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1. Rotten Cotton » Blog Archive » Bootstrapping From The Pure Lambda Calculus So languages based on the typed lambda calculus need some builtin form of canÂt define a function of that particular type in pure typed lambda calculus. http://onebadseed.com/blog/?p=34 |
2. Lambda Calculus | Lambda The Ultimate All ideas in the paper have been implemented in the the wonderfully elegant Haskell language, which is basically pure typed lambda calculus with lots of http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/taxonomy/term/20 | |
3. Typed Lambda Calculus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A typed lambda calculus is a typed formalism that uses the lambdasymbol ( ) to of pure typed lambda calculi (including simply typed lambda calculus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typed_lambda_calculus | |
4. MainFrame: The Lambda-calculus, Combinatory Logic, And Type Systems pure type systems are a family of typed lambda calculi each member of which is The connection between the lambda calculus and pure combinatory logic was http://rbjones.com/rbjpub/logic/cl/cl017.htm | |
6. JSTOR Exact Bounds For Lengths Of Reductions In Typed $\lambda 4 H. SCHWICHTENBERG, Complexity of normalization in the pure typed lambda calculus, The L. E. J. Brouwer centenary symposium (A. S. Troelstra and D. van http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(200109)66:3<1277:EBFLOR>2.0.CO;2-5 |
7. Lambda Calculus And Lambda Calculators This article derives a term in the pure untyped lambdacalculus that . Ref 108 is R.Statman The typed lambda calculus is not elementary recursive. http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/lambda-calc.html | |
8. Programming: The Pure, Typed Lambda Calculus And Haskell : Augustss.blogspot.com The pure, typed lambda calculus and Haskell augustss.blogspot.com (tinyurl.com). 19 points posted 14 days ago by dons1 comment http://programming.reddit.com/info/60938/comments/c02fuzk | |
9. A Normaliser For Pure And Typed Lambda-calculus This program provides a useful environment to write programs in pure or typed lambdacalculus. Given a term, the program will compute and print its normal http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~raffalli/normaliser.html | |
10. Things That Amuse Me Here I m going to show some examples of code in pure typed calculus. All the examples are typable in F ; the full lambda cube is not necessary. http://augustss.blogspot.com/2007/11/some-lambda-calculus-examples-syntax-in.htm | |
11. Teach Untyped Lambda Calculus? In the context of PCF, we can first prove ChurchRosser and SN for pure typed lambda calculus (by logical relations, say). Then, with a fixed-point operator http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~sweirich/types/archive/1988/msg00128.html | |
12. Lambda-calculus - SWiK Saturday, November 10, 2007. The pure, typed lambda calculus and Haskell (An Implementation of a Dependently typed lambda calculus) http://swik.net/lambda-calculus | |
13. Publications Short Proofs of Normalization for the simplytyped lambda-calculus, . and strong beta-normalization are shown to be equivalent for all pure Type Systems. http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~joachski/publications.html | |
14. Foundations Of Computer Science This work of simplification also yields a particularly short and easy proof of the undecidability of DP for Church pure typed lambdacalculus that will http://tcs.uj.edu.pl/csfs | |
15. IngentaConnect Ordinals And Ordinal Functions Representable In The Simply Typed Ordinals and ordinal functions representable in the simply typed lambda calculus. Author Danner N.1. Source Annals of pure and Applied Logic, Volume 97, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/01680072/1999/00000097/00000001/art000 |
16. Wiki Typed Lambda Calculus A typed lambda calculus is a typed formalism that uses the lambdasymbol the lambda cube to systematize the relations of pure typed lambda calculi http://wapedia.mobi/en/Typed_lambda_calculus | |
17. Typed Lambda-Calculus typed lambdacalculus. Monday Concepts and Syntax Tuesday Substitution and Equations Wednesday From pure to Effectful Thursday Denotational Semantics of http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~pbl/mgs/lam/index.html | |
