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1. Presentations -> Business Natural Languages Development In Ruby Business natural languages use natural language to represent business Logic. Business natural languages are expressed as descriptive and maintainable http://qcon.infoq.com/sanfrancisco/presentation/Business Natural Languages Devel | |
2. Business Natural Languages - Limitations Business Logic can be highly complex and unrelated. A Business natural Language becomes more complicated as it expands the scope of problems it addresses. http://bnl.jayfields.com/06_limitations.html | |
3. Of Thought & Action: Of Inductive Logic, Perceptions, And Natural Languages Of inductive Logic, perceptions, and natural languages He reads this and hates all men. Looking forward to your series on Logic and fallacies. http://ritwikpriya.blogspot.com/2007/09/of-inductive-logic-perceptions-and.html | |
4. First-Order Predicate Logic The two important features of natural languages whose Logic is captured in the predicate calculus are the terms every and some and their synonyms, http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/logic/log019.htm | |
5. Sau La Lodtua: 93/2 The excellent implementation of firstorder Logic is not a major improvement over natural language; natural languages (at least some of them) have had http://www.loglan.org/Lodtua/lodtua-93-2.html | |
6. News And Events: Associate Professorship (Forsteamanuensis) In Logic And Natural The position is within the research areas of Logic and Computational Linguistics and belongs to the research group called Logic and natural languages (LNS). http://www.illc.uva.nl/NewsandEvents/newsitem.php?id=1380 |
7. Logic And Natural Languages (LNS), Dept. Of Informatics, UiO Ifi research Logic and natural languages We have the main responsibility for the Logic teaching within the department and within the faculty where we http://www.ifi.uio.no/forskning/grupper/lns/teaching.html | |
8. IngentaConnect Negation In Logic And In Natural Language The resulting Logic (extended independencefriendly Logic) explains several regularities in natural languages, e.g., why contradictory negation is a barrier http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/ling/2002/00000025/F0020005/05087364 | |
9. Linguistics 575A: Quantification, Semantic Representations, And The Syntax-Seman Faltz, Leonard M. 1995. Towards a Typology of natural Logic. In Bach, E., E.Jelinek, A. Kratzer, and B.H. Partee (eds) Quantification in natural languages. http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/575/ | |
10. Representing Knowledge Soup The framework of knowledge soup can span the gap between natural language semantics and formal systems of Logic. natural languages must do everything http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/souprepr.htm | |
11. The Language Of Science / Logic (Jody Azzouni) But there is another important role for threefoldcharacterized Logic. This is in the regimentation of natural languages. One reason that it took so long to http://www.polimetrica.eu/site/?p=21 |
12. Introduction To Natural Language Semantics Logical languages are then developed as formal metalanguages to natural language. Subsequent chapters address propositional Logic, the syntax and semantics http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/site/1575861380.html | |
13. OUP: UK General Catalogue It presents a broad view of the semantics and Logic of quantifier expressions in natural languages and, to a slightly lesser extent, in Logical languages. http://www.oup.com/uk/catalogue/?ci=9780199291250 |
14. MasterÃs Program In Computational Linguistics The language of firstorder Logic, and introduction to truth-theoretic semantics for formal and natural languages. Compositionality. http://www.isi.edu/natural-language/MSCompLing/ | |
15. Gyula Klima: Approaching Natural Language Via Mediaeval Logic In fact, I suspect that the following view of the relation between Logic and quantificational and referential features of natural language is fairly widely http://www.fordham.edu/gsas/phil/klima/NLN.htm | |
16. CoLogNET - Logic For Natural Language Processing FG is a series of conferences on Formal Grammar, held in conjunction with the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), http://nlp.colognet.org/?menu=res-con&conference=fg |
17. LENLS CALL FOR PAPER Logic Engineering natural Language Semantics. Logic and Engineering of natural Language Semantics 2006 (LENLS2006) http://www.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~ogata/LENLS2006.html | |
18. Natural Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia ter Meulen, Alice, 2001, Logic and natural Language, in Goble, Lou, ed., The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Blackwell. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language | |
