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1. A Weak Logic Of Knowledge And Belief: Epistemic And Doxastic Logic For The Yuppi Modern modal Logic begins with the work of CI Lewis early on in the present century. We can think of Lewis thinking to himself as follows Well, http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
2. A Computationally Grounded Logic Of Knowledge, Belief And Certainty This paper presents a Logic of knowledge, belief and certainty, which allows us to explicitly express the knowledge, belief and certainty of an agent. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1082473.1082496 |
3. A First-order Logic Of Knowledge And Belief With Identity. II. Part I Scott K. Lehmann, A firstorder Logic of knowledge and belief with identity. I.. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, volume 17, issue 1, (1976), pp. http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.ndjfl/1093887524 | |
4. Three Approaches To Knowledge And Belief This section contrasts the approaches to knowledge and belief characteristic of philosophy, philosophical Logic and artificial intelligence. http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/ailogic/node5.html |
5. JSTOR Knowledge And Belief An Introduction To The Logic Of The BOOK REVIEWS knowledge and belief AN INTRODUCTION TO THE Logic OF THE TWO NOTIONS. By JAAKKO HINTIKKA. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1962. Pp. x, 179. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0031-8108(196507)74:3<381:KABAIT>2.0.CO;2-1 |
6. Oxford Journals | Mathematics & Physical Sciences | Journal Of Logic And Computa Logical issues in Logic programming, knowledgebased systems and automated such as non-monotonic reasoning and systems of knowledge and belief; http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/ | |
7. Truth, Reality, Reason, Philosophy, Essence, Logic, Fact, Knowledge, Understandi Logic Fact Science knowledge Understanding Causality Being Ideals Religion belief, Republic. Would God willingly mask the truth behind appearance and http://www.macroknow.com/books/philosophy/truth.htm | |
8. VFH - Hintikka: Knowledge And Belief In 1962 Jaakko Hintikka published knowledge and belief. An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions with Cornell University Press. http://akira.ruc.dk/~vincent/hintikkaKB.htm | |
9. Knowledge Update, Belief Revision, Conditional Logic, Unawareness, Dynamic Logic In this paper we purport to build a Logic for knowledge, awareness and probabilistic reasoning. We do so in both a nonstartegic and strategic setting, http://www.illc.uva.nl/lgc/events/UMS/ | |
10. CAT.INIST Przymusinski proposed11 AELB, the autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and belief. The AELB Logic is a very powerful and expressive formal system which http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=1823890 |
11. Intersubjective Consistency Of Knowledge And Belief belief closure A semantics of common knowledge for modal propositional Logic, Mathematical Social Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 30(2), pages 127153, October. http://ideas.repec.org/p/fth/caldec/98-03.html | |
12. EPrintsUQ - A Computationally Grounded Logic Of Knowledge, Belief And Certainty Su, Kaile and Sattar, Abdul and Governatori, Guido and Chen, Qingliang (2005) A Computationally Grounded Logic of knowledge, belief and Certainty. http://eprint.uq.edu.au/archive/00002328/ | |
13. Griffith University | Griffith Research Online | Details For Item "A Computation Details for item A computationally grounded Logic of knowledge, belief and Title, A computationally grounded Logic of knowledge, belief and certainty http://www98.griffith.edu.au/dspace/handle/10072/2669 | |
14. Knowledge Contributors - Logic Journals, Books & Online Media | Springer knowledge Contributors Logic. In the late 1950 s and early 1960 s seminal works on the Logic of knowledge and belief were published by notably von Wright http://www.springer.com/prod/b/1-4020-1748-0?referer=www.wkap.nl |
15. A Logic Of Knowledge And Belief For Recursive Modeling: A Preliminary Report A Logic of knowledge and belief for Recursive Modeling A Preliminary Report. Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Edmund H. Durfee. Journal Title National Conference http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/show?doc=dbl/aaaiai/1992__628_ALOKAB.htm&query=recurs |
16. DBLP: Rohit Parikh 39, Rohit Parikh Propositions, Propositional Attitudes and belief Revision. 20, Rohit Parikh Logics of knowledge, Games and Dynamic Logic. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/p/Parikh:Rohit.html | |
17. Theories And Metaphors Of Cyberspace- Abstracts On the other hand distributed systems can be modelled through multiagent modal Logic of knowledge and belief (Halpern and Moses 1992, Halpern 1986, http://pcp.lanl.gov/Cybspasy/PCamargo.html | |
18. Publication Search Results Israel, D. J. A Weak Logic of knowledge and belief Epistemic and Doxastic Logic for the Yuppie Generation, Technical Report 359. SRI, Menlo Park, Sep 1985. http://www.ai.sri.com/pubs/search.php?id=9 |
19. Knowledge And Belief: An Introduction To The Logic Of The Two Notions. - HINTIKK knowledge and belief An introduction to the Logic of the two notions.; HINTIKKA JAAKKO. Offered by Book Gallery, Jerusalem. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bkgall/V_1014_42.shtml | |
