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1. Mhb03.htm 03B25, Decidability of theories and sets of sentences See also 11U05, 12L05, 20F10. 03B30, Foundations of classical theories (including reverse http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/mhb03.htm | |
2. List For KWIC List Of MSC2000 Phrases sensitivity, stability, wellposedness 49K40 sentences Decidability of theories and sets of 03B25 sentences unDecidability and degrees of sets of 03D35 http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc/m-kl_11_48.htm | |
3. Sachgebiete Der AMS-Klassifikation: 00-09 classical logic (including intuitionistic logic) 03B22 Abstract deductive systems 03B25 Decidability of theories and sets of sentences, See also {11U05, http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/litrech/Class/ams-00-09.html | |
4. 03Bxx deductive systems 03B25 Decidability of theories and sets of sentences See also 11U05, 12L05, 20F10 03B30 Foundations of classical theories (including http://www.emis.de/MSC2000/03Bxx.html | |
5. Ebbinghaus, Flum, Thomas. Mathematical Logic. A set is decidable iff it and its complement are enumerable. theories (as consistent sets of sentences closed under consequence) may be Renumerable, http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/ebbinghaus.php | |
6. 0 Top The TOP Concept In The Hierarchy. 1 Adverbial Modification To be of sufficient strength, the system must (1) have decidable sets of wffs and Most semantic theories would treat all these sentences as having a http://staff.science.uva.nl/~caterina/LoLaLi/soft/ch-data/gloss.txt |
7. Baur: Decidability And Undecidability Of Theories Of Abelian Groups With Predica ~0,n e.g. looks as follows In order to prove Theorem 3 it suffices to show that the set of all sentences cp which are consistent with T(p, 3) is recursively http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/fitem?id=CM_1975__31_1_23_0 |
8. JSTOR A Remark Concerning Decidability Of Complete Theories Let S be the set of numbers of sentences of ~, A the set of numbers of axioms of that the set T is general recursive, i.e. that ~ is a decidable theory. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(195012)15:4<277:ARCDOC>2.0.CO;2-8 |
9. Theory Taxonomy A theory is a set of sentences and for a given theory T, M =T denotes that M = for is not computable (decidable), as it is in scientific theories, then http://cs.wwc.edu/~aabyan/Theories/Taxonomy.html |
10. Decidability (logic) --Â Britannica Online Encyclopedia In one sense, Decidability is a property of sets (of sentences) that of being another desired feature of a formal theory, namely, Decidability that http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-155081/decidability | |
11. Abstracts is definable in the standard model then the Decidability results natural theories of families $\FMA$, such as the set of sentences true in almost http://www.impan.gov.pl/~kz/Abstracts.html | |
12. Harvey Friedman Countable Models of Set theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. On Decidability of Equational theories, J. of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol. http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~friedman/publications.html | |
13. Linguistic Theory And Meta-Theory (e) Some scholars elected to set aside prevailing sentence theories in search . as an infinite set of sentences whose wellformedness is decidable with http://www.beaugrande.com/LinguisticTheoryMetaTheory.htm | |
14. Home Page Of Giangiacomo Gerla (fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control, Multi-valued Logic, G. Gerla Sharpness Relation and Decidable Fuzzy sets operator in the class of all fuzzy subsets of the set of sentences of a given language. A theory http://www.dmi.unisa.it/people/gerla/www/ | |
15. Disputatio | CraigÂs Theorem And The Empirical Underdetermination Thesis Reasse Using the traditional syntactic approach to scientific theories, we define a theory to be a deductively closed set of sentences of a formal language. http://members.tripod.com/Lonego/guestfiles/list.htm | |
16. Completeness Vs Decidability Text - Physics Forums Library Archive completeness vs Decidability Set Theory, Logic, Probability, Decidable A set of sentences R is decidable if the set of sentences of its http://physicsforums.com/archive/index.php/t-84586.html | |
17. Herbrand Logic -- First-order Syntax And Herbrand Semantics The Proof theory for Herbrand logic is much different than the proof Theorem ( * = * is not semidecidable) Let be a set of sentences in *. http://logic.stanford.edu/~thinrich/herbrand/html/modeltheory-prooftheory.html | |