19. Logic, Language And Computation Group Now they are creating artificial agents and trying to provide them with effective Computational Logic and natural Language Processing Local folklore http://www.dcs.kcl.ac.uk/research/groups/gllc/ | |
20. NLULP Charles Grant Brown, Gregers Koch (Eds.) natural Language Understanding and Logic Programming, III, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/nlulp/index.html | |
21. LOGIC PROGRAMMING AND NATURAL LANGUAGE We shall uncover a natural alliance between natural language and Logic programming, which was apparent in the beginnings of the latter and is becoming again http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/people/Faculty/veronica/personal/ILPS97/outline.html | |
22. NLULP-02: Natural Language Understanding And Logic Programming NLULP02 natural Language Understanding and Logig Programming. http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly/nlulp02/ | |
23. ScienceDirect - Language & Communication : Logic And Natural Language: On Plural Logic and natural language On plural reference and its semantic and Logical significance, by Hanoch BenYami (Aldershot Ashgate, 2004) http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0271530906000036 | |
24. The Role Of PROLOG (PROgramming And LOGic) In Natural Language Processing. The field of Artificial Intelligence strives to produce computer programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. One of the areas of interest is the processing http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
25. The Non-Boolean Logic Of Natural Language Negation REYES Et Al The NonBoolean Logic of natural Language Negation. MARIE LA PALME REYES*, JOHN MACNAMARA*, GONZALO E. REYES {dagger} and HOUMAN ZOLFAGHARI {dagger} http://philmat.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/2/1/45 |
26. Template.1 Logic and natural Language The Logical tools found at this website can easily How much do we want Logic to imitate the structure of natural language? http://www.stanford.edu/~bobonich/glances ahead/III.logic.language.html | |
27. PC AI - Natural Language Processing From natural Language Processing to Logic for Expert Systems A Logic Based Approach to Artificial Intelligence, Thayse, A. (Ed) (1991) New York, http://www.pcai.com/web/ai_info/natural_lang_proc.html | |
28. Linguistic Agents Ltd.'s Streaming Logic: Smart Talker To ease this interaction, privately held Linguistic Agents Ltd. in Jerusalem developed Streaming Logic, a technology that converts natural language into a http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleTOC&specialRep |
29. UT ML Group: Natural Language Learning Our research in learning for natural language mainly involves applying statistical relational learning, inductive Logic programming, explanationbased http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~ml/publication/nl.html | |
30. Natural Language Processing natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics CLNLP95 Computational Logic for natural Language Processing Workshop on Automata Induction http://www-a2k.is.tokushima-u.ac.jp/member/kita/NLP/nlp.html | |
31. Cambridge Journals Online natural Language Engineering, Netherlands International Law Review, Netherlands Yearbook of Theatre Survey, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming http://www.journals.cup.org/bin/bladerunner?REQUNIQ=101879458 |
32. Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing Lab This course will deal with Computational Logic, natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and theintersections of these three areas. http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~ml/teaching/ws02/lll_en.html | |
33. Natural Language Theory And Technology This uses our Twoway Bridge between Language and Logic to provide a robust, broad-coverage mapping between natural language strings and abstract Knowledge http://www.parc.com/istl/groups/nltt/default.html |
34. The Grammar / Logic Divide « CHAT — Collaborative For Humanities, Art, An But if grammar differs from Logic because of motive  desire for a win state  and game rules, can t code come close to natural language? http://miamichat.wordpress.com/2006/05/15/the-grammar-logic-divide/ | |
35. Linear Logic For Natural Language Mini-colloquium Recent work has shown how a fragment of linear Logic can be used as a metalanguage for building up formal semantic analyses of natural language sentences. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~vdp/meetings/llnl.html | |
36. Computer-based Workstation For Generation Of Logic Diagrams From Natural Languag Since current stateof-the art computers are unable to structure the Logic of natural language, an artificial means for doing so is required. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5617578-description.html | |