20. Knowledge, Belief, And Character: Can an agentÂs belief constitute knowledge if its truth was in fact a matter of by its very Logic, attribute knowledge and justified belief whenever http://www.scsr.nevada.edu/~axtell/introduction.html | |
21. Knowledge Contributors Is Available From Bestprices.com Books! In the late 1950 s and early 1960 s seminal works on the Logic of knowledge and belief were published by notably von Wright and Hintikka....... http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/1402017472.html | |
22. Epistemic Logic For AI And Computer Science - Cambridge University Basics the modal approach to knowledge; 3. Various notions of knowledge and belief; 4. knowledge and ignorance; 5. Default reasoning by epistemic Logic; http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521602808 |
23. Belief, Knowledge, Revisions, And A Semantics Of Non-Monotonic Reasoning Przymusinski s Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and belief is a unifying framework for various nonmonotonic formalisms. http://nsdl.org/resource/2200/20061012121309838T | |
24. A Class Of Stratified Programs In Autoepistemic Logic Of Knowledge dctitle, A Class of Stratified Programs in Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and belief. rdftype, dblpInProceedings. rdftype, foafDocument http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/conf/ismis/Chen99 |
25. British Library Direct: Order Details Logic of knowledge goes back to HintikkaÃÃÃs work knowledge and belief Hintikka, J. 1962, knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two http://direct.bl.uk/research/1F/53/RN186363930.html | |
26. Avoiding Omnidoxasticity In Logics Of Belief: A Reply To MacPherson - ECS EPrint Hintikka, J. {\em knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic. of the Two Notions}, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1962. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/4157/ | |
27. Knowledge And Belief, An Introduction To The Logic Of Two Notions. , Jaakko Hint knowledge and belief, an Introduction to the Logic of Two Notions. (Book) Hintikka, Jaakko. Publisher Information Ithaca, NY Cornell University Press, http://www.booksmemories.com/cgi-bin/bgm/22095 | |
28. Powell's Books - Knowledge And Belief - An Introduction To The Logic Of The Two knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions by Jaakko Hintikka Prepared by Vincent F. Hendricks John Symons In 1962 Jaakko http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?partner_id=719&cgi=product&isbn=190498708 |
29. A Class Of Stratified Programs In Autoepistemic Logic Of Knowledge A Class of Stratified Programs in Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and belief. Resource URI http//dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/conf/ismis/Chen99 http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/conf/ismis/Chen99 |
30. What Is Teh Difference Between Knowledge And Belief? I´ ve showed my perspective using Logic, and reason, but you just said that faith . knowledge and belief work 50/50 of each other. Like I said before, http://www.killermovies.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-367398-what-is-teh-differ | |
31. SSRN-Interactive Epistemology II: Probability By Robert Aumann Formal Interactive Epistemology deals with the Logic of knowledge and belief when there is more than one agent or player. One is interested not only in http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=176566 |
32. Syverson, Paul F.: Logic, Convention, And Common Knowledge 3. Conventions 4. Common knowledge and Coordination 5. Conventional knowledge and belief 6. The Origins of Mutual Understanding 7. A Logic of Familiarity http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/15470.ctl | |
33. ODOBS - Publication Page: A Logic Of Knowledge And Belief For Reasoning About Co A Logic of knowledge and belief for Reasoning about Computer Security. Authors. Louise E. MOSER. Year, 1989. Booktitle, CSFW. Pages, 4763. http://lupus.cs.uni-dortmund.de:8080/odobs/publication;jsessionid=D0EC87830EC1B7 |
34. Lorentz Center - Games, Action And Social Software From 30 Oct I analyze such situations using a Logic of knowledge and conditional beliefs, initially developed in order to incorporate an AGMtype belief-revision http://lc.leidenuniv.nl/lc/web/2006/235/abstracts.php3?wsid=235&type=presentatio |
35. Buy.com - Knowledge And Belief - An Introduction To The Logic Of The Two Notions knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions Jaakko Hintikka ISBN 9781904987086 Book. http://www.buy.com/prod/knowledge-and-belief-an-introduction-to-the-logic-of-the | |
36. OTRSS/GO!/KnowBel The basic difference between knowledge and belief is that knowledge systems . a Game Rule of Aristotelian Logic; ALL PROPOSITIONS ARE TRUE IN SOME SENSE, http://sonic.net/~ric/go/knowbel.htm | |
37. Ralph Slaght Teaches Difference Between Knowledge And Belief Ralph Slaght reviews steps to solve a problem in Logic with Elizabeth Cassidy 05, . Publications Is Justified True belief knowledge? http://www.lafayette.edu/news.php/view/2182 | |
