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1. Heterogeneous Fibring Of Deductive Systems Via Abstract Proof Systems -- Cruz-Fi Heterogeneous fibring of deductive systems via Abstract proof systems. LuÃis CruzFilipe. SQIG-IT and Dep. Informatics, FC, U Lisbon. AmÃicar Sernadas http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/jzm057v1 | |
2. Abduction In Labelled Deductive Systems - A Conceptual Abstract Abduction in Labelled deductive systems A Conceptual Abstract. Source, Lecture Notes In Computer Science archive Proceedings of the European Conference on http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=646559.695093 |
3. Algebraic Study Of Two Deductive Systems Of Relevance Logic Abstract. In this paper two deductive systems (i.e., two consequence relations) associated with relevance logic are studied from an algebraic point of view. http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.ndjfl/1040511344 | |
4. ALGEBRAIC-STUDY-OF-TWO-DEDUCTIVE-SYSTEMS-OF-RELEVANCE-LOGIC In this paper two deductive systems (i.e., two consequence relations) associated with The notion of model used here is an Abstract logic, that is, http://biblioteca.universia.net/html_bura/ficha/params/id/979882.html | |
5. IngentaConnect Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: Equivalent Institutions Abstract. A category theoretic generalization of the theory of algebraizable deductive systems of Blok and Pigozzi is developed. The theory of institutions http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/klu/stud/2003/00000074/F0020001/05139791 | |
6. Minimal Deductive Systems For RDF - Ontoworld.org It is about RDF Semantics, deductive systems and RDF Fragments (a) To have a simple Abstract fragment of RDFS easy to formalize and to reason about, http://ontoworld.org/wiki/Minimal_Deductive_Systems_for_RDF | |
7. Simultaneous Inductive And Deductive Modeling Of Ecological Systems Via Evolutio Simultaneous Inductive and deductive Modeling of Ecological systems via Evolutionary Computation and Information Theory. James P. Hoffmann http://sim.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/82/7/439 | |
8. JSTOR The Logic Of Social Systems A Unified, Deductive, System The Logic of Social systems A Unified, deductive, Systembased Approach to Social in some sense one is consider- ably less Abstract than the other. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9602(197511)81:3<656:TLOSSA>2.0.CO;2-S |
9. Proceedings Of AADEBUG'97: Paper 9 Nevertheless, deductive systems need debugging and explanation facilities. Indeed, their operational semantics is less Abstract than the declarative http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1997/009/09/abstract.html | |
10. Abduction In Labelled Deductive Systems - A Conceptual Abstract Abduction in Labelled deductive systems A Conceptual Abstract. Dov M. Gabbay. Journal Title Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/dbl/ecsqae/1991__3_AILDS-.htm | |
11. Logical Frameworks Abstract deductive systems, given via axioms and rules of inference are a common conceptual tool in mathematical logic and computer science. http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
12. Tomás E. Uribe: Paper Abstracts Abstractionbased deductive-Algorithmic Verification of Reactive systems. For this, we present an algorithmic extended Abstract model checking procedure http://theory.stanford.edu/~uribe/abstracts.html | |
13. Abduction In Labelled Deductive Systems - A Conceptual Abstract Abduction in Labelled deductive systems A Conceptual Abstract. Resource URI http//www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/conf/ecsqaru/Gabbay91 http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/conf/ecsqaru/Gabbay91 |
14. Deductive Systems: Finite And Non-Euclidean Geometries. Abstract, The study of the nonEuclidean geometries resulting from changes in the In chapter 1 several simple finite deductive systems are considered. http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED159053 |
15. Abduction In Labelled Deductive Systems - A Conceptual Abstract Abduction in Labelled deductive systems A Conceptual Abstract. Resource URI http//dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/conf/ecsqaru/Gabbay91 http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/resource/publications/conf/ecsqaru/Gabbay91 |
16. Logical Frameworks - Storming Media Abstract deductive systems, given via axioms and rules of inference are a common conceptual tool in mathematical logic and computer science. http://www.stormingmedia.us/81/8127/A812783.html | |
17. Abstracts (CSJMol, V.12 N.1) deductive databases and P systems. Miguel A. GutierrezNaranjo, Vladimir Rogozhin. Abstract. In computational processes based on backwards chaining, http://www.math.md/imi-site/journals/csjm/st12_1.shtml | |
18. ScienceDirect - Knowledge-Based Systems : Understanding Knowledge Architectures There are Abstract descriptions of hierarchical knowledge systems. . Examples of free deductive systems are natural languages with one derivation rule http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0950705105000936 | |
