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1. Kirchhoff-Lukasiewicz Machines I ve been working on analog computing since 1990 when I invented, and my students and I built, the first Lukasiewicz logic Arrays. http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~jwmills/ANALOG.NOTEBOOK/klm/klm.html | |
2. An Approach To Fuziness In The Setting Of Lukasiewicz Logic, The paper seeks to understand the meaning of fuzziness. Its aim is to show how in some cases fuzziness comes from the indistinguishability between a fuzzy http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADP |
3. Lukasiewicz S Logic And Prime Numbers Introduction And Contents For the first time in the world literature this monograph shows a direct relation between logic and prime numbers. Although manyvalued Lukasiewicz s logics http://logic.ru/en/node/371 |
4. IngentaConnect On Normal Forms In Lukasiewicz Logic On normal forms in ukasiewicz logic. Authors Di Nola, A.1; Lettieri, A.2. Source Archive for Mathematical logic, Volume 43, Number 6, August 2004 , pp. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/153/2004/00000043/00000006/art00004 | |
5. On An Infinite-valued Lukasiewicz Logic That Preserves Degrees Of Truth On an infinitevalued Lukasiewicz logic that preserves degrees of truth. http://cms.jcmf.cz/czech-catalan/Gil/ | |
6. Atlas: On An Arithmetic In A Set Theory Within Lukasiewicz Logic By Shunsuke Yat Recursion contradicts to induction within Lukasiewicz logic. Accepted to Many Valued logic and Cognition Trends in logic V Conference in July 2007. http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caug-51 | |
7. Area-efficient Implication Circuits For Very Dense Lukasiewicz Logic Arrays - US Two Lukasiewicz logic arrays (.English Pound.LAs) are proposed that use areaefficient implementations of the one-diode and three-transistor implication http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5770966.html | |
8. Lukasiewicz Logic: From Proof Systems To Logic Programming -- Metcalfe Et Al. 13 We present logic programming style goaldirected proof methods for L We then provide an algorithm for fuzzy logic programming in Rational Pavelka http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/13/5/561 | |
9. Fuzzy Logic Of Lukasiewicz Logic Fuzzy logic of Lukasiewicz logic a clarification. Source, Fuzzy Sets and Systems archive Volume 95 , Issue 3 (May 1998) table of contents. Pages 369 379 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=287970.287978 |
10. Area-efficient Implication Circuits For Very Dense Lukasiewicz Logic Arrays - Pa are the basis for analog array processors called Lukasiewicz logic arrays (. Applications for Lukasiewicz logic arrays include fuzzy controllers, http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5770966.html | |
11. On Lukasiewicz Logic With Truth-constants - Mathfuzzlog the expansion of Lukasiewicz logic with a countable set of truthconstants \mathcal{C} , have been recently proved for the case when the algebra of truth http://www.cs.cas.cz/mathfuzzlog/index.php/On_Lukasiewicz_logic_with_truth-const | |
12. [math/0508445] Invariant Measures In Free MV-algebras Invariant measures in Lukasiewicz logic. Authors Giovanni Panti Comments 10 pages, 3 figures Subjclass logic; Dynamical Systems MSC-class 03B50; 37A05 http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0508445 | |
13. Analog Computation The chip on the right is a Lukasiewicz logic Array that was patented by Indiana University. Although it is built from transistors, it computes continuous http://www.indiana.edu/~rcapub/v21n2/p24.html | |
14. DC MetaData For: Algebras Of Lukasiewicz's Logic And Their Semiring Reducts it makes full sense to consider manyvalued automata and many-valued formal languages interpreted in Lukasiewicz logic. http://www.esi.ac.at/Preprint-shadows/esi1439.html | |
15. JSTOR Rational Pavelka Predicate Logic Is A Conservative Rational Pavelka logic extends Lukasiewicz infinitely valued logic by adding truth It does not extend Lukasiewicz logic (Theorem 2), even for statements http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(200006)65:2<669:RPPLIA>2.0.CO;2-D |