18. PAULA GABRIELA SEVERI We introduce pure Type Systems with Pairs generalising earlier work on program extraction in typed lambda calculus. We model the process of program http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/people/ps56/publications.xml | |
19. Completeness Theorem For Typed Lambda-Omega Calculus It is motivated by, and leads to a completeness theorem for, the logic of pure, typed lazy lambdacalculus, when not just integers, but terminationeven http://osdir.com/ml/science.types/1989-08/msg00005.html | |
20. CiteULike: A Typed Lambda Calculus With Categorical Type Constructors A typed lambda calculus with Categorical Type Constructors payto-read possibility process pure quantum recursion security semantics symmetric systems http://www.citeulike.org/user/EdwardKmett/article/549440 | |
21. Typed Lambda Calculi Publications Hence a typed calculus, which admits only local rewriting rules, can be introduced in terms of pure lambda calculus can be characterized in this system, http://www.math.unipd.it/~silvio/PublicationsLC.html | |
22. Citebase - Definable Functions In The Simply Typed Lambda-calculus and Functional Programming, pages 288297, 1990. G/A, 5. Zaionc, M. -Definability on free algebras. Annals of pure and Applied Logic, 51279-300, 1992. http://www.citebase.org/abstract?identifier=oai:arXiv.org:cs/0701022&action=cite |
23. TYPED LAMBDA CALCULUS Articles A Typed Lambda Calculus Is A Typed A typed lambda calculus is a typed formalism that uses the lambdasymbol (? the lambda cube to systematize the relations of pure typed lambda calculi http://ww.amazines.com/Typed_lambda_calculus_related.html | |
24. Scientific Commons Paula Severi Alpha Conversion in Simply typed lambda calculus (2000) In this paper, an extension of pure Type Systems (PTS s) with definitions is presented. http://de.scientificcommons.org/paula_severi | |
25. New England Programming Languages And Systems Symposium Series (NEPLS): Abstract The conjecture is concerned with socalled pure type systems which include the well-known typed lambda calculi like the simply-typed lambda calculus, http://www.nepls.org/Events/3/abstracts.html | |
26. Typed Lambda Calculus A typed lambda calculus is a typed formalism which uses the the lambda cube to systematize the relations of pure typed lambda calculi (including simply http://www.algebra.com/~pavlovd/wiki/Typed_lambda_calculus | |
27. Major Scientific Accomplishments 2000. Reflexive Lambda-calculus It may be regarded as the pure lambda version of the Logic of Proofs LP (cf. and combinatory logic, typed lambdacalculus and modal lambda-calculus. http://www.cs.gc.cuny.edu/~sartemov/accom.html | |
28. Théorie De La Démonstration The ChurchRosser Theorem for the typed lambda-calculus with Surjective Pairing. Domain-free pure type systems. Journal of functional programming, http://lipforge.ens-lyon.fr/www/crtheodem/articles.html | |
29. Natural Deduction And Sequent Typed Lambda Calculus Two different formulations of the simply typed lambda calculus the More All 0.7 On Zucker s isomorphism for LJ and its extension to pure Type. http://nsdl.org/resource/2200/20061122144351883T | |
30. Definition Of Typed Lambda-calculus In Computing typed lambdacalculus, polymorphic lambda-calculus, Second-Order lambda-calculus, lambda expression. lambda-calculus, lambda, pure lambda-calculus, TALE http://vdict.com/index.php?dict=6&word=typed lambda-calculus&in=1 |
31. Kripke-Style Models For Typed Lambda Calculus. D2R Server dcdate, 1991 (xsdgYear). dblpjournal, Ann. pure Appl. Logic. rdfslabel, KripkeStyle Models for typed lambda calculus. http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/journals/apal/MitchellM91 |
32. ODOBS - Publication Page: Kripke-Style Models For Typed Lambda Calculus. KripkeStyle Models for typed lambda calculus. Year, 1991. Journal, Ann. pure Appl. Logic. Volume, 51. Number, 1-2. Pages, 99-124. http://lupus.cs.uni-dortmund.de:8080/odobs/publication;jsessionid=1D1233CFBB41E1 |
33. PL Seminar - Jon Riecke, Bell Labs, Security In Lambda Calculus 15, 1996 10am11am, LH 101 Title Security in the typed lambda calculus Next PL seminar - David S. Wise, pure/Impure LISP and Compiling; Index(es) http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~liu/plsem-ann/msg00011.html | |
