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1. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The word simple types is also used to refer to extensions of the simply typed lambda calculus such as products, coproducts or natural numbers (System T) or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simply_typed_lambda_calculus | |
2. Notes On Simply Typed Lambda Calculus These notes provide an introduction to lambdacalculi, specifically the simply typed lambda calculus. The first half of the notes gives a fairly thorough http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/reports/98/ECS-LFCS-98-381/ | |
3. Substraction Not Definable In Simply Typed Lambda Calculus | Shin-Cheng Mu Substraction not Definable in simply typed lambda calculus. Written on June 21, 2007. I probably wrote this a couple of years ago when I was studying http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~scm/2007/substraction-not-definable-in-simply-type | |
4. Simply Easy! (An Implementation Of A Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus) | Lambda In fact, our implementation is almost as easy as an implementation of the simply typed lambda calculus, which we emphasize by discussing the modifications http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/2340 | |
5. Findings:@Everything2.com If you Log in you could create a simply typed lambda calculus node. If you don t already have an account, you can Create A New User. http://everything2.com/index.pl?node=simply typed lambda calculus |
6. Masterclass Typed Lambda Calculus Introduction to Lambda Calculus. Lecture notes BarendregtBarendsen. 2. simply typed lambda calculus Forthcoming book on typed lambda calculus, Part I. http://www.cs.ru.nl/~henk/Masterclass.html | |
7. LAMP - Foundations Of Software, Ex.3: Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Exercise 3 simply typed lambda calculus. Hand in November 2nd (2 weeks). Update The grammar has been updated to allow for syntactic sugar for numeric http://lamp.epfl.ch/teaching/foundations_of_software/exercises/3-typed/ | |
8. IngentaConnect Ordinals And Ordinal Functions Representable In The Simply Typed We define ordinal representations in the simply typed lambda calculus, and consider the ordinal functions representable with respect to these notations. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/01680072/1999/00000097/00000001/art000 |
9. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus With First-class Environments simply typed lambda calculus with firstclass environments. Shin-ya Nishizaki. Source Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. Volume 30, Number 6 (1994), 1055-1121. http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.prims/1195164948 | |
10. MainFrame: The Lambda-calculus, Combinatory Logic, And Type Systems The eight systems at the vertices of the cube are obtained by extending the simply typed lambda calculus ( lambda fun ) at the origin of the cube along one http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/logic/cl/cl017.htm | |
11. Typed Lambda Calculi Publications We first illustrate the method on the elementary example of simply typed lambda calculus and then we show how to extend it to a more expressive dependent http://www.math.unipd.it/~silvio/PublicationsLC.html |
12. STLC Staged Interpreter A dependently typed staged interpreter for simply typed lambda calculus. Introduction. STLC is an implementation of the language we develop in this paper. http://www.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~eb/STLC/ |
13. Mathematician's Professional Homepage, Detail Information S. Ghilezan and V. Kuncak Reducibility method in simply typed lambda calculus, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 31 (2001) 2732. http://imft.ftn.ns.ac.yu/~silvia/research/publications.html | |
14. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus - Terms A selection of articles related to simply typed lambda calculus Terms. http://www.experiencefestival.com/simply_typed_lambda_calculus_-_terms | |
15. JSTOR Exact Bounds For Lengths Of Reductions In Typed $\lambda 3 R. LOADER, Notes on simply typed lambda calculus, Technical Report ECSLFCS-98-381, Edin- burgh. 4 H. SCHWICHTENBERG, Complexity of normalization in http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(200109)66:3<1277:EBFLOR>2.0.CO;2-5 |
16. Programming: Simply Easy! (An Implementation Of A Dependently Typed Lambda Calcu I think it may come as a surprise to many people that it doesn t need to be much harder than implementing the simply typed lambda calculus. http://programming.reddit.com/info/5ytek/comments/ | |