16. Sibirskii Zhurnal Industrial'noi Matematiki Lukasiewicz s logic as an architecture model of arithmetic We present a new view of the nature of Lukasiewicz s logic. UDC 510.644 Received 06.03.2003 http://www.mathnet.ru/php/journal.phtml?wshow=paper&jrnid=sjim&paperid=388&year= |
17. George Metcalfe Lukasiewicz logic From Proof Systems to logic Programming (with N. Olivetti and D. Gabbay). logic Journal of the IGPL 13, 561585, 2005. http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/people/metcalfe/publications | |
18. Prof. Jonathan Mills Leverhulme Research Professor Faculty Of Lukasiewicz Insect The Role of ContinuousValued logic in a Mobile Robot s Lukasiewicz logic Arrays in Future Directions of Parallel Programming and http://uncomp.uwe.ac.uk/jonathan.html | |
19. A Necessary And Sufficient Condition For Lukasiewicz Logic Functions The literal, TSUM, min and max operations employed in multiplevalued logic design can be expressed in terms of the implication and the negation of http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/ismvl/1996/7392/00/73920037abs.htm | |
20. [Abstract] Fuzzy DCG Syntactic Parser For Command Language Recognition Under Spe Lukasiewicz developed the first Nvalued logic in the 1930Âs. . The application of Lukasiewicz logic implements a kind of approximate reasoning, http://actapress.com/PDFViewer.aspx?paperId=24401 |
21. DBLP: Daniele Mundici 15, Daniele Mundici Averaging the truthvalue in Lukasiewicz logic. Studia logica 55(1) 113-127 (1995). 1994. 14, Daniele Mundici A Constructive Proof of http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/m/Mundici:Daniele.html | |
22. M_ValuedLETS Definitions of scope are broad and shall include mvalued logic (e.g., fuzzy logic, Lukasiewicz logic); theory of monetary instruments; related quantum http://www.geocities.com/m_valuedlets/ | |
23. Shunsuke Yatabe Distinguishing nonstandard natural numbers in a set theory within Lukasiewicz logic Workshop on Algebra and logic, March 12, 2007, at JAIST. http://kurt.scitec.kobe-u.ac.jp/~yatabe/ | |
24. Logic Colloquium 2006 However, the Hilbertstyle calculi and algebraic semantics of the resulting logics (MTL, BL, Lukasiewicz logic, Goedel logic, etc.) make no reference to the http://www.cs.ru.nl/lc2006/contributed.html | |
25. Home Page Of A. Di Nola A. Di Nola, B. Gerla, Algebras of Lukasiewicz s logic and their semiring L.P. Belluce, A. Di Nola, The MValgebra of first order Lukasiewicz logic. http://www.dmi.unisa.it/people/dinola/www/pubblicazioni.htm | |
26. Fuzzy DL Syntax The implication in (all R C) is interpreted as (or (not R) C); Lukasiewicz logic uses Lukasiewicz negation, conjunction and disjunction and implication. http://gaia.isti.cnr.it/~straccia/software/fuzzyDL/syntaxNew.html | |
27. Ã
Âukasiewicz Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In mathematics, ukasiewicz logic is a nonclassical, many valued logic. It was originally defined by Jan ukasiewicz as a three-valued logic, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ã Âukasiewicz_logic | |
28. Fuzzy Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) In ukasiewicz logic this is not the case if has the value 0.5 then its 2000), and logics putting ukasiewicz and product logic together (Esteva http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-fuzzy/ | |
29. Quantum Genetics In Terms Of Quantum Reversible Automata And Quantum Computation Further, detailed studies of nonlinear dynamics in genetic networks were carried out in categories of nvalued, ukasiewicz logic Algebras that showed http://cogprints.org/3697/ | |
30. Stefano Aguzzoli Stefano Aguzzoli An Asymptotically Tight Bound on Countermodels for ukasiewicz logic, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning , 43, pp. http://homes.dsi.unimi.it/~aguzzoli/stefanopage.htm | |
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