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1. List KWIC DDC22 510 And MSC+ZDM E-N Lexical Connection theory Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion 03D75 theory Abstract and axiomatic homotopy 55U35 theory Abstract bifurcation 47J15 http://www.math.unipd.it/~biblio/kwic/msc-cdd/dml2_11_58.htm | |
2. List KWIC DDC And MSC Lexical Connection Abstract (Maeda) geometries 51D05 Abstract algebra 512.02 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic homotopy http://www.mi.imati.cnr.it/~alberto/dml_11_00.htm | |
3. 03Dxx 03D65 Highertype and set recursion theory; 03D70 Inductive definability; 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory http://www.ams.org/msc/03Dxx.html | |
4. DC MetaData For:A Structure Of Finite Signature With Identity Relation And With 68Q05 Models of computation 68Q10 Modes of computation 68Q15 Complexity classes 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory 03C10 http://www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de/preprints/shadow/05_1.rdf.html | |
5. MathNet-Mathematical Subject Classification 03D70, Inductive definability. 03D75, Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory. 03D80, Applications of computability and recursion theory http://basilo.kaist.ac.kr/API/?MIval=research_msc_out&class=03-XX |
6. HeiDOK 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory ( 0 Dok. ) 03D80 Applications of computability and recursion theory ( 0 Dok. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/msc_ebene3.php?zahl=03D&anzahl |
7. MSC 2000 : CC = Act 03B22 Abstract deductive systems; 03C95 Abstract model theory; 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory http://math-doc.ujf-grenoble.fr/cgi-bin/msc2000.py?L=fr&T=Q&C=msc2000&CC=Act |
8. [math/0409142] Axiomatic Theory Of Algorithms: Computability And Decidability In Mathematics, Abstract math.LO/0409142 axiomatic Theory of Algorithms computability and Decidability in Algorithmic Classes. Authors Mark Burgin http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0409142 | |
9. 03Dxx 03D75, Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory. 03D80, Applications of computability and recursion theory. 03D99, None of the above, http://www.uni-duisburg.de/FB11/MSC/03Dxx.html | |
10. Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/PlanetMath Exchange/03-XX Mathematical Logic A 39 03D75 Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory; 40 03D80 Applications of computability and recursion theory; 41 03Dxx computability and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Mathematics/PlanetMath_Exchan | |
11. Award#0555381 - Computability Theory Abstract computability theory is the area of mathematical logic studying more and more from an algorithmic to a more Abstract axiomatic point of view. http://www.checkout.org.cn/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0555381 |
12. BRICS Workshop: Proof Theory And Complexity Then we will extend our results to axiomatic theories of algebraically closed D. Scott (Pittsburgh) Title Types and computability Abstract Over the http://www.brics.dk/Activities/98/PTAC98/abstracts.html | |
13. General General Mathematics Mathematics For Nonmathematicians Highertype and set recursion theory Inductive definability Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory Applications of computability and http://amf.openlib.org/2001/msc2000.xsd | |
14. Gödel's Theorem axiomatic systems are equivalent to Abstract computers, to Turing machines, George S. Boolos and Richard C. Jeffrey, computability and Logic Textbook, http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/notebooks/godels-theorem.html | |
15. Alex Simpson: Research Papers Replaces the Abstract Properties of Fixed Points in axiomatic Domain Theory, In Proceedings of International Conference on computability and Complexity http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/als/Research/ | |
16. Axiomatic Theory Of Algorithms: Computability And Decidability In Algorithmic Cl Abstract. axiomatic approach has demonstrated its power in mathematics. science and technology as computability, decidability, and acceptability. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004math......9142B | |
17. DoCIS Search Result axiomatic Synthesis of Computer Programs and computability Theorems Recent Results on . Proving Group Isomorphism Theorems (Extended Abstract) http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/search?query=theorems |
18. Front: [math.LO/0409142] Axiomatic Theory Of Algorithms: Computability And Decid Title axiomatic Theory of Algorithms computability and Decidability in Abstract axiomatic approach has demonstrated its power in mathematics. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0409.5142 | |
19. COMPUTER SIMULATION AND COMPUTABILITY OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS - Cogprints Abstract Representations of Biological Systems in Supercategories. Bull. Math. An axiomatic Explanation of Complete SelfReproduction. Bull.Math. http://cogprints.org/3718/ | |
