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1. Intuitionistic Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Intuitionistic logic, or constructivist logic, is the symbolic logic system originally developed by Arend Heyting to provide a formal basis for Brouwer s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intuitionistic_logic | |
2. Intuitionistic Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Intuitionistic logic encompasses the principles of logical reasoning which were used by L. E. J. Brouwer in developing his Intuitionistic mathematics, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-intuitionistic/ | |
3. Intuitionistic Logic A very concise introduction to the subject. Includes overview of the syntax, Kripke models, analytic tableau, natural deduction. http://cs.wwc.edu/KU/Logic/Intuitionistic.html |
4. Intuitionistic Logic -- From Wolfram MathWorld A very brief overview of the subject by Alex Sakharov from MathWorld. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IntuitionisticLogic.html | |
5. Good Math Has Moved To Syntactically, Intuitionistic logic looks the same as first order predicate logic. In Intuitionistic logic, a statement is only true if there is a proof http://goodmath.blogspot.com/2006/05/logic-fun-intuitionistic-logic.html | |
6. Some Benchmark Formulae For Intuitionistic Propositional Logic Our purpose here is to apply the same method to develop a benchmark suite for Intuitionistic propositional logic, providing data that will allow a rough http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~rd/logic/marks.html | |
7. LogBlog: Skolemization In Intuitionistic Logic | Richard Zach | Philosophy | Uni On the Skolemization of existential quantifiers in Intuitionistic logic. Annals of Pure and Applied logic 142 (2006) 269295. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/logblog/2007/07/skolemization-in-intuitionistic-lo | |
8. Wadler: Linear Logic Two different operational interpretations of Intuitionistic linear logic have been Girard described two translations of Intuitionistic logic into linear http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/linear-logic.html | |
9. Foundations Of Mathematics :: Intuitionistic Logic --Â Britannica Online Encycl Britannica online encyclopedia article on foundations of mathematics, Intuitionistic logic The Dutch mathematician LEJ Brouwer (18811966) in the early 20th http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-35457/foundations-of-mathematics |
10. An Afternoon On Intuitionistic Logic I will present a concrete enumeration of the nonderivable, admissible rules of Intuitionistic propositional logic (IPC), along with semantic criterions. http://staff.science.uva.nl/~gfontain/ipc/ | |
11. COMPUTABILITY LOGIC Homepage One of the main so far rather abstract intuitions associated with Intuitionistic logic is that it must be a logic of problems (Kolmogorov 1932); http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html | |
12. [0708.2252] Focusing And Polarization In Intuitionistic Logic We present a new, focused proof system for Intuitionistic logic, called LJF, and show how other proof systems can be mapped into the new system by inserting http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2252 | |
13. Median Logic Intuitionistic logic has disjunction and existence properties and thus constructive proofs Whereas supersets of median logic are less Intuitionistic, http://sakharov.net/median.html | |
14. Explicit Provability: The Intended Semantics For Intuitionistic And Modal Logic Abstract The intended meaning of Intuitionistic logic is given by the BrouwerHeyting-Kolmogorov (BHK) semantics which informally defines Intuitionistic http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
15. A Hybrid Intuitionistic Logic: Semantics And Decidability - ECS EPrints Reposito Chadha, R., Macedonio, D. and Sassone, V. (2006) A Hybrid Intuitionistic logic Semantics and Decidability. Journal of logic and Computation, 16 (1). pp. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11850/ | |
16. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Applied Logic : A General Method For Proving Decidabi Intuitionistic modal logic is simply a modal logic with Intuitionistic, in Intuitionistic logic. The following clauses are encountered in the literature http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1570868305000431 | |
17. ILTP Library - Benchmarking Theorem Provers For Intuitionistic Logic The Intuitionistic logic Theorem Proving (ILTP) library provides a platform for testing and benchmarking automated theorem proving (ATP) systems for http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/ti/iltp/ | |
18. DI & CoS - Classical And Intuitionistic Logic This paper presents systems for firstorder Intuitionistic logic and several of its extensions in which all the propositional rules are local, http://alessio.guglielmi.name/res/cos/CL/index.html | |
19. Intuitionistic Logic Intuitionistic logic. logic, mathematics Brouwer s foundational theory of mathematics which says that you should not count a proof of (There exists x such http://burks.brighton.ac.uk/burks/foldoc/80/59.htm | |
