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1. BOOK: Logic In Computer Science Logic in computer science modelling and reasoning about systems. Michael Huth and Mark Ryan; 427 pages (2nd edition). http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/lics/ | |
2. COMP 409: Logic In Computer Science Logic has been called the calculus of computer science . The argument is that Logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, similar to that played by http://www.cs.rice.edu/~vardi/comp409/ | |
3. BOOK: Logic In Computer Science Logic in computer science Modelling and reasoning about systems. Michael Huth and Mark Ryan. This book s web site has moved to here. http://people.cis.ksu.edu/~huth/lics/ | |
4. Jean Gallier's Home Page For Logic Book In Logic and computer science, Odifreddi, editor, Academic Press, Kripke Models and the (in)equational Logic of the secondorder lambda-Calculus http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~jean/gbooks/logic.html | |
5. Logic In Computer Science - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Logic in computer science describes topics where Logic is applied to computer science and artificial intelligence. These include http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logic_in_computer_science | |
6. LICS â IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science IEEE Symposium on Logic in computer science an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to Logic in a http://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/ | |
7. IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science www.belllabs.com/topic/conferences/lics/ - http://www.bell-labs.com/topic/conferences/lics/ | |
8. Computer Science Logic 2005 (CSL '05) computer science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for computer science Logic (EACSL). The conference series started as a http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/conferences/CSL05/ | |
9. Logic For Computer Science There are many reasons why a computer scientist should need to study Logic. Not only has it historically formed the roots of computer science, both Church s http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~stever/LCS.html | |
10. IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science (OLD) IEEE Symposium on Logic in computer science (OLD). The LICS page has moved from this location. Please update any links, using the URL http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/~als/lics | |
11. Linear Logic In Computer Science TMR Network LINEAR Logic IN computer science. TMR network. The LINEAR research network action is part of the european Training and Mobility for Researchers programme. http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/ldp/LINEAR/ |
13. Linear Logic In Computer Science - Cambridge University Press The book derives from a summer school that was the climax of the EU Training and Mobility of Researchers project ÂLinear Logic in computer scienceÂ. http://www.cambridge.org/0521608570 | |
14. Deon'06 Homepage This is the homepage of the eighth workshop on deontic Logic in computer science. http://www.cs.uu.nl/deon2006/ | |
15. LOGIC FOR MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Logic for Mathematics and computer science. Stanley N. Burris PMath 330, Introduction to Logic Interactive Logic Programs (Advanced Version) http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~snburris/htdocs/lmcs.html | |
16. 2001 IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science IEEE Symposium on Logic in computer science. Boston, MA, USA; 1619 June 2001. http://www.cs.bu.edu/faculty/mairson/LICS01/index.html | |
17. LICS 2005 The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical topics in computer science that relate to Logic in a broad sense. http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/als/lics/lics05/ | |
18. FLoC '02 - LICS IEEE Symposium on Logic in computer science. Copenhagen, Denmark; 2225 July 2002. http://floc02.diku.dk/LICS/ | |
19. PhD Programme Logic In Computer Science The PhD programme Logic in computer science exists since April 1st, 1997, and is a joint venture between the LudwigMaximilians-Universität München and the http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~gkli/welcome_e.html | |
20. TCS - Studies - T-79.144 Logic In Computer Science: Foundations This is an introductory course on Logic and its applications in computer science. Subjects covered propositional Logic, predicate Logic, http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Studies/T-79.144/ | |
21. UWTV Program Logic In Computer Science During the past thirty years there has been extensive interaction between Logic and computer science. The argument is that Logic plays a fundamental role in http://www.uwtv.org/programs/displayevent.aspx?rID=2883 |
22. Symposium On The Effectiveness Of Logic In Computer Science (ELICS02) And as the invited talks at the symposium will give overviews of several theoretical and practical areas in computer science that relate to Logic in a broad http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/conferences/elics02/ | |
