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1. List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc.) 03B53 Logics and related algebras (e.g., diagonalizable algebras) http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_33.htm | |
2. 03Bxx 03B05 Classical propositional logic; 03B10 Classical firstorder logic 68T37, 94D05; 03B53 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, http://www.ams.org/msc/03Bxx.html | |
3. List KWIC DDC And MSC Lexical Connection Logics (including relevance, entailment, linear logic, Lambek calculus, BCK and BCI Logics) substructural 03B47 Logics admitting inconsistency http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/dml_11_29.htm | |
4. 03Bxx 03B53, Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc.) 03B55, Intermediate Logics. 03B60, Other nonclassical logic http://www.impan.gov.pl/LIB/MSC/03Bxx.html | |
5. HeiDOK 03B53 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc.) ( 0 Dok. ) 03B55 Intermediate Logics ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?anzahl=0&la=de& |
6. Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/PlanetMath Exchange/03-XX Mathematical Logic A Currently firstorder language is a redirect to first-order logic, which contains . edit 03B53 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mathematics/PlanetMath_Exchan | |
7. PlanetMath: Neutrosophic Logic 03B53 (Mathematical logic and foundations General logic Logics admitting inconsistency ). 03B60 (Mathematical logic and foundations General logic http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/NeutrosophicLogic.html | |
8. MSC2000 03B52 Fuzzy logic; logic of vagueness ( 0 Dok. ) 03B53 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc.) ( 0 Dok. http://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/opus/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=03B&anzahl=0&la=de |
9. General General Mathematics Mathematics For Nonmathematicians 94D05 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc.) Intermediate Logics Other nonclassical logic Logic of natural http://amf.openlib.org/2001/msc2000.xsd |
10. 362/369 (Total 5522) NO 107 03C20 Ultraproducts Translate this page 96, 03B60, Other nonclassical logic. 95, 03B55, Intermediate Logics. 94, 03B53, Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, http://www.mathnet.or.kr/mathnet/msc_list.php?mode=list&ftype=&fstr=&page=362 |
11. Os Dois Artigos Abaixo Foram Publicados No Jornal Gazeta Do Povo Translate this page Após 2000, Mathematical Reviews tornou o verbete Paraconsistent Logic mais amplo, 03B53 Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, http://www.cfh.ufsc.br/~dkrause/LogicaI/paraconsistente.html | |
12. Recent Publications Here we prove the important theorems of the Logics, and describe and justify the dangers of inconsistency when functions and nondeterminacy intermix. http://www.computing.dcu.ie/~jmorris/recabstracts.html | |
13. J Logic Computation -- Sign In Page C also has as extensions a host of wellknown Logics admitting the weakening axiom Paraconsistent Logic Essays on the Inconsistent , Philosophia pp. http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/16/4/405 | |
14. Weber, S.: Investigations In Belnap's Logic Of Inconsistent And Unknown Informat DISCUSSION 57 { An inconsistency adaptive logic, which { according to Batens identified sublanguages Li of LM each admitting unique preferred models, http://lips.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/pub/1998-13/en | |
15. Sample Chapter For Hannan, M.T., Pólos, L., Carroll, G.R.: Logics Of Organizati Perhaps the reason for sociologists reluctance to admit that their theoretical The parallel to inconsistency in a classical logic shows up in the http://press.princeton.edu/chapters/s8550.html | |
16. Discriminations: John Edwards Inconsistency Regarding Privilege And Preference The fact that race prefs usually result in admitting less qualified applicants Yet we all keep hoping that rational arguments and logic and common sense http://www.discriminations.us/2004/01/john_edwards_inconsistency_reg.html | |
17. Toward A New Landscape Of Systems Management In An Autonomic Computing Environme Ontologies and description Logics. Ontologies are metadata schemas, Observe that, if this is not the case, then there is an inconsistency in the class http://www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/98695293_2.html | |
18. Toward A New Landscape Of Systems Management In An Autonomic Computing Environme One of the most expressive description Logics studied so far is DER. form of knowledge assertions while still admitting decidable reasoning procedures. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISJ/is_1_42/ai_98695293/pg_5 | |
19. Accident Can military command be charged with the fallacy of inconsistency? PC The Charter of Twin Oaks Country Club expressly forbids admitting Jews and http://www.drury.edu/ess/Logic/Informal/Accident.html | |
20. Intuitionistic Arithmetic - Sci.logic | Google Groups inconsistency. Just in case of confusion, he means two meanings of function . admitting that the orthodox line has (for now at least) http://groups.google.co.vi/group/sci.logic/msg/f38527d6461bbd80 | |
21. Contents Of Krisis, Nr. 7/1998 In particular, the interpretation in terms of threevalued Logics offered . We want to suggest that admitting types and degrees of possibility (assumed http://fil.unibuc.ro/krisis/krisis7/krisis7eng.html | |
22. Toward A New Landscape Of Systems Management In An Autonomic Then we introduce basic concepts in ontology and description Logics and .. Observe that, if this is not the case, then there is an inconsistency in the http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/sj/421/lanfranchi.html | |
23. JSTOR Curry S Paradox But these Logics are in many ways strange in other respects, and at least the finitely manyvalued versions of these Logics admit more subtle versions of http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-2638(197906)39:3<124:CP>2.0.CO;2-E |
