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1. 20th WCP: Haack On Fuzzy Logic While traditionally Logic has corrected or avoided vagueness, fuzzy Logic It is not just Logic of vagueness; it iswhat from Frege s point of view would http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Logi/LogiGrun.htm | |
2. The (topo)logic Of Vagueness Downloadable ! Author(s) Hill, Brian. 2007 Abstract Zeno s. http://ideas.repec.org/p/ebg/heccah/0867.html | |
3. The Logic Of Vagueness And Precision EJ165783 The Logic of vagueness and Precision. Title, The Logic of vagueness and Precision. Authors, Bramwell, R. D. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ165783 |
4. -< P E I R C E >- Peirce s Logic of vagueness asserts that vagueness (which can never be However, another way to think of the Logic of vagueness is as a Logic that http://www.digitalpeirce.fee.unicamp.br/peichi.htm |
5. Fuzzy Logic Goes To Market Fuzzy Logic Quantifies Vagueness And Children learn what hot means the hard way by experience. But to teach its meaning to a computer we must provide it with a precise definition. Computers. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg13318074.600-fuzzy-logic-goes-to-market-fu |
6. Atlas: The (topo)logic Of Vagueness By Brian Hill Uncertainty Reasoning about probability and vagueness September 58, 2006 The (topo)Logic of vagueness by Brian Hill IHPST / University Paris 1 http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/s/u/13.htm | |
7. The Logic Of Vagueness And The Category Of Synechism That same year, occupying himself with the consequences of Critical commonsensism, he affirmed, I have worked out the Logic of vagueness with something http://www.code.uni-wuppertal.de/uk/computational_design/who/nadin/publications/ | |
8. EconPapers: The (topo)logic Of Vagueness By Brian Hill; Abstract Zeno s dichotomy paradox of the runner and the sorites paradox exhibit certain interesting similarities. http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/ebgheccah/0867.htm | |
9. JSTOR Australasian Association For Logic 2000 Annual Conference Is completeness or consistency threatened; i.e., must a Logic of vagueness be paracomplete or paraconsistent? What of modus ponens and identity principles? http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=1079-8986(200106)7:2<287:AAFL2A>2.0.CO;2-S |
10. A Modal Supervaluation Description Logic For Characterization Of Vague Concepts: Logic  vagueness  tableau calculus. Disclaimer Please note that abstracts for content published before 1996 were created through......Key Words http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/14/6/873 | |
11. Enigmania: Vaguely Logical Kit Fine was, rather appropriately, rather vague about his extraordinary Logic of vagueness (not its name, probably) last night (in St Andrews), http://enigmanically.blogspot.com/2007/11/vagueness.html | |
12. Working Group In HPLMS - Meetings 2004-05 One particularly appealingat first blushproposal of this sort had it that truth comes in infinitely many degrees, and that the Logic of vagueness is http://hplms.berkeley.edu/archive04-05.html | |
13. Dipartimento Di Filosofia - Università Di Pisa A particularly pressing problem is surely that of the ÂLogic of vagueness, which has become nowadays a very important issue in Logic and computer science http://www.fls.unipi.it/db/persone_scheda.php?id_persona=64 |
14. Blackwell Synergy - Philosophy Compass, Volume 2 Issue 6 Page 896-909, November Hence the question has arisen what the Logic of vagueness is, My point is that even if the fuzzy Logic is the Logic of vagueness there is no reason to http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1747-9991.2007.00110.x | |
15. Principles Of Excluded Middle And Contradiction Robert Lane This Peirce s principles are crucial to a correct understanding of his socalled Logic of vagueness (LOV) (5.506, c.1905), his account of the various sorts of http://www.westga.edu/~rlane/csp/principles.htm | |
16. NYU > Philosophy > Field, Hartry vagueness, Partial Belief and Logic , forthcoming in G. Ostertag, ed., Meanings and Other Things Essays on Stephen Schiffer. http://philosophy.fas.nyu.edu/object/hartryfield | |
17. From Heaps And Gaps To Heaps Of Gluts - Logic And Semantics Of Vagueness | Mind A simple dualisation of supervaluation semantics results in a paraconsistent Logic of vagueness based on what has been termed subvaluational semantics. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2346/is_n424_v106/ai_20035454 | |
18. Vagueness (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Thus the Logic of vagueness is a Logic for equivocators. Lewis idea is that ambiguous statements are true when they come out true under all disambiguations http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/vagueness/ | |
19. Arché Vagueness Conference An international conference bringing together leading figures in philosophy to discuss the nature and the Logic of vagueness. http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~arche/vagueness/index.html | |