18. List Of First-order Theories - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia List or describe a set of sentences in the language L , called the axioms . The theory of Abelian groups is decidable. The theory of Infinite divisible http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_first-order_theories | |
19. PlanetMath: First-order Theory A theory $ T$ is a deductively closed set of sentences in $ L$ A theory $ T$ is axiomatizable if and only if $ T$ includes a decidable subset $ \Delta$ http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/FinitelyAxiomatizableTheory.html | |
20. Re: Quantifier Free Sentences In Set Theory (redirected From Franco Parl Re Quantifier free sentences in set theory (redirected from Franco Parl That can be inferred from the Decidability of truth in V for existential http://osdir.com/ml/science.mathematics.fom/2005-05/msg00049.html | |
21. On Decidability Properties Of Local Sentences On Decidability properties of local sentences. Source, Theoretical Computer Science 12 12 T. Jech, Set Theory, third ed., Springer, Berlin, 2002. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1226597 |
22. Who Are Boole, Fitch, And Tarski? | Richard Zach | Philosophy | University Of Ca He also worked on ealry set theory, and suggested the following definition . proved the Decidability of firstorder logic with only one-place predicate http://www.ucalgary.ca/rzach/279/logicians.html | |
23. FOM: Urbana Thoughts The set of true sentences in RCF is decidable, but is very very rich from and generalized quantifiers is descriptive set theory, according to Pillay! http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2000-June/004049.html | |
24. [CL] Clarifications On CL & 2 Possible Problems (dialect Expressiveness; Definit It will of course not be decidable, as CL with seq vars is expressively equivalent to . Underlying set theory and Russell(like) sentences The general http://philebus.tamu.edu/pipermail/cl/2006-August/000939.html | |
25. British Logic Colloquium 2002 The model leads to notions of computability and Decidability on the reals, . The corresponding question in set theory with the axiom of choice would be http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~blc02/abstracts.html | |
26. Proposal Of A Workshop On : We study the problem of Decidability of MSO theories on various (restricted) Given a sentence of MMSNP, can we decide whether it captures a finite or an http://www.labri.fr/perso/courcell/Logiquecombinatoire/AbstractsSzeged.html | |
27. Question About Indicator Function Of Recursive And R.e. Sets - Comp.theory | Goo relation, because I think that relation is effectively decidable iff it is recursive (ie. set s indicator function is effectively http://groups.google.co.zm/group/comp.theory/browse_thread/thread/a290689d64eb59 |
28. Logic A proof theory is said to be sound when every sentence s that can be derived from a set of sentences S is also a valid consequence of S. http://mainline.brynmawr.edu/~dkumar/UGAI/logic.html | |
29. Knowability: Second-order Logic And Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theore Now a theory T in language L is decidable when there is an algorithm for deciding whether any given sentence of L is a theorem (member) of the theory. http://knowability.blogspot.com/2007/07/second-order-logic-and-gdels-first.html | |
30. Notes On - Which Undecidable Mathematical Sentences Have Determinate Truth Value WPA is true arithmetic , the set of sentences of PA which are true in the standard model. Corollary. There is only one consistent decidable extension of http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/philos/bibliog/field97.htm | |
31. 03: Mathematical Logic And Foundations The implicit dependence on set theory and the inability to determine a decidable set of firstorder axioms for set theory have caused considerable http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/index/03-XX.html | |
32. Logic Colloquium 2003 James Ax studied in 1968 the asymptotic theory of these fields, i.e., the set of sentences in the language of rings which hold in all but finitely many of http://www.helsinki.fi/lc2003/titles.html | |
33. FTP 2003 - Abstracts Of Accepted Papers MLSS is a decidable sublanguage of set theory involving the constructs sentences to the problem of determining the satisfiability of sentences of MLSS. http://www.dsic.upv.es/~rdp03/ftp/abstracts.html | |
34. Formal Systems - Definitions Decidable A formal theory is decidable if there exists an effective procedure that will determine, for any sentence of the theory, whether or not that http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~cfs/305_html/Deduction/FormalSystemDefs.html | |
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