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1. Intermediate Logic The Intermediate Logic module divides into two parts which are taught and assessed separately Classical Logic and Nonclassical logics. http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~twcs1/Int Logic/index.htm | |
2. On The Independent Axiomatizability Of Modal And Intermediate Logics -- CHAGROV This paper gives a solution to the old independent axiomatizability problem by presenting normal modal logics above K4 and Grz and an Intermediate logic http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/5/3/287 | |
3. JSTOR On Intermediate Logics. Intermediate propositional logics are logics M such that L c M c LPx. Below we shall use logic for Intermediate propositional logic. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(197106)36:2<329:OIL>2.0.CO;2-K |
4. A Study Of Intermediate Predicate Logics 12 Umezawa, T., On logics Intermediate between intuitionistic and classical 13 Gabbay, D. M., Applications of trees to Intermediate logics, http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.prims/1195192964 | |
5. CJO - Abstract - Characterization Of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs In Inter Characterization of strongly equivalent logic programs in Intermediate logics. DICK HJ DE JONGH, LEX HENDRIKS Theory and Practice of Logic Programming http://journals.cambridge.org/abstract_S147106840200159X | |
6. Median Logic Such logics are called Intermediate or superintuitionistic. Intermediate logics are usually defined by adding one or more axiom schemas weaker than LEM to http://sakharov.net/median.html | |
7. CiNii - Kripke Models And Intermediate Logics Kripke Models and Intermediate logics. ONO Hiroakira 1. 1Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University. Read/Search Full Text. Holdings http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001839698/en/ | |
8. Michael Kremer | The Department Of Philosophy | The University Of Chicago Divisi We study some more advanced topics in logic, building on Intermediate Logic I. Possible topics include Gödel s incompleteness theorems; higherorder logics http://philosophy.uchicago.edu/faculty/kremer.html | |
9. DMG-FG2: People Furthermore, I am interested in the particular features that distinguishes intuitionistic logic from classical logic or other Intermediate logics, http://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/fg2/index.php?id=19 |
10. DBLP: Mauro Ferrari 8 Agata Ciabattoni, Mauro Ferrari Hypertableau and PathHypertableau Calculi for Some Families of Intermediate logics. TABLEAUX 2000 160-174 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/f/Ferrari:Mauro.html | |
11. , Vol. 37(51), Pp. 7--15, 1985 Abstract We give semantics for Intermediate logics of the form $H+\vee S$, where $\vee S$ is the schema $$ \underset{(i,j)\in S}\to\vee(A_i\to A_j) $$ and http://www.emis.de/journals/PIMB/051/2.html | |
12. M. Zakharyaschev: Research Papers On the independent axiomatizability of modal and Intermediate logics. Journal of Logic and Modal companions of Intermediate propositional logics. http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/~michael/papers1.html | |
13. Springer Online Reference Works The most natural way of specifying Intermediate logics is by Intermediate The set of all Intermediate logics is a lattice under the inclusion relation http://eom.springer.de/I/i051880.htm | |
14. Dr. Marcus Kracht: Publications In Mathematics On Extensions of Intermediate logics by Strong Negation , Journal of Philosophical Logic 27(1998), 49 73. Simulation and Transfer Results in Modal Logic http://www.linguistics.ucla.edu/people/Kracht/html/public-math.html | |
15. Intuitionistic And Intermediate Logics In CoS Hi, I am currently working on formalizing intuitionistic and Intermediate logics (Dummett s LC and firstorder Goedel logic) in CoS. http://osdir.com/ml/science.mathematics.frogs/2006-05/msg00001.html | |
16. Intermediate Logics And Factors Of The Medvedev Lattice Intermediate logics and factors of the Medvedev lattice. Authors, Sorbi, Andrea; Terwijn, Sebastiaan A. Publication, eprint arXivmath/0606494 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006math......6494S | |
17. Hypersequent Calculi For Some Intermediate Logics With Bounded Kripke Models Hypersequent Calculi for some Intermediate logics with Bounded Kripke Models. Agata Ciabattoni. Journal Title Journal of Logic and Computation. Date 2001 http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/show?doc=dbl/joloco/2001_11_2_283_HCFSIL.htm&query= |
18. Rosalie Iemhoff Properties of Intuitionistic Provability and Preservativity logics. COMBLOG 04, Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (6), 2005. ps. R. Iemhoff. Intermediate logics http://www.phil.uu.nl/~iemhoff/papers.html | |
19. TABLEAUX 2005 Parallel versions of Lorenzen s game and corresponding hypersequent systems for Intermediate logics. Dialogue games as models of distributed proof search. http://tableaux2005.uni-koblenz.de/tutorials.html | |
20. Citebase - Characterization Of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs In Intermediat (1999) Duplicationfree tableau calculi and related cut-free sequent calculi for the interpolable propositional Intermediate logics. Logic Journal of the http://www.citebase.org/abstract?identifier=oai:arXiv.org:cs/0206005&action=cite |
21. Scientific Commons Computable Kripke Models And Intermediate We investigate e ectiveness of completeness by Kripke results for Intermediate logics such as for example, intuitionistic logic, classical logic, http://en.scientificcommons.org/314637 |
22. Duplication-free Tableau Calculi And Related Cut-free Sequent Calculi For The In We get cutfree sequent calculi for the interpolable propositional Intermediate logics by translating suitable duplication-free tableau calculi developed http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/7/4/447 | |