20. Evolution Of Fuzzy Logic: From Intelligent Systems And Computation To Human Mind The first of these sources was initiated by Peirce in the form what he called a Logic of vagueness in 1900s, and the second source is LotfiÂs A. Zadeh work, http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1290513 |
21. Bled Philosophical Conferences I will present a Logic of vagueness which attempts to combine the advantages of both supervaluationist and many valued approaches, while avoiding their http://www.bled-conference.si/index.php?page=content&page_id=12 |
22. List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection Logic in computer science 03B70 Logic of knowledge and belief 03B42 Logic of natural languages 03B65 Logic of vagueness fuzzy Logic; 03B52 http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_33.htm | |
23. The Many Valued And Nonmonotonic Turn In Logic, 8 - Elsevier Quantum Logic (M. Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini and Miklos Redei) Chapter 5. Logic of vagueness (Dominic Hyde) Chapter 6. Fuzzy Logic (Didier Dubois, http://www.elsevier.com/wps/product/cws_home/708230 | |
24. MIT OpenCourseWare | Linguistics And Philosophy | 24.729 Topics In Philosophy Of Chapter 4 in vagueness. 3, Supervaluationism (Part 1). * Fine, Kit. vagueness, truth and Logic. In vagueness A Reader. (No need to feel guilty if you http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Linguistics-and-Philosophy/24-729Fall-2005/Readings/in | |
25. IngentaConnect Ten Questions And One Problem On Fuzzy Logic But this leaves open the question of intuitive adequacy of manyvalued Logic as a Logic of vagueness. Below I shall try to isolate eight questions Parikh http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/01680072/1999/00000096/00000001/art000 |
26. Formal Epistemology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Horacio ArlóCosta (epistemic Logic, belief revision, conditionals) causation); Timothy Williamson (knowledge, modality, Logic, vagueness, etc) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_epistemology | |
27. Vagueness - Bibliography Brock, Jarrett 1979 Principal Themes in Peirce s Logic of vagueness , .. Nadin, M 1980 The Logic of vagueness and the Category of Synechism , http://www.btinternet.com/~justin.needle/bib_alpha.htm | |
28. Characterizing Vagueness : Philosophy Compass This article focuses on the question of what characterizes vagueness (in the what the Logic of vagueness is, and what sort of indeterminacy vagueness is http://www.blackwell-compass.com/subject/philosophy/article_view?article_id=phco |
29. View Quotes While, traditionally, Logic has corrected or avoided it, fuzzy Logic compromises with vagueness; it is not just a Logic of vagueness, it is from what http://www.wsc.ma.edu/math/faculty/fleron/quotes/viewquote.asp?letter=h |
30. Abstracts fuzzy Logic is a contender as a Logic of vagueness. I will focus specifically on Gödel Logics, since they, I think, are the best http://www.logic.at/cos04/program/abstract.htm | |
31. Intermediate Logic Monday 11.15, Lecture 15  Supervaluationism vs. epistemicism; Seminars  Fine, Âvagueness, Truth, and LogicÂ; Williamson, Âvagueness and Ignorance http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~twcs1/Int Logic/index.htm | |
32. Book The Many Valued Non-monotonic Turn In Logic (handbook Of The History Of Log Logic of vagueness. Chapter 6. Fuzzy Logic. Chapter 7. Nonmonotonic Logic. Chapter 8. Default Logic. Chapter 9. Non-monotonic Reasoning and Belief Change. http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/gb419030.html | |
33. 03Bxx 03B05 Classical propositional Logic; 03B10 Classical firstorder Logic 03B50 Many-valued Logic; 03B52 Fuzzy Logic; Logic of vagueness See also 68T27, http://www.ams.org/msc/03Bxx.html | |
34. BSc Philosophy, Logic And Scientific Method - Philosophy, Logic And Scientific M The second course, Logic, introduces the basic system of modern formal Logic, Probability and Decision Theory; Deontic Logic the Logic of vagueness. http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/undergraduateProspectus2008/courses/Philosophy_Lo | |
35. Mathematical Fuzzy Logic - Mathfuzzlog Mathematical Fuzzy Logic deals with degrees of truth. vagueness pervades human language, perception, and reasoning since the beginning of their existence, http://www.cs.cas.cz/mathfuzzlog/index.php/Mathematical_Fuzzy_Logic | |
36. Project MUSE 6 William James, reacting to a certain extent against Peirce s declaration that he had worked out the Logic of vagueness with something like completeness, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/philosophy_and_literature/v031/31.2quigley.html | |
37. Department Of Philosophy:Course Descriptions, Spring 2002 Using the Sorites Paradox as a test case, we will critically examine the major approaches to the semantics and Logic of vagueness, http://www.phil.upenn.edu/courses/spring2002/spring_2002_cd.html | |
38. André De Tienne: "Peirce's Logic Of Information" Principal Themes in Peirce s Logic of vagueness . In Studies in Peirce s Semiotics. Lubbock, Texas Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, Peirce Studies, http://www.unav.es/gep/SeminariodeTienne.html | |