20. Citebase - Axiomatic Theory Of Algorithms: Computability And Decidability In Alg axiomatic Theory of Algorithms computability and Decidability in Algorithmic Classes. Authors Burgin, Mark. axiomatic approach has demonstrated its power http://www.citebase.org/abstract?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0409142 |
21. PlanetMath: Ackermann Function AMS MSC, 03D75 (Mathematical logic and foundations computability and recursion theory Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory) http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/AckermannFunction.html | |
22. JSTOR Algorithmic Procedures, Generalized Turing Algorithms, And An introduction to the use of computability on Abstract structures in this area of The last paper is by Byerly and considers two subjectsaxiomatic http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(199006)55:2<876:APGTAA>2.0.CO;2-Q |
23. Number Theory And Logic, Languages, Information And Computability Abstract A formal model of the structure of information is presented in five axioms which define identity, containment, and joins of infons. http://www.secamlocal.ex.ac.uk/people/staff/mrwatkin/zeta/logic.htm | |
24. MODELS AND AXIOMS FOR THE SEMANTICS OF COMPUTATION Abstract, This proposal studies mathematical models of computation. and axioms , which seeks axiomatic accounts of the common properties amongst such http://gow.epsrc.ac.uk/ViewGrant.aspx?Grant=GR/A11731/01 |
25. Mathematics And Computation » Talks Abstract computability theory, which investigates computable functions and and develop basic computability theory, starting from a few simple axioms. http://math.andrej.com/category/talks/ | |
26. Computability Of Simple Games: A Complete Investigation Of The Sixty-four Possib 2007 Abstract Classify simple games into sixteen. Keywords Voting games; axiomatic method; complete independence; Turing computability; http://ideas.repec.org/p/pra/mprapa/440.html | |
27. COURSE OUTLINES In the 20th century algebra became the study of Abstract, axiomatic systems such as computability or recursion theory addresses the question of what is, http://www.math.yorku.ca/Grad/course_outlines.html | |
28. [FOM] Simple Turing Machines, Universality, Encodings, Etc. If recursion theory is the axiomatic answer to what is computability? have since the mid1960s advocated more Abstract axioms, e.g. by taking certain http://cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2007-November/012192.html | |
29. Computable And Continuous Partial Homomorphisms On Metric Partial Abstract. We analyse the connection between the computability and continuity Finally, the PourEl and Richards axioms for computable sequence structures http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.bsl/1058448675 | |
30. Computability Of Simple Games: A Complete Investigation Of The Sixty-four Possib Abstract. Classify simple games into sixteen types in terms of the four conventional axioms monotonicity, properness, strongness, and nonweakness. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/440/ | |
31. Preface It introduces the themes of the text models of computation, syntax, semantics, with Abstract types and axiomatic semantics with imperative programming. http://cs.wwc.edu/~aabyan/PLBook/HTML/Preface.html |
32. Axioms And Theorems For Integers, Lists And Finite Sets In Logic For Computable Abstract LCF (Logic for Computable Functions) is being promoted as a formal language environment for future LCF experiments and its axiomatic basis. http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0 |
33. Logic Colloquium 2006 In the talk I will show that the normalisation proof can also be carried out in an Abstract axiomatic setting where the computability predicates are indexed http://www.cs.ru.nl/lc2006/invited.html | |
34. North Texas Logic Conference Abstract Working at the interface of computability theory and model theory, we classify the computabilitytheoretic complexity of two index sets of classes http://www.math.unt.edu/logic/ntlc/ntlc.html | |
35. Logic In Informatics : Mykola (Nikolaj) Stepanovich Nikitchenko Special notions of Abstract computability over various data structures  natural A special axiomatic system is constructed which can represent all http://www.management.kiev.ua/logic/people/msn.html | |
36. Computability, Universality And Unsolvability Anima Ex Machina So talking about the universal Abstract device E_n for example because of the arithmetical level tag systems, axioms or any other equivalent system. http://www.mathrix.org/liquid/category/computability-universality-and-unsolvabil |
37. (C. Calude, G. Stefanescu) Automata, Logic, And Computability: J.UCS Special Iss Automata, Logic, and computability J.UCS Special issue dedicated to Professor from the first one, Axioms of Lattices and Boolean Algebras published in http://www.jucs.org/jucs_6_1/automata_logic_and_computability | |
38. Search Seminars away from an algorithmic approach toward a more Abstract, axiomatic approach. The use of computers in understanding algebraic http://www.math.auckland.ac.nz/Seminars/search.php?series=agc&abstracts=Show&sta |
