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Home - Mathematical_Logic - Effective And Recursion-theoretic Model Theory |
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1. 03Cxx 03C52 Properties of classes of models; 03C55 Settheoretic model theory; 03C57 Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory See also 03D45 http://www.ams.org/msc/03Cxx.html | |
2. HeiDOK 03C57 Effective and recursiontheoretic model theory ( 0 Dok. ) 03C60 model-theoretic algebra ( 0 Dok. ) 03C62 models of arithmetic and set theory ( 0 Dok http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=03C&anzahl |
3. List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection model theory 11U09 model theory 12L12 model theory abstract 03C95 model theory applications of 03C98 model theory Effective and recursiontheoretic http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_36.htm | |
4. List KWIC DDC And MSC Lexical Connection effect manybody theory; quantum Hall 81V70 Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory 03C57 Effective constitutive equations 74Q15 http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/dml_11_13.htm | |
5. PlanetMath: 03C52, , Properties of classes of models. 03C55, -, Set-theoretic model theory. 03C57, -, Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory http://planetmath.org/browse/categories/03Cxx/ | |
6. Browse MSC2000 Effective and recursiontheoretic model theory See also 03D45, related model theory of ordered structures; o-minimality, related http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/msc/zbl/msc/2000/03-XX/03Cxx/dir | |
7. MSC 2000 : CC = Ore 03C25 modeltheoretic forcing; 03C55 Set-theoretic model theory; 03C57 Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory See also 03D45 http://portail.mathdoc.fr/cgi-bin/msc2000.py?L=fr&T=Q&C=msc2000&CC=Ore |
8. Zentralblatt MATH - MSC 2000 - Search And Browse 03C52 Properties of classes of models ZMATH. 03C55 Settheoretic model theory ZMATH. 03C57 Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory See also http://www.zentralblatt-math.org/msc/search/?pa=03Cxx |
9. 03C < Mizar < Mizar TWiki Properties of classes of models. 03C55? Settheoretic model theory. 03C57? Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory, See also 03D45 http://wiki.mizar.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Mizar/03C | |
10. 03Cxx 03C57, Effective and recursiontheoretic model theory See also 03D45. 03C60, model-theoretic algebra See also 08C10, 12Lxx, 13L05 http://www.mathematik.uni-osnabrueck.de/projects/msc2000/03Cxx.html | |
11. Theodore A. Slaman: Bibliography 03B30 Foundations of classical theories (including reverse mathematics); 03C57 Effective and recursiontheoretic model theory; 03C62 models of arithmetic http://math.berkeley.edu/~slaman/papers/Publications_MSC.html | |
12. MSC 2000 : CC = Effective 03C57 Effective and recursiontheoretic model theory See also 03D45; 03D45 theory of numerations, Effectively presented structures See also 03C57; http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/cgi-bin/msc2000.py?L=fr&T=Q&C=msc2000&CC=Effecti |
13. 361/369 (Total 5522) NO 122 03C70 Logic On Translate this page 117, 03C60, model-theoretic algebra See also 08C10, 12Lxx, 13L05. 116, 03C57, Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory See also 03D45 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/mathnet/msc_list.php?mode=list&ftype=&fstr=&page=361 |
14. General General Mathematics Mathematics For Nonmathematicians Properties of classes of models Settheoretic model theory Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory See also 03D45 model-theoretic algebra See also http://amf.openlib.org/2001/msc2000.xsd |
15. MathGuide - OPAC Subject Catalog 03C52 Properties of classes of models; 03C55 Settheoretic model theory; 03C57 Effective and recursion-theoretic model theory; 03C60 model-theoretic algebra http://www.mathguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/navigator2.pl/db=math/type=gok/pattern=all | |
16. JSTOR Two-Dimensional Partial Orderings Recursive Model Theory For recursive model theory, it suggests that there really is no one notion of Effective matchmaking (recursiontheoretic aspects of a theorem of Philip http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(198003)45:1<121:TPORMT>2.0.CO;2-E |