17. Re: Simple Question Regarding Simply Typed Lambda Calculus simply typed lambda calculus? Why exactly do we a verb to state a sentence? Prev by Date Simple Question regarding simply typed lambda calculus http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.logic/2006-11/msg00060.html | |
18. TAPL Exercises For Lecture 4 (2004-09-15) Show that this coding does not work in the simply typed lambda calculus with Show that the simply typed lambdacalculus extended with fix (11-12) is NOT http://www.diku.dk/undervisning/2004e/224/ex2004-09-22.html | |
19. Simply Typed Lambda Calculus In the simply typed lambda calculus, we begin with a syntax for types. Since we have no constants in our set of lambda terms, we fix a single type constant http://www.cmi.ac.in/~madhavan/courses/pl2006/lecturenotes/lecture-notes/node109 | |
20. Calculus The simply typed lambda calculus A. syntax TYPED LANGUAGE CONCRETE SYNTAX t,s in Type-Expr e in Expr x in Identifier t = o t - t (t) http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/ComS541Fall03/meeting-outlines/lambda-calculu | |
21. HORPO - The Higher Order Recursive Path Ordering In Coq simply typed lambda calculus is used as a meta language in higherorder rewriting and A Formalization of the simply typed lambda calculus in Coq. http://www.win.tue.nl/~akoprows/coq-horpo/index.html | |
22. Scientific Commons Finite Model Theory In The Simply Typed Lambda Finite Model Theory in the simply typed lambda calculus (1994). Gerd G. Hillebrand,; Paris C. Kanellakis,; Harry G. Mairson,; Pascal Van Hentenryck http://en.scientificcommons.org/85619 |
23. Roberto Di Cosmo's Abstracts We show the usefulness of the lemmas by applying them to various systems, ranging from simply typed lambda calculus to higher order lambda calculi, http://www.pps.jussieu.fr/~dicosmo/Publications/Abstracts.html | |
24. CiNii - A Canonical Translation From Higher Order Logic To Typed Lambda Calculus Keyword simply typed lambda calculus polymorphic typed lambda calculus Caluculus of Constructions kind formulaeas-types higher order intuitionistic many http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002807366/en/ | |
25. Fall 98, CSE 520: Lectures The important properties of the Lambda Calculus and of the Curry system hold also for the simply typed lambda calculus and the Church system. http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~catuscia/teaching/cg520/98Fall/lecture_notes_98 | |
26. Lemon Functional language with inductive and coinductive types. Based on simplytyped lambda calculus augmented with sums, products, and mu and nu constructors for least (inductive) and greatest (coinductive) solutions to recursive type equations. http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~bhoward/lemon.html | |
27. Simply-typed Lambda Calculus - The Twelf Project The simplytyped lambda calculus is a common example of a simple typed programming language. This article discusses its encoding in Twelf. http://twelf.plparty.org/wiki/Simply-typed_lambda_calculus | |
28. A Normalization Proof A La Tait For Simply-typed Lambda-calculus A normalization proof a la Tait for simplytyped lambda-calculus. This is a formalization of Berger s TLCA 93 paper, with complete proofs of the axioms and http://coq.inria.fr/contribs/tait.html | |
29. [cs/0701022v1] Definable Functions In The Simply Typed Lambda-calculus Abstract It is a common knowledge that the integer functions definable in simply typed lambdacalculus are exactly the extended polynomials. http://arxiv.org/abs/cs.LO/0701022v1 | |
30. The Weak Normalization Of The Simply Typed {lambda}se-calculus -- Arbiser Et Al. In this paper, we show the weak normalization (WN) of the simplytyped {lambda} se-calculus with open terms where abstractions are decorated with types, http://jigpal.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/15/2/121 | |
31. Lambda Calculus And Lambda Calculators Predecessor and lists are not representable in simply typed lambdacalculus. The predecessor of a Church-encoded numeral, or, generally, the encoding of a http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/lambda-calc.html | |
32. CIS 705 -- Programming Languages -- Spring 2007 Reading Chapters 12 and 13 of TAPL; Normalization of the simply typed lambdacalculus. Session 39 Apr 25. Reading Chapters 12 and 13 of TAPL http://people.cis.ksu.edu/~stough/705/index.html | |
33. Atlas: Extensional Isomorphisms Of Inductive Types In Simply-Typed Lambda-Calcul We study isomorphisms of types in the system of simplytyped lambda-calculus with inductive types and recursion operators. It is shown that in some cases http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/j/y/04.htm | |
34. Background On Type Systems A Type Error Occurs When We Attempt To Write a typechecker for the simply-typed lambda calculus with unit, pairs, and sums. Use the following definitions datatype Type = Int_t Arrow_t of http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs411/2003fa/lecture_16_oct.txt |