23. Www.vlsi-world.com - State Machine Encoding (Gray, Binary And One-hot) This kind of state coding avoids Intermediate logics. For example if a sate wants to change itÂs state from 01 to 10 . Here both bits are getting changed http://www.vlsi-world.com/content/view/42/34/ | |
24. [Author] Alexander Sakharov [Title] Median Logic [AMS Subj-class Author Alexander Sakharov Title Median logic AMS Subjclass 03B55 Intermediate logics 03B20 Subsystems of classical logic Abstract Median logic http://www.mathsoc.spb.ru/preprint/2004/04-12.txt | |
25. Intermediate Logics (logic) - Philosophy Dictionary And Research Guide Intermediate logics In mathematical logic, an Intermediate logic (also called superintuitionistic) is a propositional logic extend. http://www.123exp-beliefs.com/t/00804286309/ | |
26. British Library Direct: Order Details Order from the British Library On the rules of Intermediate logics. http://direct.bl.uk/research/54/39/RN189636075.html | |
27. Mauro Ferrari On the complexity of disjunction and explicit definability properties in some Intermediate logics. In LPAR 2002 Logic for Programming Artificial http://www.dicom.uninsubria.it/~ferram/publications/ | |
28. A Sequence Of Decidable Finitely Axiomatizable Intermediate Logics rdfslabel, A Sequence of Decidable Finitely Axiomatizable Intermediate logics with the Disjunction Property. (xsdstring). swrcnumber, 1 (xsdstring) http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/journals/jsyml/GabbayJ74 |
29. DI & CoS - Current Research Topics And Open Problems Intermediate logics It should be possible, and probably rather easy, to present in CoS some Intermediate logics like Corsi s logic and Gödel s logic. http://alessio.guglielmi.name/res/cos/crt.html | |
30. Welcome To The JANCL Web Site Nonclassical logics cover a large variety of formalisms such as modal logics, temporal logics, epistemic logics, conditional logics, Intermediate logics, http://www.irit.fr/JANCL/ | |
31. Intermediate Logic - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In mathematical logic, an Intermediate logic (also called superintuitionistic) is a propositional logic extending intuitionistic logic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate_logics | |
32. Intermediate Logic Student Textbook 2nd Edition Expanded, Corrected, Completely Redesigned New Edition! This is the textbook used in the 2nd semester of 8th grade at Logos School, taught by James Nance, http://www.logosschool.com/materials/shop/item.asp?itemid=82 |
33. Intermediate Logic This class is a study of the language of firstorder logic (FOL). One reason to study FOL is the intrinsic interest of the central concept it is built to http://www3.baylor.edu/~Todd_Buras/Intermediate Logic-06.htm | |
34. Intermediate Logic This course goes beyond an introduction to logic and deals not merely with the formal mechanics of proving validity, soundness, consistency, http://www.humboldt.edu/~mfg1/web315.html | |
35. Atlas: Non-finite Axiomatizability Of The Intermediate Logic Of Chequered Subset The Intermediate logic Cheq corresponds to the modal logic of chequered subsets of R , i.e. finite unions of products of convex subsets of R, introduced by http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caug-46 | |
36. [cs/0206005] Characterization Of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs In Intermedi In this paper we will show that KC (the logic obtained by adding axiom ~A v ~~A to intuitionistic logic), is the weakest Intermediate logic for which http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.LO/0206005 | |
37. IngentaConnect The Unique Intermediate Logic Whose Every Rule Is Archetypal In this paper we provide a proof of this conjecture and show that it is the unique Intermediate logic with this property. Keywords Rules of inference, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/igpl/2005/00000013/00000003/art00269;j | |
38. Characterization Of Strongly Equivalent Logic Programs In Intermediate Logics In this paper we will show that KC (the logic obtained by adding axiom $\neg A\vee\neg\neg A$ to intuitionistic logic), is the weakest Intermediate logic http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=986819.986820&dl=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=15151 |
39. Department Of Computer Science - Deep Inference Systems For Intuitionistic And I I will further show that the use of deep inference allows for modular extensions of intuitionistic logic to Dummett s Intermediate logic LC, Goedel logic http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/department/logic-seminar/deep-inference-systems-for-int | |
40. Intermediate Logic: Student First, in order to present to the student a more logical progression of topics, the section on defining terms has been moved from Intermediate Logic to http://www.canonpress.org/shop/item.asp?itemid=1048 |
41. Intuitionistic Logic (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) An Intermediate propositional logic is any consistent collection of propositional formulas containing all the axioms of IPC and closed under modus ponens http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-intuitionistic/ | |
42. E Library - Article Semantics for Some Intermediate LogicsMilan BoÂi Keywords. Page Viewer. Quick Search. Remote Address Â Server elib.mi.sanu.ac.yuHTTP User http://elib.mi.sanu.ac.yu/pages/browse_article.php?PHPSESSID=e6e2115eaa43e86b95b |
43. Intermediate Logic Intermediate Logic Book by David Bostock; 1997. Publication Information Book Title Intermediate Logic. Contributors David Bostock author. http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=96125860 |
44. Oxford University Press: Intermediate Logic: David Bostock Intermediate Logic is an ideal text for anyone who has taken a first course in logic and is progressing to further study. It examines logical theory, http://www.us.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Philosophy/LogicMathematics/?vi |
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