17. The Computable Approach To Economics The key word in the Rabin quote is Effective, meaning a procedure whose execution is into set theory, proof theory, model theory and recursion theory. http://ideas.repec.org/p/wop/callce/_005.html | |
18. Recursion Theory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia This is the recursiontheoretic branch of learning theory. It is based on Gold s model of learning in the limit from 1967 and has developed since then more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursion_theory | |
19. Models And Computability Is Available From Bestprices.com Books! Effective model theory the number of models and their complexity B. Khoussainov and RA Shore; 9. Recursion theoretic memories 19541978 GE Sacks; 17. http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/0521635500?id=nsession |
20. OHSU, NCNM, And WSCC /Hill L54 Mathematical logic an introduction to model theory / AH Lightstone . R64 1967 theory of recursive functions and Effective computability. http://catalogs.ohsu.edu:2082/search/cQA9 .K77/cqa 9 k77/-3,-1,,E/browse | |
21. Models And Computability - Cambridge University Press Effective model theory the number of models and their complexity B. Khoussainov and RA Shore; 9. Recursion theoretic memories 1954âÂÂ1978 GE Sacks; 17. http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521635500 |
22. Logic Colloquium 1997 - Proceedings Shore Effective model theory the number of models and their complexity. (47, final version received) Sacks Recursion Theoretic Memories 19541978. http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/events/logic97/proc.html | |
23. EconPapers: The Computable Approach To Economics The key word in the Rabin quote is Effective, meaning a procedure whose execution is into set theory, proof theory, model theory and recursion theory. http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/wopcallce/_5F005.htm | |
24. Models And Computability - Cambridge University Press Effective model theory the number of models and their complexity B. Khoussainov and RA Shore; 9. Recursion theoretic memories 1954Â1978 GE Sacks; 17. http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/us/catalogue/print.asp?isbn=9780521635509&print=y |
25. DADES DEL SUMARI DE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY LECTURE NOTE SERIES TÃtol Effective model theory The Number of models and Their Complexity Autor Khoussainov, B.; Shore, RA TÃtol Recursion Theoretic Memories 19541978 http://sumaris.cbuc.es/cgis/sumari.cgi?issn=00760552&idsumari=A1999N000000V00025 |
26. Tmecca : Models & Computability By Truss, John K. ( Cambridge University Press ) Translate this page Effective model theory The Number of models and Their Complexity, 193 Recursion Theoretic Memories 1954-1978, 367. Fields Definable in Simple Groups http://www.tmecca.co.kr/detail/detail_book.html?isbn=0521635500 |
27. Past Colloquium And Seminar Speakers RECURSION theory Seminar. Valentina Harizanov. Effective search problem Title What do the law of large numbers, computer learning, model theory, and http://www.gwu.edu/~math/colloquiahistory.html | |
28. Cornell Math - Thesis Abstracts (Logic) Abstract We initiate the study of computable model theory of modal logic, by establishing Effective completeness theorems for a variety of modal logics. http://www.math.cornell.edu/Research/Abstracts/logic.html | |
29. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Economic Behavior & Organization : Effectivity And Co Next, the same two recursion theoretic proof techniques, used in Section 2, .. Recursion theory, proof theory and model theory can also provide http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0167268102000045 | |
30. RePEc Mathematical logic itself is divided into set theory, proof theory, model theory and recursion theory. The study of computable objects and domains is the http://www.inomics.com/cgi/repec?handle=RePEc:wop:callce:_005 |
31. STOC: STOC '75, Computability Concepts For Programming ... These new recursion theoretic concepts which are appropriate to semantics also allow us Hartley Rogers, Jr., theory of recursive functions and Effective http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800116.803757&coll=portal&dl=ACM&type=seri |