35. Typed Lambda Calculus And Applications Categorical completeness results for the simplytyped lambda-calculus. by Alex K. Simpson. Comparing lambda-calculus translations in Sharing Graphs http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/dbl/tlcatl/index.html |
36. Citebase - Definable Functions In The Simply Typed Lambda-calculus Fortune, S., Leivant, D., O Donnell, M. The expressiveness of simple and second order type structures. Journal of the ACM, 30151185, 1983. http://www.citebase.org/abstract?identifier=oai:arXiv.org:cs/0701022&action=cite |
37. HOR 2007 Abstracts First I describe a simply typed lambdacalculus with inductive and coinductive types and guarded (co)recursion in the style of N. P. Mendler. http://www.irit.fr/~Ralph.Matthes/HOR/HOR2007abstracts.html | |
38. Definable Functions In The Simply Typed Lambda-calculus It is a common knowledge that the integer functions definable in simply typed lambdacalculus are exactly the extended polynomials. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007cs........1022Z | |
39. Brian Howard's Papers The first language discussed is a variant of Scott and Plotkin s PCF, which adds to the simplytyped lambda calculus products, fixed points of functions, http://www.csc.depauw.edu/~bhoward/papers/ | |
40. Peter Selinger Papers Abstract In this paper, we develop a functional programming language for quantum computers, by extending the simplytyped lambda calculus with quantum http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/papers.html |
41. Harry Mairson Expressibility and typed lambda calculus I recently developed a new proof the normal forms of two simply typed lambda terms is not Kalmarelementary. http://cs-people.bu.edu/mairson/ | |
42. Rotten Cotton » Blog Archive » Bootstrapping From The Pure Lambda Calculus Y doesnÂt type in the *simply* typed lambda calculus. There are type systems that type it properly. Cotton Says January 25th, 2007 at 411 am http://onebadseed.com/blog/?p=34 |
43. Date Tue, 5 Jul 1994 085606 +0500 (GMT+400) From Categories The results concern two categorical notions of completeness for betaeta conversion relative to the interpretation of the simply-typed lambda-calculus in http://www.mta.ca/~cat-dist/catlist/1999/completeness-lambda-calc | |
44. Publications In the simplytyped lambda calculus, logical relations are the standard choice for simulation relations, but they suffer from certain shortcomings; http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~sinya/paper/ | |
45. 3.4.4 [Sidetrack] Simply Typed Lambda-Calculus 3.4.4 Sidetrack simply typed lambdacalculus. In this section we discuss two topics that are important in connection with -calculus, but that have been http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/projects/milca/courses/comsem/html/node59.html | |
46. TLCA 1995 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve Comparing lambdacalculus translations in Sharing Categorical completeness results for the simply-typed lambda-calculus. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/tlca/tlca95.html | |
47. Examples.CPS A certified CPS transformation for a simplytyped lambda calculus Call lambda Tamer generic programming to build some support code. http://ltamer.sourceforge.net/coq/examples.CPS.html | |
48. The Weak Normalization Of The Simply Typed Lambda-se Calculus The Weak Normalization of the simply typed lambdase calculus. http://publicaciones.dc.uba.ar/Publications/2006/AKR06/ | |
49. A Certified Type-Preserving Compiler From Lambda Calculus To Assembly Language I present a certified compiler from simplytyped lambda calculus to assembly language. The compiler is certified in the sense that it comes with a http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~adamc/papers/CtpcPLDI07/ | |
50. Libra: Weak Normalization For The Simply - Typed Lambda - Calculus In Twelf Abstract We formalize in the logical framework ATS/LF a proof based on Tait s method that establishes the simplytyped lambda-calculus being strongly http://libra.msra.cn/papercited.aspx?id=1968278 |
51. Good Math Has Moved To But it did end up with some problems, and to get around that, a concept of types was introduced, leading to the simple typed lambda calculus, http://goodmath.blogspot.com/2006/05/types-in-lambda-calculus.html | |
52. Harry Mairson Database query languages embedded in the typed lambda calculus (with G. A simple proof of a theorem of Statman Theoretical Computer Science 103 (1992), http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~mairson/ | |
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