23. EACSL European Association for computer science Logic. Newsletter, meetings, index to conference proceedings, membership list. http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~eacsl/ | |
24. OUP: UK General Catalogue Handbook of Logic in computer science Volume 5. Algebraic and Logical Structures. Edited by S. Abramsky, Dov M. Gabbay, and T. S. E. Maibaum http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-853781-6 | |
25. DEON'2000 Fifth International Workshop on Deontic Logic in computer science. (DEON 00). Salle du Senechal, 17 rue de Remusat. Toulouse, France. 2022 January, 2000 http://www.cert.fr/deon00/ | |
26. DBLP Bibliography computer science BIBLIOGRAPHY. UNIVERSITÃT TRIER IFIP; Books Collections DB Textbooks By Subject Database Systems, Logic Prog., IR, . http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/index.html | |
27. LICS 2006 TwentyFirst Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic IN computer science (LICS 2006) August 12th-15th, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/lics/lics06/ | |
28. Logic In Computer Science Logic in computer science. Home Contact Information Course Information Syllabus Tutorial Latex Sources http://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall03/G22.3033-002/index.htm |
29. Logic And Computer Science Semester At Tel-Aviv INTERNATIONAL Logic AND computer science SEMESTER AT TELAVIV. March-May 2004 Arnon Avron (Logic and Computation Program Chair) aa@tau.ac.il http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~nachumd/semester.html | |
30. Mathematical Logic For Computer Science Traditionally, they concentrate on calculus, linear algebra and differential equations, but in computer science and engineering, Logic, combinatorics and http://stwww.weizmann.ac.il/g-cs/benari/books/ml2.html | |
31. CSL07 16th EACSL Annual Conference on computer science and Logic 1115 September 2007. Lausanne, Switzerland. Foto © LT/Muris Camo http://www2.unil.ch/csl07/ | |
32. DEON'08 Ninth International Conference on Deontic Logic in computer science (DEON 08). Luxembourg, 15Â18 July, 2008. Call for Papers NORMAS workshop Registration http://deon2008.uni.lu/ | |
33. Mathematical Logic For Computer Science - Mathematical Logic And Formal Lang...J Mathematical Logic for computer science Foundations of Computing. Mathematical Logic for computer science is a mathematics textbook with theorems and http://www.springer.com/1-85233-319-7 | |
34. CSL'01 Annual Conference of the European Association for computer science Logic. Paris, France; 1013 September 2001. http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/csl01/ |
35. DBLP Computer Science Bibliography Initially the server was focused on DataBase systems and Logic Programming now it is gradually being expanded toward other fields of computer science. http://dblp.uni-trier.de/ | |
36. Computer Science For Fun - Cs4fn: Kakuro, Sudoko, Logic And Computer Science Kakuro, Logic and computer science. To be a good computer scientist you have to enjoy problem solving. That is what it s all about working out the best way http://www.cs4fn.org/logic/kakuro/kakuro.html | |
37. Research Group For Theoretical Computer Science And Logic - TIL Research Group for Theoretical computer science and Logic, Last modified 200510-21 1443, Feedback Webmaster Institute of computer science and Applied http://www.iam.unibe.ch/til | |
38. CSL/KGC'03 - Welcome And News computer science Logic and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium. Welcome and News. Welcome and News European Association for computer science Logic. News http://www.logic.at/csl03/ | |
39. Theoretical Philosophy Colloquium - Program Department of Logic, Charles University, Prague. Modal Logic in computer science. I will discuss current situation in a computer science oriented approaches http://philosophy.elte.hu/tpf/2007/June/ | |
40. Front: Cs.LO Logic In Computer Science Mathematical Structures in computer science 16 (5) (2006) 813840. cs.LO (cs.GT math.LO). arXiv0712.1345 Sequential operators in computability Logic. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/cs.LO | |
41. DAT060 Logic In Computer Science - 2007 The goal of the course is to present the fundamental basic notions of Logic that are important in computer science. One presents propositional and predicate http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~coquand/LOGIC/logic.html | |
42. CSR 2006: Photos International computer science Symposium in Russia. Saint Petersburg, Russia; 8Â12 June 2006. http://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/~csr2006/ | |
43. FORK ALGEBRAS IN ALGEBRA, LOGIC AND COMPUTER SCIENCE FORK ALGEBRAS IN ALGEBRA, Logic AND computer science. http://www.worldscibooks.com/compsci/4899.html | |
44. Applied Logic For Computer Science Mathematical Logic for computer science , World Scientific, 1989. S.Burris. Logic for mathematics and computer science , Prentice Hall, 1998. K.Rosen. http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~lila/209.html | |