39. Center For Philosophy Of Science ::: Als 2003-04 Beyond Church s Canons Axioms for computability Wilfried Sieg, Carnegie Mellon University Friday, 6 February 2004, 330 p.m. 2P56 Posvar Hall. Abstract http://www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr/Events/All/ALS/als_2003_04.htm | |
40. Solomon Feferman Publications Transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories, J. Symbolic Logic, .. Computation on Abstract data types. The extensional approach, with an http://math.stanford.edu/~feferman/publications.html | |
41. Southern California Security And Cryptography Workshop ABSTRACTS Abstract. We present two new approaches to improving the integrity of network broadcasts and multicasts with low storage and computation overhead. http://www.math.uci.edu/~asilverb/socalsecabstracts.html | |
42. DBLP: J. V. Tucker 25, J. V. Tucker, Jeffery I. Zucker Toward a General Theory of Computation and Specification over Abstract Data Types. ICCI 1990 129133 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/t/Tucker:J=_V=.html | |
43. Collegium Logicum 2007: Proofs And Structures 17001800, K. Terui How and when axioms can be transformed into good structural rules (Abstract). 1800-1830, A. Ciabattoni Uniform Standard http://www.logic.at/CL2007/ | |
44. AAAI Spring Symposium On Metacognition In Computation Metacognition in computation A selected history. Slides. Abstract. We describe our progress toward developing 30 integrated axiomatic theories of http://www.cs.umd.edu/~anderson/ASSMC/TOC.html | |
45. Jiskha Homework Help - Mathematics Since errors can be made in a computation, is such a proof sufficiently rigorous? . as geometry starts from axioms and postulates about Abstract entities http://www.jiskha.com/mathematics/ | |
46. Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\nshsalg\ursmain Uniformly reflexive structures (URS) are an axiomatic approach to computability. They were introduced in my 1963 doctoral dissertation at Columbia http://www.ii.uib.no/~wagner/ursdir/ursmain.htm |
47. Juris Reinfelds Starting with the axioms of equivalence and with the inference rules of equational logic we can . Hein J.L. Discrete Structures, Logic and computability. http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/People/gries/symposium/reinfelds.txt | |
48. ILLC Publications, All Series, 1998 Abstract, 2.Full text. ML1998-07 Victor N. Krivtsov A Negationless Interpretation of Intuitionistic axiomatic Theories Higher-Order Arithmetic. http://www.illc.uva.nl/Publications/reportlist.php?Year=1998 |
49. Mathematics Enclyclopedia - Engineers Edge Although arithmetic computation is crucial to accountants, as geometry starts from axioms and postulates about Abstract entities called points and http://www.engineersedge.com/encyclopedia/math/mathematics.htm | |
50. Yuri Gurevich: Simplified Publication List Abstract state machines behavioral computation theory . 150 On Polynomial Time Computation Over Unordered Structures; 149 Strong Extension Axioms and http://research.microsoft.com/~gurevich/simple-list.html | |
51. Speaker Samson Abramsky Title Axiomatics Of No-Cloning And No Speaker Lou Kauffman Title Anyonic Topological Computation and Quantum Algorithms for Knot Polynomnials Abstract This talk will review the qdeformed http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~scpsg/Fields07/abstracts.txt |
52. Abstracts Church without dogma axioms for computability Church s and Turing s theses dogmatically assert that an informal notion of computability is captured by a http://edelstein.huji.ac.il/computation_workshop/abstracts.html | |
53. A Natural Axiomatization Of Church's Thesis | Lambda The Ultimate The Abstract State Machine Thesis asserts that every classical algorithm is .. Finally, we can also ask whether an axiomatic theory of computation is http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2345 | |
54. Computational Complexity: Favorite Theorems: Abstract Complexity Blum defined a resource measure as any partially computable function M (think time) of a machine M that fulfilled some simple axioms. http://weblog.fortnow.com/2005/08/favorite-theorems-abstract-complexity.html |
55. CS200 Condensed We can express all computation that use mutation without using mutation, . An incomplete axiomatic system fails to produce some true theorems. http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs200-spring2002/notes/summary.html | |
56. 2006 August « Reperiendi and because the programs already satisfy the axioms of the computable theory, asserting the equivalence of two proofs is redundant theyÂre already http://reperiendi.wordpress.com/2006/08/ | |
57. Specializing In Logic A mathematician often works with axioms, from which he proves theorems. This process is analyzed (in an Abstract way) in Logic. One starts by introducing a http://www.math.uu.nl/people/jvoosten/masterlogic.html | |
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