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1. Noncommutative Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The oldest noncommutative logic is the Lambek calculus, which gave rise to the class of logics known as categorial grammars. Since the publication of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordered_logic | |
2. A Coq Toolkit For Lambek Calculus Interested users can find more details about this library in the INRIA research report titled Logical Toolkit for Lambek Calculus Files contents http://coq.inria.fr/contribs/Lambek-Calculus.html | |
3. IngentaConnect The Pentus Theorem For Lambek Calculus With Simple Nonlogical Axi The Lambek calculus introduced in Lambek 6 is a strengthening of the type reduction calculus of Ajdukiewicz 1. We study Associative Lambek Calculus L in http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/stud/2005/00000081/00000001/00002801 | |
4. Makoto Kanazawa Johan gave me a list of about 10 open problems; the recognizing power of the Lambek calculus with additional connectives was one. http://www.illc.uva.nl/j50/contribs/kanazawa/index.html | |
5. Preliminaries To The Lambek Calculus Some preliminary facts concerning completeness and decidability problems for the Lambek Calculus 14 are proved as well as some theses and derived rules of http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~piotr/Mizar/mirror/htdocs/JFM/Vol3/prelamb.html | |
6. On Reduction Systems Equivalent To The Non-associative Lambek Calculus With The The article concludes a series of results on cutrule axiomatizability of the Lambek calculus. It is proved that the non-associative product-free Lambek http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/exl041v1 | |
7. JSTOR Product-Free Lambek Calculus And Context-Free Grammars In this paper we prove the Chomsky Conjecture (all languages recognized by the Lambek calculus are contextfree) for both the full Lambek calculus and its http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(199706)62:2<648:PLCACG>2.0.CO;2-F |
8. Lambek Calculus@Everything2.com lambada calculus, lojban, Knights of the Lambda Calculus, Forum 2000. Joachim Lambek, Timerio, Reversal of Man, symbolic logic http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=745938 |
9. Relational Semantics And A Relational Proof System For Full Lambek In this paper we give relational semantics and an accompanying relational proof theory for full Lambek calculus (a sequent calculus which we denote by FL). http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.jsl/1183745525 | |
10. A Sign-Based Extension To The Lambek Calculus For Discontinuous This paper takes as its starting point the work of Moortgat (1991) and aims to provide a linguisticallymotivated extension to the basic Lambek calculus http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/3/4/555 |
11. Title_page Linear Logic; Proof Nets; Categorial Grammar; Lambek linear logic; proof nets; categorial grammar; Lambek calculus; substructural logic; multiplicative linear; intuitionistic linear; linear type; linear lambda http://cs-structure.inr.ac.ru/cs-bin/theme2.py?level=1&index1=6132 |
12. Lambek Calculus A pure Lambek Calculus for categorial grammar is a Gentzen sequent system lacking all of the structural rules like associativity, interchange, contraction, http://philo.at/phlo/199704/msg00152.html | |
13. Proof Nets And Roorda's Thesis This shows an embedding of Lambek Calculus into Modal Logic. My personal research interest is on Lambek Calculus and Modal Logic. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types/archives/1991/msg00099.html | |
14. Abstract Of A `Natural Logic Inference System Using The Lambek The system that we propose is based on the Lambek calculus and works directly on the CurryHoward counterparts for syntactic representations of natural http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~winter/papers/natlog-lambek.abs.html | |
15. Studia Logica, Volume 71 355388 BibTeX Wendy MacCaull, Ewa Orlowska Correspondence Results for Relational Proof Systems with Application to the Lambek Calculus. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/sLogica/sLogica71.html | |
16. Small Workshop On DEEP INFERENCE Grishin interactions for the symmetric Lambek calculus; 12.30 14 Lunch; 14 - 14.45 Richard McKinley (Bern University, Switzerland) http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~eleph/swodi.html | |
17. CiteULike: A Dialectica Model Of The Lambek Calculus A Dialectica Model of the Lambek Calculus lextensiva linear logic logical modal nets own petri predicates proofnets review semantics sequentcalculus http://www.citeulike.org/user/vcvpaiva/article/401382 | |
18. Jørgen Villadsen - Course Proposal: Semantics and Grammar Fragments Exercises 2 Simply Typed lCalculus 2.1 Simple Types Postulates Exercises 5 The Lambek Calculus 5.1 Lambek s Sequent Calculus http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~jv/semantics/ | |
19. British Library Direct: Order Details Order from the British Library From Proof Trees in Lambek Calculus to Ajdukiewicz BarHillel Elimination Binary Trees. http://direct.bl.uk/research/5F/46/RN134177185.html | |