38. Modern China -- Sign In Page Distinguishing Truth, knowledge, and belief . 152278 in Tarski, Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics Papers from 1923 to 1938. Ed. John Corcoran. http://mcx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/30/3/398 | |
39. AI Group Research Topics Before the start of the 20th century, Logic as a research field had its home epistemic Logic (the Logic of knowledge), and belief and knowledge change. http://www.cs.otago.ac.nz/research/ai/applied-logic.html | |
40. Belief And KnowledgeÂa Plea About Language - Physics Today January belief and knowledge. For most people a belief is an article of faith, a chain of Logic and inference supported by cumulative but not direct evidence. http://www.physicstoday.org/vol-60/iss-1/8_1.html | |
41. Knowledge And Belief: An Introduction To The Logic Of The Two Notions:9781904987 knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions1904987087Hintikka, Jaakko; Hendricks, Vincent F.; Symons, John for $29.70 at http://www.ecampus.com/map/1904987087 | |
42. A Logic Of Implicit And Explicit Belief A Logic of Implicit and Explicit belief. Hector J. Levesque. As part of an ongoing project to understand the foundations of knowledge Representation, http://www.aaai.org/Library/AAAI/1984/aaai84-038.php | |
43. THE PASS BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF The surprising thing is that this passage between belief and knowledge . The pass will have to report on the Logic of this thought which was there where http://www.londonsociety-nls.org.uk/Gueguan_pass.htm | |
44. Armed-combat.com: ... knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions. Authors Jaakko Hintikka, Vincent F. Hendricks, John Symons. List Price $22.00 http://www.armed-combat.com/item.htm?asin=1904987087 |
45. SFU Philosophy: Courses An examination of one or more topics such as philosophical Logic; deontic Logic; the Logic of knowledge and belief; the Logic of preference; tense Logics; http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/courses1081.htm | |
46. Home Page Of Dr. Jianhua Chen J. Chen, A Class of Stratified Programs in Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and belief, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Methodologies for http://www.csc.lsu.edu/~jianhua/jianhua.html | |
47. 03Bxx 03B40 Combinatory Logic and lambdacalculus See also 68N18; 03B42 Logic of knowledge and belief; 03B44 Temporal Logic; 03B45 Modal Logic {For http://www.ams.org/msc/03Bxx.html | |
48. Buyback Prices On 1904987087: Knowledge And Belief - An Introduction To The Logi Buyback knowledge and belief An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions by John Symons 1904987087. http://www.directtextbook.com/buyback/1904987087 | |
49. IngentaConnect Autoepistemic Logic Of Knowledge And Beliefs The new formalism, called the Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and Beliefs, AELB, is obtained by augmenting Moore s autoepistemic Logic, AEL, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/00043702/1997/00000095/00000001/art000 |
50. Epistemic Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Epistemic Logic also deals with belief, not just knowledge. The basic modal operator is usually written B instead of K. In this case though, the knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemic_logic | |
51. Knowledge, Games And Beliefs: Seminar 6/12/04 Workshop on New Results in Logics of knowledge and Beliefs . 6/10/04 Samer Salame, GC, First order classical modal Logic. 5/5/04 Noson Yanofsky, http://web.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~kgb/seminar.html | |
52. Objective Knowledge By Karl Popper Objective knowledge. A Realist View of Logic, Physics, and History (1966) because I do not want to put beliefs into Logic, for wellknown reasons. http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/at/popper.htm | |
53. Resolution Based Theorem Proving For Temporal Logics Of Knowledge And Belief Wit The first involves a translation into a combination of the branchingtime temporal Logic (CTL) with knowledge or belief. The second requires direct http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~clare/projects/tlkbi/tlkbifinal.html | |
54. Abstract This article contains an extensive survey of the Autoepistemic Logic of knowledge and Beliefs, AELB, a simple and yet powerful nonmonotonic knowledge http://www.maik.ru/cgi-bin/search.pl?type=abstract&name=procom&number=1&year=98& |
55. Ron Van Der Meyden ARC Small Grant 2000 Compositional Abstraction for model checking distributed systems designs using the Logic of knowledge and time. http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden/ | |
56. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Applied Logic : A Consistency-based Framework For Mer Journal of Applied Logic Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2007, Pages 459477 the various knowledge bases, belief sources, etc. in distinct languages, http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1570868306000061 | |
57. Halpern Should knowledge entail belief? Journal of Philosophical Logic, 255, pp. 483494, October 1996. Common knowledge now you have it, now you don t. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/faculty/annual_reports/halpern.htm | |
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