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1. CurryâÂÂHoward - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia More recently, extensions of the CurryHoward Correspondence have been formulated which handle classical logic as well, by relating classically valid rules http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curry-Howard_isomorphism | |
2. The Curry-Howard Correspondence In Haskell The CurryHoward Correspondence is a mapping between logic and type systems. On the one hand you have logic systems with propositions and proofs. http://www.thenewsh.com/~newsham/formal/curryhoward/ | |
3. JSTOR Derivation And Computation. Taking The Curry-Howard Despite the subtitle of the book, it is not clear to me just how we have taken the Curry Howard Correspondence seriously, and what it has gained us. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=1079-8986(200109)7:3<380:DACTTC>2.0.CO;2-A |
4. Powell's Books - Cambridge Tracts In Theoretical Computer Science #51: Derivatio Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 51 Derivation and Computation Taking the CurryHoward Correspondence Seriously. by Harold Simmons http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780521771733 |
5. The Curry-Howard Correspondence In Set Theory The CurryHoward Correspondence between proofs and programs was originally discovered with the system of simple types, which uses the intuitionistic http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=788022.789004 |
6. Review Harold Simmons, Derivation And Computation. Taking The Taking the CurryHoward Correspondence Seriously. Full-text Access via JSTOR (no additional login). Go to this article in JSTOR. Links and Identifiers http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.bsl/1182353805 | |
7. The Curry-Howard Correspondence The CurryHoward Correspondence. Haskell Curry (1900-1982). Started studying medicine at Harvard in 1916; enlisted in the war on 18 October 1918 http://utsl.gen.nz/talks/perl6.does-ML/slide4a.html | |
8. Buy.com - Derivation And Computation: Taking The Curry-Howard Correspondence Ser Derivation and Computation Taking the CurryHoward Correspondence Seriously Derivation Systems, Substitution Algorithms, Computation Mechanisms Harold http://www.buy.com/prod/derivation-and-computation-taking-the-curry-howard-corre | |
9. LtU Classic Archives A gentle introduction to TLG, the CurryHoward Correspondence, and cut-elimination. Barker Chris. A gentle introduction to Type Logical Grammar, http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/classic/message9080.html | |
10. Hindley. Basic Simple Type Theory. Using the CurryHoward Correspondence, this is seen to be related to Gentzen s We can show a Curry-Howard Correspondence between TA and intuitionist http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/hindley97.php | |
11. Advogato: Blog For Chalst Formulaeas-types Correspondence;; Curry-Howard Correspondence;; Curry-Howard isomorphism;. with the latter only under sufferance; also note that the phrase http://www.advogato.org/person/chalst/diary.html?start=132 |
12. Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence Re Haskellcafe Tutorial Curry-Howard Correspondence. Dan Weston Thu, 18 Oct 2007 140343 -0700. The function needs to be total. http://www.mail-archive.com/haskell-cafe@haskell.org/msg31598.html | |
13. Re: [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence the actual statement of the CurryHoward Correspondence, it s a. Correspondence between intuitionistic propositional logic and the simply http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/haskell-cafe@haskell.org/7826449.html | |
14. Programs From Proofs In Haskell Programs from Proofs via the CurryHoward Correspondence This time I want to use it to explore the Curry-Howard Correspondence, which is the idea that http://www.polyomino.f2s.com/david/haskell/programsfromproofs.html | |
15. CurryÂHoward Correspondence The CurryHoward Correspondence is the Correspondence between the structure of proofs in logic, and the structure of computer programs. http://www.pkturner.org/programming/Curry-Howard.html |
16. CiteULike: Extended Curry-Howard Correspondence For A Basic Constructive Modal L Extended CurryHoward Correspondence for a Basic Constructive Modal Logic title = {Extended Curry-Howard Correspondence for a Basic Constructive Modal http://www.citeulike.org/user/vcvpaiva/article/401369 | |
17. The Curry-Howard Correspondence In Haskell - SWiK Recent Edits for Userjerryk; Recent Edits for del.icio.us bookmarks; Recent Edits for The CurryHoward Correspondence in Haskell. created on 17 Oct 2007, http://swik.net/User:jerryk/del.icio.us bookmarks/The Curry-Howard Correspondenc | |