20. Logic And Linguistics Title Parsing Lambek calculus using partial composition Abstract A proof of Lambek calculus or cyclic linear logic can be seen as a planar proofnet. http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/~mrd/linguistic_page.html | |
21. Proof Nets For The Multimodal Lambek Calculus - Puite, Moot (ResearchIndex) Ion of Gamma Let us call a sequence Sigma of formulas aC sequence if, for some Gamma such that hh Gammaii Sigma, the sequent Gamma C is derivable. http://citeseer.comp.nus.edu.sg/195896.html | |
22. Re Lambek Calculus To phillogic@bucknell.edu; Subject Re Lambek Calculus Prev by Date Lambek Calculus; Next by Date Re Hierarchical Multimodal Logics http://hhobel.phl.univie.ac.at/phlo/199704/msg00171.html |
23. Lambek-Calculus With General Elimination Rules And Continuation Semantics LambekCalculus with General Elimination Rules and Continuation Semantics. Nissim Francez. Journal Title Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/dbl/laclla/2005__101_LWGERA.htm | |
24. Re: Introduction To Lambek-Calculus Oops, sorry for my ignorance of Lambek calculus. Prev by Date Re Introduction to LambekCalculus; Next by Date Re Introduction to Lambek-Calculus http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.logic/2005-08/msg00227.html | |
25. How Forum 2000 Works Lambek Calculus is a structurally free logic which gives a good formal model for natural language understanding and generation. In a Lambek system, http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/andrej/www/quadratic.html | |
26. That Logic Blog: Linguistic Tricks Forever more, the system presented in that paper has been known as Lambek Calculus. If you are familiar with Sequent calculus, Lambek Calculus fits in like http://thatlogicblog.blogspot.com/2005/05/linguistic-tricks.html | |
27. How Forum 2010 Works Connectionist Approach to Derivations in Lambek Calculi. Lambek Calculus is a structurally free logic which gives a good formal model for natural language http://forum2010.org/f2010overview.html | |
28. LISTSERV 14.4 and Construction of Arabic Nissim Francez `LambekCalculus with General Hermann Haeusler `On the Selective Lambek Calculus Areski Nait Abdallah, http://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0504&L=ln&P=9155 |
29. Substructural Logics (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) R differs from linear logic and the Lambek calculus in having a For logics like as the Lambek calculus, the interpretation of the semantics is http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-substructural/ | |
30. Formal Grammar Buszkowski (2005) showed that all Nonassociative Lambek Calculus with finitely many nonlogical axioms are decidable in polynomial time and generate http://cs.haifa.ac.il/~shuly/fg06/program.html | |
31. Conference (November, 2004) The talk by Mati Pentus (Moscow State University) Algorithmic complexity of the Lambek syntactic calculus gave an overview of modern state of art in http://www.mccme.ru/lifr/cfs/cfnov04.htm | |
32. Studia Logica An International Journal For Symbolic Logic, 2002; 71 (3) Classical Conservative Extensions of Lambek Calculus / Abrusci, V Michele, 277314 Classical Non-Associative Lambek Calculus / de Groote, http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/compludoc/W/10210/00393215_1.htm | |
33. Student Publications Huang, D. Stott Parker, ``A Study of Variants of the Lambek Calculus and an The Lambek Calculus was proposed as a syntactic calculus of expressions of http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~stott/spub/ | |
34. Abstracts Of Talks The approach of categorial grammar is firstly introduced, as well as a specific categorial system, the (productfree) Lambek calculus. http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/research/projects/xslam/dagstuhl/abstracts.html | |
35. Baztech Informacja O Publikacji Streszczenie angielskie We introduce the notion of derived tree corresponding with a derivation in the nonassociative Lambek calculus with product, http://baztech.icm.edu.pl/baztech/cgi-bin/btgetdoc.cgi?BUS2-0004-0118 |
36. INRIA :: [inria-00186911, Version 1] Proof Nets For Display Logic It concludes with an exploration of the generative capacity of the LambekGrishin calculus, presenting an embedding of lexicalized tree adjoining grammars http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00186911/en/ | |
37. EULER Record Details Undecidable varieties of semilatticeordered semigroups, of Boolean algebras with operators, and logics extending Lambek calculus. http://www.emis.de/projects/EULER/detail?ide=1993kuruundevarisemi&matchno=117&ma |
38. Glyn Morrill Morrill, Fadda and ValentÃn 2007 ` Nondeterministic Discontinuous Lambek Calculus , in Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computational http://www.lsi.upc.es/~morrill/ | |
39. ICCL Workshop - Proof Theory 2004 The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of passing to GErules in the (associative) Lambek-calculus L, the heart of Type-Logical Grammar http://www.computational-logic.org/iccl/events/WPT-2004/ | |
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