20. American Plan For Intuitionistic Logic 2 Generalized Kripke the analysis of consequence in Intuitionistic logic. On the basis of falsity we generalize Kripkesemantics for Intuitionistic logic and http://logic.ru/en/node/342 |
21. IngentaConnect The Pleasures Of Anticipation: Enriching Intuitionistic Logic B. We are especially interested in the case in which the logic is Intuitionistic (propositional) logic and are much concerned with an extension of that http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/logi/2001/00000030/00000005/00358074 | |
22. On Proof Realization Of Intuitionistic Logic - Storming Media In 1933 Godel Introduced an axiomatic system, currently known as S4, for a logic of an absolute provability. The problem of finding a fair probability model http://www.stormingmedia.us/50/5034/A503443.html | |
23. SICS Publications Database - Logic Programming And The Intuitionistic Sequent Ca The report contains some basic logical results and observations relevant to the use of Intuitionistic logic as a programming language. http://eprints.sics.se/2546/ | |
24. Reverse Mathematics And Completeness Theorems For Intuitionistic Logic In this paper, we investigate the logical strength of completeness theorems for Intuitionistic logic along the program of reverse mathematics. http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.ndjfl/1063372197 | |
25. JSTOR Intuitionistic Logic. Dialogues as a foundation for Intuitionistic logic. Ibid., pp. 341372. Intuitionism was born in Brouwer s dissertation of 1907 (1551); but, http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(199206)57:2<754:IL>2.0.CO;2-Q |
26. Intuitionistic Logic @ Computer-Dictionary-Online.org Intuitionistic logic @ Computer Dictionary Online. Computer terminology definitions including hardware, software, equipment, devices, jargon abbreviations http://www.computer-dictionary-online.org/?q=intuitionistic logic |
27. Clausal Intuitionistic Logic I. Fixed-point Semantics Clausal Intuitionistic logic I. Fixedpoint semantics. Source, Journal of logic Programming archive Volume 5 , Issue 1 (March 1988) table of contents http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=49426.49427 |
28. [FOM] Some Informative Questions About Intuitionistic Logic And Mathematics 2) Can one define in Intuitionistic logic counterparts of the classical connectives so that the resulting translation preserves the consequence relation http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2005-November/009298.html | |
29. Atlas: Interpolation Theorems For Intuitionistic Predicate Logic By Grigori Mint Craig interpolation theorem (which holds for Intuitionistic logic) implies that the derivability of \Gamma, \Gamma = \Delta implies existence of a http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/c/s/24.htm | |
30. Introduction To Linear Logic For pedagogical purposes we shall also have a look at Classical logic as well as Intuitionistic logic. Linear logic was introduced by J.Y. Girard in 1987 http://www.brics.dk/LS/96/6/BRICS-LS-96-6/BRICS-LS-96-6.html | |
31. Joan Moschovakis Intuitionistic logic, revised 2003, in Stanford OnLine Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Analyzing realizability by Troelstra s methods, Annals of Pure and http://www.math.ucla.edu/~joan/ | |
32. Book A Short Introduction To Intuitionistic Logic, General Titles On Mathematics book general titles on mathematics Intuitionistic logic is presented here as part of familiar classical logic which allows mechanical extraction of http://www.lavoisier.fr/notice/gbJYOK62XMKXCO2O.html | |
33. Springer Online Reference Works A set of methods for proving statements which are valid from the point of view of intuitionism. In a narrow sense, Intuitionistic logic means the http://eom.springer.de/I/i052150.htm | |
34. Talks.cam : Intuitionistic Logic Intuitionistic logic. Add to your list(s) Download to your calendar using vCal. Alexander Gurney (University of Cambridge); Thursday 13 December 2007, http://talks.cam.ac.uk/talk/index/9340 |
35. Practical Foundations Of Mathematics In particular, Intuitionistic logic does not save us from any inconsistency (the ability to prove ^) which might arise classically. http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pt/Practical_Foundations/html/s18.html | |
36. Some Informative Questions About Intuitionistic Logic And Mathematics 2) Can one define in Intuitionistic logic counterparts of the classical connectives so that the resulting translation preserves the consequence relation of http://osdir.com/ml/science.mathematics.fom/2005-11/msg00009.html | |
37. Classical And Intuitionistic Logic With Kanren ; ; This File Classical and Intuitionistic logic with Kanren ; ; This file illustrates the use of the typechecking relation (file ; ./typeinference.scm) for proving http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/logic.scm |
38. Papers Dirk Van Dalen 1963. Extension Problems In Intuitionistic Intuitionistic logic, In Handbook of Philosophical logic, III eds. How connected is the Intuitionistic continuum? J Symb logic, 62 11741150. http://www.phil.uu.nl/~dvdalen/papers.htm | |