39. AUTHOR INDEX On the decidability of a system of dialectical propositional Logic, 179184 7/4 A semantical study of some systems of vagueness Logic, 139-144 8/3 http://www.filozof.uni.lodz.pl/bulletin/a.html | |
40. 03Bxx 03B05 Classical propositional Logic 03B10 Classical firstorder Logic 03B15 Many-valued Logic 03B52 Fuzzy Logic; Logic of vagueness See also 68T27, http://www.emis.de/MSC2000/03Bxx.html | |
41. Dichotomistic Logic - All About Vagueness, Ontic, Quantum, Fuzzy And Otherwise Causality demands some sort of beginning. For anything to happen, something must have been there to get things going in the first place. vagueness is an http://www.dichotomistic.com/logic_vagueness_1.html | |
42. PCID - Random Predicate Logic I: A Probabilistic Approach To Vagueness Random Predicate Logic I A Probabilistic Approach to vagueness. by William A. Dembski. AbstractÂThis is an old paper, written twelve years ago, http://www.iscid.org/pcid/2002/1/2-3/dembski_predicate.php | |
43. Knowledge Economy - Petr Kolar Field(s) of specialization Logic philosophical Logic, nonclassical Logics (intensional Logic, Logic of vagueness, deontic Logic), philosophy of Logic. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/EXTECAREGTOPKNOECO/0,, | |
44. Ejap 6:10: Prinz, "Vagueness, Language, And Ontology" The rejection of Leibniz s Law is not an ad hoc move if it is a consequence of an independently motivated Logic of vagueness. http://ejap.louisiana.edu/EJAP/1998/prinz98.html | |
45. 03Bxx 03B52, Fuzzy Logic; Logic of vagueness See also 68T27, 68T37, 94D05. 03B53, Logics admitting inconsistency (paraconsistent Logics, discussive Logics, etc. http://www.impan.gov.pl/LIB/MSC/03Bxx.html | |
46. TRANSVALUATIONISM: A DIONYSIAN APPROACH TO VAGUENESS We want a Logic of vagueness under which it is possible to reject premise (1) without becoming committed to sharp semantic transitions in the sequence of http://dingo.sbs.arizona.edu/~thorgan/papers/Transvaluationism.htm | |
47. Yale > Philosophy > Graduate Program A discussion of the Liar paradox and other linguistic phenomena (with the exception of vagueness) that challenge the basic assumption of classical Logic http://www.yale.edu/philos/grad3.html | |
48. Philosophy Department :: Duke University This project also connects with his work on the Logic of vagueness, such as Borderline Logic, American Philosophical Quarterly (1975) and most recently in http://fds.duke.edu/db/aas/Philosophy/faculty/dhs | |
49. Philosophy Of Logic - Vagueness Thus the Logic of vagueness is a Logic for equivocators Merricks, Trenton (2001) Varieties of vagueness, Philosophy and PhenomenoLogical Research vol http://www.society-dir.com/philosophy/philosophy_of_logic/vagueness/p__1483.html | |
50. Fuzzy Logic And the first western Logic of vagueness was developed in 1920 by Polish philosopher Jan Lukasiewicz. He created sets with possible membership values of 0, http://www.kurdishscientist.com/FuzzyLogic.htm | |
51. Vagueness I come therefore to the words of pure Logic, words such as or and not . Are these words also vague or have they a precise meaning? http://www.cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/Russell/vagueness/ |
52. Society > Philosophy > Philosophy Of Logic > Vagueness Argues that vagueness and demonstratives are connected, by means of constructing artificial languages in which the relationships are manufactured. http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy_of_Logi | |
53. Sorites Paradox@Everything2.com The sorites paradox is just one of a class of paradoxical arguments that raise difficult questions about Logic, language, and most importantly, vagueness. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1109889 |
54. Fuzzy Logic The human brain can reason with uncertainties, vagueness, and judgments. Computers can only manipulate precise valuations. Fuzzy Logic is an attempt to http://www.aaai.org/AITopics/html/fuzzy.html | |
55. CSISS Classics - Lotfi Zadeh: Fuzzy Logic-Incoporating Real-World Vagueness Fuzzy Logic was first invented as a representation scheme and calculus for uncertain or vague notions. It is basically a multivalued Logic that allows more http://www.csiss.org/classics/content/68 |
56. Ken Akiba Bibliography Hyde (1997) introduced subvaluationism, a Logical system for vague words that employs paraconsistent Logic, and maintained that subvaluationism is http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/philosophy/akiba.html | |
57. "He Is Our Peace":Letter To The Ephesians And The Theology Of Fulfilment Cf. the continuation of this passage ÂBy the Logic of pragmatism, a vague sign Âreserves for some other sign or experience the function of completing its http://etext.virginia.edu/journals/ssr/issues/volume1/number1/ssr01-01-a01.html | |
58. PlanetMath: Fuzzy Logic Gottwald, S., Mathematical fuzzy Logic as a tool for the treatment of vague information, Information Sciences, vol. 172, 2005, pp. 4171. http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/MultiValuedLogic.html | |
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