18. [Haskell-cafe] Tutorial: Curry-Howard Correspondence Indeed, in the actual statement of the CurryHoward Correspondence, it s a Correspondence between intuitionistic propositional logic and the simply typed http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2007-October/033507.html | |
19. CSL/KGC'03 - Alexandre Miquel: A Strongly Normalising Curry-Howard Correspondenc Alexandre Miquel A Strongly Normalising CurryHoward Correspondence for IZF Set Theory. Welcome and News. Host Institutions. Calls and Deadlines. Program http://www.logic.at/csl03/giveabs.php?102 |
20. Words And Other Things: Making It Explicit: Logical Expressivism As far as I can tell, getting a CurryHoward Correspondence for classical logic requires getting around to thinking about how to state the Correspondence http://indexical.blogspot.com/2007/09/making-it-explicit-logical-expressivism.ht | |
21. Workshop On Implicit Computational Complexity Using the CurryHoward Correspondence, we focus on the use of ELL as type system for lambda calculus, and more precisely, on type inference. http://www-lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~baillot/GEOCAL06/ICCworkshop.html |
22. Bibliography Of Hugo Herbelin We interpret Gentzen s sequent calculus as a lambdacalculus, hence providing a Curry-Howard Correspondence for sequent calculus. http://yquem.inria.fr/~herbelin/publis/index-eng.html | |
23. Index The original - calculus of Curien and Herbelin has a system of simple types, based on sequent calculus, embodying a Curry-Howard Correspondence with http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~dd/publications/ | |
24. Search Result 4, EE Alexandre Miquel A Strongly Normalising CurryHoward Correspondence for IZF Set Theory. CSL 2003 441-454 DBLPconf/csl/Miquel03 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/ley/dbbin/dblpquery.cgi?query=Search&return=1 |
25. Plume Team The CurryHoward Correspondence has been described in a precise way around 1980. It relates the lambda-calculus and minimal propositional logic, http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LIP/PLUME/index.html.en | |
26. LIACC --- Report 1996--1998 And Plan 1999--2001 -- D.1.1 NCC: Plan For 1999-2001 In the area of the CurryHoward Correspondence of constrained type systems, and based on the work planned for 1999-2000, the plan is to find out a general | |
27. Mathematical Proof/Proof And Computer Programs - Wikibooks, Collection Of Open-c Wikipedia has related information at CurryHoward Correspondence. The Curry-Howard Correspondence establish a close relationship between computer programs http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Mathematical_Proof/Proof_and_Computer_Programs | |
28. Light Leaks - Something Nice About Ccg By the CurryHoward Correspondence, each derivation corresponds to a term in a proof calculus, which is a certain sort of lambda calculus (bi-linear lambda http://simon.some-antics.com/lightleaks/?p=138 |
29. Closed Categories « The Unapologetic Mathematician This is (one way of viewing) the CurryHoward Correspondence (and why itÂs sometimes referred to as the Curry-Howard-Lawvere or Curry-Howard-Lambek http://unapologetic.wordpress.com/2007/08/01/closed-categories/ | |
30. No Title Use of CurryHoward correspondance to prove the correctness of imperative an extension of Curry-Howard Correspondence in a real mathematical theory, http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Cs/Research/Logic/TypesWG/report99.web/paris7/paris7.h |
31. Joe Wells's Papers To solve the problem, we use the CurryHoward Correspondence (propositions-as-types, proofs-as-programs) to transform it into a proof enumeration problem http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~jbw/papers/ | |
32. Technical Background And Overview theorem proving systems including Lego, Coq and others - have been designed to exploit the Curry-Howard Correspondence between logic and programming. http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/sjt/Atypical/technical.html | |
33. MFPS 22 List Of Accepted Papers Abstract We derive an abstract machine from the CurryHoward Correspondence with a sequent calculus presentation of Intuitionistic Propositional Linear http://www.math.tulane.edu/~mfps/mfps22papers.htm | |
34. SIPB Cluedump Series - SIPB Cluedumps For a broad overview of the CurryHoward Correspondence ( proofs are programs, programs proofs ), see more Phil Wadler, particularly his 2000 writeup. http://cluedumps.mit.edu/ | |
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