24. Does Logic Presuppose The Existence Of The Christian God? There does not seem to be anything inconsistent in asserting that deductive Logic and Metaphysic. However, it is a long way from admitting that the http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/michael_martin/logic.html | |
25. The Naturalistic Fallacy: The Logic Of Its Refutation An extract from Logic And The Basis Of Ethics by AN Prior. the significance of this assertion by sacrificing its certainty, admitting that its denial, http://www.utilitarian.org/texts/prior.html | |
26. HAMLET INCONSISTENT If it is justifiable to look for logic and consistency in Hamlet, as Eliot did, one can find a far greater inconsistency in the play than the inadequate http://www.cosmos-club.org/web/journals/2000/safer.html | |
27. Hit Seg[eth] On Halgum Bocum: The Logic Of Composite Old English Homilies. Indus Although I know of no scholarly attempt to reconcile this inconsistency, Even the most credulous person will admit that there are false books out in http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-4364259/Hit-seg-eth-on-halgum.html | |
28. Plato's Dialogues, By B.Jowett, M.A. Thus far we admit inconsistency in Plato, but no further. He lived in an age before logic and system had wholly permeated language, and therefore we must http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_text_plato_dialogues_intro.htm | |
29. Quodlibet Online Journal: Is The Trinity A True Contradiction? - By Randal Rause That is, admit one contradiction as true, and all statements follow from it; .. 3 The Logic of inconsistency A Study in NonStandard Possible-World http://www.quodlibet.net/rauser-trinity.shtml | |
30. The Laws Of Thought All of us often do so  as when we refuse to look at or admit the evidence or a logical .. Âinternal inconsistency and Âthe logic of paradoxesÂ. http://www.thelogician.net/5b_ruminate/5b_chapter_01.htm | |
31. An Examination Of Brahma-Sutra However, the purpose of this aphorism is to examine the Jaina logic of seven free from inconsistency and Contradiction, i.e., valid in Hamilton s sense. http://www.jainworld.com/jainbooks/ramjees/brahmasutra.htm | |
32. Uranus Vs. Saturn And The Value Of Inconsistency | Rudhyar Archival Project | As Saturn The Value of inconsistency. When a nation or, as today, . and the arguments are contained within the framework of a well-tested logic. http://rudhyar.com/astroarticles/inconsistency.php | |
33. Shebanation: The Death Of UI Consistency More seriously, I think I was pretty honest about admitting that CS3 isn t . The interface suggests both can be on at once, when logic says they can t. http://blogs.adobe.com/shebanation/2007/04/the_death_of_ui_consistency.html | |
34. Bristol University - Department Of Philosophy - Philosophy And History Of Scienc Logicism is the view that mathematics is reducible to logic alone , for and the risks that arose in admitting this intangible agency to their homes. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/philosophy/department/events/phohos.html | |
35. Lycan On Lewis And Meinong Though standard modal Logics may trade just in possible states of affairs, the semantics of conditionals must deal with inconsistent beliefs. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~shil0124/mystuff/lycan.html | |
36. Supreme Court Of Canada - Decisions - R. V. Rockey The defence having requested the admission of these additional statements as evidence of inconsistency, it became necessary to admit all statements made on http://csc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/1996/1996rcs3-829/1996rcs3-829.html | |
37. The Panda's Thumb: ID's Irreducible Inconsistency Revisited However, with DembskiÂs habitual irreducible inconsistency, the mousetrap is claimed to . But I admit, his overall position is now exceedingly confused. http://www.pandasthumb.org/pt-archives/000774.html | |
38. Clear Conclusions When we acknowledge the logic and scripturalness of this change we will no longer have the hobgoblins of our inconsistency staring us in the face, http://www.freedomsring.org/permit/chap19.html | |
39. E. A. Poe Society Of Baltimore Every other science than Logic is the science of certain concrete relations. admitting, as well as we can, for argumentÂs sake, that the succession of http://www.eapoe.org/works/ESSAYS/EUREKA5.HTM | |
40. Paraconsistent Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) A most telling reason for paraconsistent logic is the fact that there are theories which are inconsistent but nontrivial. Clearly, once we admit the http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-paraconsistent/ | |
41. MainFrame: Possible Worlds This notion of possible world inherits the position of first order logic in it is necessary to admit that a possible world must identify for every name http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/metap/metap004.htm | |
42. Preamble addressing some grey areas in the foundations of mathematics, logic and .. implicitly admit Platonic concepts that are, prima facie, inconsistent with http://alixcomsi.com/Preamble.htm | |
43. Dean's World - A Favorite Quote Are my tastes inconsistent? Perhaps. So what? Do I have some obligation to pretend to like other types of pasta if I admit to liking spaghetti? http://www.deanesmay.com/posts/1123592671.shtml | |
44. RENAN'S NEW BOOK.; DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENERY OF NAZARETH. THE KINGDOM... - Arti Drawing a character of transcendent nobleness and loveliness, he has been so inconsistent as to admit a kind of self deception or imposition in this Being http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FB0815FE355C1A7493CAA9178AD95F478 |
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