37. Metalog - The PNL Interface The goal of the Metalog s PNL ( Pseudo natural Language ) is to define a technology that is the Metalog Logic, and on the other side, the Metalog PNL. http://www.w3.org/RDF/Metalog/docs/pnl.html | |
38. Natural Language Understanding For Capturing And Understanding Business Logic And because it automates business Logic at the press of a button, NLU is an aspect of natural Language Processing, a formal area of computer science http://www.haley.com/brmsoverview/natural_language.html | |
39. COLING: , Default Logic, Natural Language ... Default Logic is then integrated into a theory of natural language semantics, namely Generalized Quantifiers. Finally, properties of interest to the AI http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=991719.991753&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&type=ser |
40. JSTOR The Logic Of Natural Language. The Logic of natural Language. Fred Sommers. Oxford The Clar endon Press, 1982. xvii, 467 p. 19.50, $29.95. In this rich, clever, and courageous book http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-362X(198212)79:12<786:TLONL>2.0.CO;2-8 |
41. [6-9] Natural Language Processing natural Language Processing * ALE (Attribute Logic Engine) is a freeware system written in Prolog that integrates phasestructred parsing, http://www.faqs.org/faqs/ai-faq/general/part6/section-9.html | |
42. A Hypothetical Reasoning Framework For Natural Language Processing We introduce a framework for natural language processing based on linear and intuitionistic assumptions, a new type of Logic grammars (HAGs), http://logic.csci.unt.edu/tarau/research/PapersHTML/lc/art.html | |
43. Blackburn, Patrick: Representation And Inference For Natural Language Firstorder Logic First-order Logic Three inference tasks A first-order model checker First-order Logic and natural language 2. Lambda calculus http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/170862.ctl | |
44. BCIG Links And Resources on fuzzy Logic, soft computing, computing with words, and the newly developed computational theory of perceptions and precisiated natural language. http://www.altum.com/bcig/events/seminars/2007/2007_02.htm | |
45. Episodic Logic And EPILOG Episodic Logic is a knowledge representation developed for use as a semantic theory for natural language understanding. EPILOG is the computational system http://www.cs.rochester.edu/research/epilog/ | |
46. What Are Logic Programming And Prolog? Logic programming with an emphasis on natural language processing (aka grammars). Prolog and natural Language Analysis , Fernando C. N. Pereira and Stuart http://www.biocheminfo.org/moirai/cs_magenta/prolog.html | |
47. Natural Language Speech Recognition | Text To Speech | Natural natural Language Speech Recognition has the ability to adapt to the callers request and make real time adjustments by using built in Logic. http://www.vocalcom.com/voice-recognition.html | |
48. APL2C: Persian Speech And Natural Language Processing Home Page Design and Implementation of a natural Language Shell for Relational Data Bases of Logic and Computation; SCHOLAR, natural Language Processing On Line http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~apl2c/NLP.html | |
49. LINGUIST List 18.3688: General Ling/USA; Computational Ling,Pragmatics/Japan Directory 1. Julia Kuznetsova, Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 17 2. Eric McCready, Logic and Engineering of natural Language Semantics 5 http://linguistlist.org/issues/18/18-3688.html | |
50. Computational Linguistics At CWI ­p; The Logic Of Ambiguity CWI has been involved in a largescale national project on the application of tools from dynamic Logic to natural language understanding, in a European http://www.ercim.org/publication/Ercim_News/enw26/van_eijck.html | |
51. Flairs 06: Natural Language And Knowledge Representation We believe that the natural Language Processing (NLP) and the Knowledge Representation (KR) communities have common goals. They are both concerned with http://users.ox.ac.uk/~lady0641/Flairs06_NL_KR/ | |
52. RealDialog - Intelligent, Natural Language Search, Web Self-Service, Customer Se Through advanced linguistic processing and natural language understanding, it provides them consistent, timely, and accurate information about your products http://www.astutesolutions.com/solutions/products/realdialog.asp | |
53. Nasslli Home Page -- Www.nasslli.com The main focus of NASSLLI is on the interface between linguistics, Logic, They are Mathematics of Language, and Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About http://www.indiana.edu/~nasslli/ | |
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