 |
38. Paoli (L&PS - Vol. 2 - No. 1 - 2004) The third part (ÂParadoxÂ) is about Manyvalued logic. The choice of the title could sound somewhat surprising, because the connection between multivalued http://www.univ.trieste.it/~episteme/L&PS_Vol2No1/paoli (L&PS - Vol. 2 - No. 1 - | |
39. DBLP: Reiner Hähnle 55 EE, Reiner Hähnle Manyvalued logic, Partiality, and Abstraction in Formal Specification Languages. logic Journal of the IGPL 13(4) 415-433 (2005) http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/H=auml=hnle:Reiner.h | |
40. A Set Thoery Based On MV-logic With A Universal Set? Text - Physics Forums Libra Set Theory, logic, Probability, Statistics. developed in MVlogic (Many-valued logic) that has fewer down-sides than the other new set theories that has http://www.physicsforums.com/archive/index.php/t-181103.html | |
41. Gamut, L. T. F.: Logic, Language, And Meaning, Volume 1 In addition, the volume contains a survey of such topics as definite descriptions, restricted quantification, secondorder logic, and Many-valued logic. http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/7087.ctl | |
42. Zoran Majkic's Home Page Z.Majkic, Manyvalued logic Programming and Fixpoint Semantics for Higher-order Z.Majkic, Truth and Knowledge Fixpoint Semantics for Many-valued logic http://www.geocities.com/zoran_it/ | |
43. Prof. Dr. Siegfried Gottwald -- Research Manyvalued logic and the treatment of fuzzy relations and of generalized set equations. In Abstracts, 12. Intern. Seminar Fuzzy http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~logik/gottwald/research.htm | |
44. Daniele Mundici's Home Page (last Update: November 2007) Algebraic Manyvalued logic and models of physical systems, In Atti del Congresso logica Satisfiability in Many-valued sentential logic is NP-complete, http://homes.dsi.unimi.it/~mundici/ | |
45. Alasdair Urquhart Bibliography Abstract A finite Manyvalued logic is exhibited which has the property that the consequence relation determined by its characteristic five-valued matrix http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/philosophy/urquhart.html | |
46. Senza Nome1.html However, it was Jan Lukasiewicz who began serious considerations on the probabilistic interpretation of Manyvalued logic. Lukasiewicz adopts real numbers http://www.fmag.unict.it/~polphil/PolPhil/LvovWarsaw/WolReichText.html | |
47. AARNEWS - October 2001 One contribution, by Robert Veroff, focuses on proving theorems in Manyvalued logic; the second contribution, by Armando Tacchella, focuses on the design http://www.mcs.anl.gov/AAR/issueoct01/issueoct01.html | |
48. Many Valued Logic -- From Wolfram MathWorld COMMENT On this Page Contribute this entry. SEE ALSO Pages Linking Here. REFERENCES. Rescher, N. Many Valued logic. Ashgate, 1993. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ManyValuedLogic.html | |
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