32. Mathematical Preprints By Steffen Lempp Applications to and in model theory; Applications to reverse mathematics .. arising from finite complexity theory in terms of their recursion theoretic http://www.math.wisc.edu/~lempp/papers/list.html | |
33. FOM: Invitation To Soare So is model theory, proof theory, and set theory, philosophy of mathematics, whose natural formulation does not mention recursion theoretic concepts, http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1999-July/003255.html | |
34. Invited Speakers We shall argue that logic and model theory is such a plat form. properties - which often combine proof theoretic and recursion theoretic arguments. http://www.math.uni-bonn.de/people/fotfs/II/invited_speakers.html | |
35. Research - Alessandro Agostini We situate our games within a recursion theoretic setting, . and interactive gameoriented system based on a well known result in model theory, namely, http://dit.unitn.it/~agostini/data/pages/r2pub.htm | |
36. Proof Theory On The Eve Of Year 2000 Of course, such questions can partly be also addressed using tools from model theory instead. However, proof theory focuses on Effective solutions, http://www.ihes.fr/~carbone/papers/proofsurveyFeferman2000.html | |
37. Frank Stephan's Publications Recursion theoretic properties of frequency computation and bounded queries. .. Applications of Kolmogorov Complexity to Computable model theory. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~fstephan/publications.html | |
38. Mathematics And Computation » Publications Abstract Image factorizations in regular categories are stable under pullbacks, so they model a natural modal operator in dependent type theory. http://math.andrej.com/category/papers/ | |
39. Examples Of English Collocations In Mathematical Texts Collected the group theory from matrix theory from category theory in model theory the NBG . logic recursiontheoretic * recursion-theoretical model-theoretic http://lpcs.math.msu.su/~pentus/ftp/mehmat/english.txt |
40. The Journal Of Symbolic Logic, Volume 48 564569 BibTeX; Philipp Rothmaler Some model theory of Modules. I. Byerly Definability of RE Sets in a Class of Recursion Theoretic Structures. http://www.sigmod.org/dblp/db/journals/jsyml/jsyml48.html | |
41. Andrew Arana | Publications One hope I have had for this work is that classical recursion theoretic `Effective argument for why True Arithmetic (TA), the complete theory of the http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~aarana/publications.html | |
42. TAI 2001 - Abstracts We develop the algorithmic theory of statistic, sufficient statistic, as well as on the recursion theoretic counterpart, using an Effective version of http://www.cmi.univ-mrs.fr/~eforment/confs/tai2001/tai_abs.html | |
43. The Journal Of Symbolic Logic, Volume 48 564569 BibTeX Philipp Rothmaler Some model theory of Modules. E. Byerly Definability of R. E. Sets in a Class of Recursion Theoretic Structures. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/jsyml/jsyml48.html | |
44. PhD School - Computer Science Department - University Of Rome "La Sapienza" Research in this area features an interplay between proof theory, recursion theory, model theory, combinatorics, number theory etc. http://phd.di.uniroma1.it/past_events_2007.php | |
45. Mathematische Logik Und Theoretische Informatik Computable Numberings of Definable Relations in Models. 7. Januar 2003 Jan Reimann, Universität Heidelberg Effective Geometric Measure theory http://www.math.uni-heidelberg.de/logic/WS02/obersem_WS02.html | |
46. Blackwell Synergy - J Economic Surveys, Volume 21 Issue 3 Page 466-505, July 200 An Effective theory of policy is impossible for a Âcomplex economy. .. On the other hand, the recursion theoretic fixedpoint tradition not only http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-6419.2007.00511.x | |
47. Directorio - Lógica Y Fundamentos Buechler, Steven University of Notre Dame model theory. .. Kolmogorov complexity is a recursion theoretic characterisation of randomness. http://www.satd.uma.es/matap/svera/links/matnet12.html | |
48. Set Theory And Physics 26 G. Kreisel, A notion of mechanistic theory, Synthese 29(1974), 1126. 27 D. Stef anescu, Mathematical Models in Physics, University of Bucharest http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~svozil/publ/set.htm | |
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