39. ESSLLI 2005 - Introductory Course: Intuitionistic Logic Intuitionistic logic has a historical significance but there is much more than that. There are many applications and insights to be obtained nowadays and http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/esslli05/giveabs.php?38 |
40. A Short Introduction To Intuitionistic Logic - Mathematical Logic And Founda...J A Short Introduction to Intuitionistic logic Mathematics. Intuitionistic logic is presented here as part of familiar classical logic which allows http://www.springer.com/west/home/math?SGWID=4-10042-22-33303481-0 |
41. Avoiding Duplications In Tableau Systems For Intuitionistic Logic And Kuroda Log Both at the propositional and the predicate level, in tableau systems of Intuitionistic logic as well as in the corresponding sequent and natural calculi, http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/5/1/145 | |
42. Plato.stanford.edu Intuitionistic Logic - StartAid Below is a small excerpt of StartAid members bookmark description, for more information on Intuitionistic logic please visit the original webisite http://www.startaid.com/comment/2452408/Intuitionistic-Logic.html | |
43. CS792: Computational Logic Intuitionistic logic introduces lambdacalculus (the theory on which Lisp, Scheme, and other functional languges are based) as a mechanism for representing http://cs-people.bu.edu/mairson/Courses/cs792/factsheet.html | |
44. 2003 Tbilisi Logic Conference Abstracts A prolongation of the Gödel Modal Translation of Intuitionistic logic up to Provability logic an algebraic and topological considerations http://sierra.nmsu.edu/morandi/TbilisiConference/Abstracts.html |
45. Intuitionistic Logic - Indopedia, The Indological Knowledgebase Intuitionistic logic, or constructivist logic, is the logic used in mathematical intuitionism and other forms of mathematical constructivism. http://www.indopedia.org/Intuitionistic_logic.html | |
47. Intuitionistic Logic On GlobalSpec GlobalSpec offers a variety of Intuitionistic logic for engineers and through SpecSearch the Intuitionistic logic can be searched for the exact http://semiconductors.globalspec.com/Industrial-Directory/intuitionistic_logic | |
48. Negation - W3C RIF-WG Wiki Intuitionistic logic is a part of classical logic, that is, all formulas provable Indeed, Intuitionistic negation in constructive logic is definable by http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/negation | |
49. EWSCS 2004/EATTK 2004: Sergei Artemov, Abstract According to Brouwer, the truth in Intuitionistic logic means The ideas of BHK led to a discovery of computational semantics of Intuitionistic logic, http://cs.ioc.ee/yik/schools/win2004/artemov.php | |
50. Intuitionistic Logic - Explanation-Guide.info - For Information, Definition, Mea Intuitionistic logic as a paradigm for logical reasoning,Intuitionistic logic as a formal logical calculus,Heyting algebra semantics,Kripke semantics. http://explanation-guide.info/meaning/Intuitionistic-logic.html | |
51. Intuitionistic Logic - Definitions From Dictionary.com Definitions of Intuitionistic logic at Dictionary.com. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/intuitionistic logic | |
52. Intuitionistic Logic Definition Of Intuitionistic Logic In The Free Online Encyc Encyclopedia article about Intuitionistic logic. Information about Intuitionistic logic in the Columbia Encyclopedia, Computer Desktop Encyclopedia, http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Intuitionistic logic | |
53. Intuitionistic Logic - Definition Of Intuitionistic Logic By Webster's Online Di Intuitionistic logic explanation. Definition of Intuitionistic logic is provided by 1913 Webster s Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of http://www.webster-dictionary.org/definition/intuitionistic logic | |
54. Intuitionistic Logic - Computing Reference - ELook.org Information and links on Intuitionistic logic. intuitionism, classical logic constructive intuitionism Intuitionistic logic Intuitionistic probability http://www.elook.org/computing/intuitionistic-logic.htm | |
55. Papers By Christoph Kreitz Automated Deduction Deciding Intuitionistic Propositional logic via Translation into Classical logic A Constructively Adequate Refutation System for Intuitionistic logic http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/People/kreitz/research-deduction.html | |
56. Intuitionistic Logic - Definition Of Intuitionistic Logic By The Online Dictiona Definition of Intuitionistic logic in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for Intuitionistic logic. http://onlinedictionary.datasegment.com/word/intuitionistic logic | |
57. Intuitionistic Logic - Spock Search Kurt Gödel, Arend Heyting, Haskell Curry, Neil Tennant, Dick de Jongh, Andrey Kolmogorov and other people matching \ http://www.spock.com/q/intuitionistic-logic | |
58. Computer Science: Publication: Proof Search Issues In Some Non-Classical Logics Chapter 5 is a short investigation of embedding Intuitionistic logic in A new embedding of Intuitionistic logic in Intuitionistic Linear logic is given. http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/pubs/1998/946/ | |
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