19. A Refined Isomorphism Theorem In Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic But there are other kinds of deductive systems with a similar Isomorphism Theorem that are not, Abstract algebraic logic and the deduction theorem. http://cms.jcmf.cz/czech-catalan/GilFerez/ | |
20. Papers In Journals And Books, By Joao Marcos Interrelations between many wellknown positive properties for Abstract deductive systems and for negation symbols are investigated, and negative http://www.geocities.com/jm_logica/Publications/index.htm | |
21. Selected Publications Of Susanne Biundo Abstract We introduce a deductive planning system intended to supply intelligent help systems. It consists of a deductive planner and a plan reuse http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/ki/Biundo/publications/publications.html | |
22. CiteULike: Categorical Abstract Algebraic Logic: The Criterion For Deductive Equ @article{citeulike878977, Abstract = {Equivalent deductive systems were introduced in 4 with the goal of treating 1deductive systems and algebraic http://www.citeulike.org/user/scis0000001/article/878977 | |
23. Abstract State Machines: Semantic Networks Abstract State Machine paper web page for semantic networks. Evolving algebras and labelled deductive systems for the semantic network based reasoning http://www.eecs.umich.edu/gasm/papers/mir.html | |
24. JOURNAL OF DIGITAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT V2.I1 MARCH 2004 ABSTRACTS Abstract Retrieval and filtering systems may apply relevance feedback to gain are extended into knowledgebase systems (deductive database systems). http://www.dirf.org/jdim/abstractv4i3.htm | |
25. DiSC - Raghu Ramakrishnan 55 Saumya K. Debray , Raghu Ramakrishnan Abstract Interpretation of Logic Divesh Srivastava Explaining Program Execution in deductive systems. http://www.sigmod.org/sigmod/disc/a_raghu_ramakrishnan.htm | |
26. DI & CoS - Implementations calculusof-structures deductive systems in Maude and in Tom. This paper presents GOM, a language for describing Abstract syntax trees and http://alessio.guglielmi.name/res/cos/IM/index.html | |
27. Applying Labelled Deductive Systems And Multi-agent Systems To Source-based Argu In this paper, it is shown how labelled deductive systems and multiagent systems can be used to evaluate argumentation that is source-based and depends on http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/9/1/63 | |
28. 1272.0 - Australian Standard Classification Of Education (ASCED), 2001 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES is the study of Abstract deductive systems, numerical facts, data and their applications. The main purpose of this narrow field of http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/A994D58F2B4763E7CA256AAF0 |
29. Seminar Abstract Labelled deductive systems (LDS) (Gabbay, 1996) were developed as a flexible methodology to formalize such a kind of complex logical systems. http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/groups/ssp/abstract/chesnevar1999-1.html | |
30. Publications Abstract. The combination of formal systems and algorithms, the combination of deductive systems, the integration of data structures into Constraint http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/research/papers-1996.html | |
31. SpringerLink: Southeast Asian Bulletin Of Mathematics - Abstract Volume 26 Issue Abstract. The concept of deductive system on a Hilbert algebra was introduced by A. Diego. We show that the set Ded Ascr; of all deductive systems on a | |
32. Eldorado: On Closure Operators In Fuzzy Algebras And Fuzzy Deductive Systems Title, On Closure Operators in Fuzzy Algebras and Fuzzy deductive systems. Abstract, The starting point of this paper is the classical wellknown theorem http://dspace.hrz.uni-dortmund.de:8080/handle/2003/5327 | |
33. Some Recent Publications Abstract. Recent advances in logics for reasoning about resources provide . Whilst deductive systems typically have a welldeveloped semantics of proofs, http://www.cs.bath.ac.uk/~pym/recent.html | |
34. Verification Of Infinite State Systems 830 The deductive Approach to Temporal Verification (Abstract). 1730 Proving invariance properties of infinite state systems (Abstract). http://www-verimag.imag.fr/TEMPORISE/old/hart97/school.html | |
35. Abstract Research: Logic For Artificial Intelligence This logic forms (according to the Abstract) ``one overall system for The logic under consideration, i.e. the deductive system, the language and the http://www.science.uva.nl/projects/commphys/papers/thesisfh/chapters/node146.htm | |
36. I. Chajda, R. Hala\v S, Y.B. Jun AbstractThe properties of deductive systems in Hilbert algebras are treated. If a Hilbert algebra $H$ considered as an ordered set is an upper semilattice http://www.emis.de/journals/CMUC/cmuc0203/abs/Chajda.htm |
37. Stephan Schulz: Bibliography Thus, much of my research has to do with (deductive) reasoning and with . Schulz, S. System Abstract E 0.61, Proc. 1st IJCAR, Siena, Italy, 2001, pp. http://www4.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/~schulz/bibliography.html | |