45. On The Unusual Effectiveness Of Logic In Computer Science | Lambda The Ultimate In 2001, Moshe Vardi organised a workshop devoted to a the topic of The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in computer science with papers presented covering http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/646 | |
46. Theoretical Computer Science - Elsevier Theoretical computer science is mathematical and abstract in spirit, All papers introducing or studying mathematical, Logic and formal concepts and http://www.elsevier.com/locate/tcs | |
47. Ellibs Bookstore Handbook Of Logic In Computer Science. Volume 5 Title, Handbook of Logic in computer science. Volume 5, Logic and Algebraic Methods. Author, Abramsky, S. (ed.); Gabbay, Dov. M. (ed.); Maibaum, T.S.E. (ed. http://bookstore.ellibs.com/book/0-19-853781-6 |
48. Introduction To Logic In Computer Science: Autumn 2007 This course provides an introduction to Logic in computer science, covering topics such as automated reasoning, Logic programming, and complexity theory. http://staff.science.uva.nl/~ulle/teaching/ilcs/ | |
49. Logic In Computer Science - Cambridge University Press This is an excellent textbook on Logic and formal methods which is very suitable for computer science students not only to be recommended for students, http://uk.cambridge.org/computerscience/huth/ | |
50. Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series And Logic Begat computer science When The argument is that Logic plays a fundamental role in computer science, http://www.qmul.ac.uk/events/public_show.php?id=409 |
51. K-Gray Engineering Pathway Digital Library - Engineering Education Wing Of The N , A selection of multiplechoice questions with answers have been prepared for each chapter of the textbook - Logic in computer science....... http://www.engineeringpathway.com/ep/learning_resource/summary/?&id=4D721E37-D98 |
52. Institute For Theoretical Computer Science â Logic Huth, Ryan Logic in computer science, Cambridge University Press, 2004. Monin Understanding Formal Methods, Springer 2003. Wiki, Wiki of the course »Logic http://www.tcs.uni-luebeck.de/en/lehre/2007-ws/logik/ | |
53. Bibliographies On Theory/Foundations Of Computer Science 672, Bibliography of the International Journal of Foundations of computer science, (2006). 669, Bibliography on Logic (especially with respect to http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Theory/index.html | |
54. Oxford University Press: Handbook Of Logic In Computer Science: S. Abramsky The Handbook of Logic in computer science is a multivolume work covering all the major areas of application of Logic to theoretical computer science. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ComputerScience/?view=usa&ci=97801 |
55. CS2142 Logic In Computer Science (2006) CS2142 Logic in computer science (2006). Announcement. Results and solutions to Assignment 4 are available now. If you have questions related to the http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~korovink/cs2142/ | |
56. (D. S. Bridges, C. Calude, M. J. Dinneen, B. Khoussainov) Logic In Computer Scie Logic in computer science. D. S. Bridges (Department of Mathematics, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand) douglas@waikato.ac.nz http://www.jucs.org/jucs_3_11/logic_in_computer_science | |
57. CS 482 - Logic For Computer Science Our main textbook is Logic IN computer science MODELLING AND REASONING ABOUT SYSTEMS, by M.R.A. Huth M.D. Ryan. Also there is this extraordinary book http://www.cs.bilkent.edu.tr/~akman/courses/cs482.html | |
58. The Logical Foundations Of Computer Science And Mathematics The Logical Foundations of computer science and Mathematics Tar file of this material Logic.tgz (may not be upto date). Supplementary material http://cs.wwc.edu/KU/Logic/ |
59. Gurevich: Books Logic in computer science chapter (pages 95312) in book The results and methods employed are used in Logic, computer science and artifical http://research.microsoft.com/~gurevich/Books/books.html | |
60. Logic In Computer Science; Proceedings | SciTech Book News | Find Articles At BN Logic in computer science; proceedings from SciTech Book News in Reference provided free by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QLT/is_2007_Sept/ai_n20511273 | |
61. Logic For Computer Science - Foundations Of Automatic Theorem Proving | FreeTech An introduction to mathematical Logic, with an emphasis on proof theory and procedures for constructing formal proofs of formulae algorithmically. http://www.freetechbooks.com/about348.html | |
62. Logic Bomb (computer Science) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Logic bomb (computer science). Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles. A selection of articles discussing this topic. http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-741892/logic-bomb | |
63. Logic In Computer Science Logic in computer science. Assignments and Exercises. There will be no more assessed exercised. You should try to solve the following exercises from the http://www.voronkov.com/lics/ |
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