38. [Abstract] Deductive Query Processing With An Object-Oriented Semantic Network I Abstract. Most research related to parallel query processing has proposes an effective deductive query processing method in a massively parallel system. http://www.actapress.com/PaperInfo.aspx?PaperID=20543 |
39. Atlas: A Deductive System Which Has Associated Three Different Classes Of Algebr In Abstract Algebraic Logic a deductive system S is understood as a consequence relation between sets of formulas and formulas satisfying invariance under http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/j/s/31.htm | |
40. VLDB J. 3(2): 161-210(1994) Abstract. CORAL is a deductive system that supports a rich declarative language, and an interface to C++, which allows for a combination of declarative and http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/vldb/RamakrishnanSSS94.html | |
41. Advanced Hypermedia Indexing Of Documents In A Deductive System Database As a generic model SemaLink is suitable for a wide range of applications. To achieve this SemaLink combines multimedia with deductive database systems. http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/adl/1998/8464/00/84640098abs.htm | |
42. INRIA :: [inria-00074881, Version 1] A Deductive System For Existential Least Fi and recursion theory on Abstract structures. A sequent calculus (Gentzenstyle deductive system) for this logic is presented and proved to be complete. http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00074881/en/ | |
43. MATH FOR THE ENVIRONMENT COURSE ABSTRACT You probably have heard of Aristotelian logic and a deductive system (such as is The deductive system of Euclidean geometry is one of the most famous http://www.colorado.edu/math/earthmath/abstract.html | |
44. Database Testing Articles And Tutorials Abstract. deductive databases generalize relational databases by providing support for recursive views and nonatomic data. Aditi is a deductive system http://www.geekinterview.com/articles/database-testing-articles-and-tutorials.ht | |
45. Structure Of Intelligence: Chapter 8 - Deduction In fact, I suggest that any deductive system which relies centrally upon . When deduction is formulated in the Abstract, in terms of assumptions and http://www.goertzel.org/books/intel/chapter_eight.html |
46. Behavioral Logics - FSL Therefore any deductive system for behavioral logic would yield a coalgebraic theorem . Abstract. We show that for any behavioral specification ~B http://fsl.cs.uiuc.edu/index.php/Behavioral_Logics | |
47. Kno.e.sis - Publications Abstract, This chapter discusses an extended deductive database prototype system, QData, developed by Bellcore to improve data quality through data http://knoesis.wright.edu/library/publications/pubs_1994.html | |
48. Video Signal Interface System Utilizing Deductive Control - US Patent 5917552 Abstract. A video signal interface system for displaying video signals from various sources utilizing a deductive control technique for processing a video http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5917552.html | |
49. Proceedings Of The 5th WLPE '93 Generating Explanation Trees even for Negations in deductive Database systems , 813. AbstractAlthough there were enormous research efforts on explanation http://www.cs.usask.ca/projects/envlop/WLPE/5WLPE/Proceedings.html | |
50. Recent Publications Abstract of deductive Information Retrieval based on Classifications . homogeneous approach in our experimental Prologbased deductive database system. http://www.cs.uta.fi/~tn/abs_of_articles.html | |
51. ACM SIGPLAN MERLIN 2003 - Program In our verification we adopted firstorder Abstract syntax with variable names so and reformulated -equivalence as a syntax-directed deductive system. http://merlin.dimi.uniud.it/merlin03/program.html | |
52. 20th WCP: The Heuristic Function Of The Axiomatic Method Abstract This lecture will deal with the heuristic power of the deductive method and its contributions to the scientific task of finding new knowledge. http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Scie/SciePeck.htm | |
53. Beyond Rasiowa S Approach (Abstract) Abstract. In this paper we consider the structure of the class FGMod (S) of full generalized models of a deductive system S from a universalalgebraic point http://www.mat.ub.es/~jmfont/docs/FullAd.html |
54. Abstract IDB2000 Handling XML with a deductive Database System. Wolfgang May. Abstract We propose an integration of XML with FLogic, a deductive object-oriented database http://www.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~dbis/Publications/2K/gi-idb2000.html | |
55. LC '98 Abstract: Cyrus F. Nourani The deductive theory is a Gentzen system in which hybrid pictures are named The idea is to do it at Abstract models syntax trees without specifics for http://www.math.cas.cz/~lc98/abstracts/Nourani.html | |
56. Science Links Japan | Pointer Analysis For C Programs Using A Deductive System Title;Pointer Analysis for C Programs Using a deductive System Abstract;We present a new formalization and implementation of flow/contextinsensitive, http://sciencelinks.jp/j-east/article/200605/000020060506A0123131.php | |
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