34. Patterns And Compositionality Friends have done proofs of imperative programs (heap sorting, and more) in Coq (a logic system based on pure typed lambdacalculus); http://lists.tunes.org/archives/tunes/2000-February/002623.html | |
35. Exceptions Are Strictly More Powerful Than Call/CC. More precisely, we prove that the simply typed lambda calculus extended with that in the context of statically typed pure functional lambda calculi, http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA |
36. The Weak Normalization Of The Simply Typed Lambda-se Calculus The Weak Normalization of the Simply typed lambdase calculus. Ariel Arbiser, F. Kamareddine, Alejandro RÃos. Logic Journal of the Interest Group of pure http://publicaciones.dc.uba.ar/Publications/2006/AKR06/ | |
37. Functional Programming With Haskell Recent advances in typedlambda calculus have formed a basis for Haskell, It is also important to note that pure lambda-calculus does not have any http://www.mta.ca/~rrosebru/oldcourse/371199/haskell/paper.htm | |
38. Ulrich Berger, Publications Total Sets and Objects in Domain Theory, Annals of pure and Applied Logic 60, An inverse of the evaluation functional for typed lambdacalculus, http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~csulrich/publications.html | |
39. Full Bibliography Normalization by evaluation for typed lambda calculus with coproducts. implies strong normalization in a class of nondependent pure type systems. http://tlca.di.unito.it/opltlca/opltlcali1.html | |
40. DIKU Graduate/Ph.D. Course: The Curry-Howard Isomorphism Written exercise Extend the rules of simply typed lambdacalculus (a la Curry) with types of 13, May 15, The lambda-cube and pure type systems, MHS http://www.diku.dk/topps/activities/type-theory/index.html | |
41. Bibliography Of Hugo Herbelin The framework of the paper is pure lambdacalculus, not PCF. Abstract We show that a simple simply-typed lambda-calculus with explicit substitution and http://pauillac.inria.fr/~herbelin/publis/index-eng.html | |
42. Education, Master Class 1988/1999, MRI Nijmegen It covers systems with explicit typing (simply typed lambda calculus, secondorder lambda calculus, dependent types and pure type systems), normalisation, http://www.math.uu.nl/mri/education/course_9899.html | |
43. Extending Reynolds Firstly, we consider models P of the polymorphic typed lambda calculus as (I.e. we don t have to limit ourselves to definability in the pure calculus. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/types/archives/1988/msg00065.html | |
44. Pietro Di Gianantonio Publications Game semantics for the pure lazy lambdacalculus. Pietro Di Gianantonio. Proc. of the conference typed lambda calculus and Applications 01; LNCS 2044, http://www.dimi.uniud.it/~pietro/papers/ | |
45. TLCA 1995 Andrea Asperti, Cosimo Laneve Comparing lambdacalculus translations in Sharing Categorical completeness results for the simply-typed lambda-calculus. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/tlca/tlca95.html | |
46. Equipe De Logique De La Programmation : Bibliographie 1999-2002 Samson Abramsky, editor, typed lambda Calculi and Applications 01, volume 2044 of Encoding left reduction in the lambdacalculus with interaction nets. http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/editions/Rapports/RA1999-2002/17-liste-publisLDP.html | |
47. Gmb://publications (with Urban) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on typed lambda calculus and Applications. In Volume 1581 of Lecture Notes in Computer http://research.microsoft.com/~gmb/publications.aspx | |
48. A Short Proof Of The Strong Normalization Of Classical Natural F. Joachimski and R. Matthes Short proofs of normalization for the simplytyped $\lambda$-calculus, permutative conversions and Gödel s $T$, http://dx.doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1067620187 | |
49. TCLA '95 On Sunday 9th April, there is a meeting of the lambdacalculus EC Network from 9am5pm. . completeness results for the simply-typed $\lambda$-calculus}, http://www-theory.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~sal/Rewriting/361.html | |
50. Lambda Calculus - In IMP, We Had A Language With No y z * Simplytyped lambda calculus * Let s revisit the abstract syntax of the lambda calculus and add types t in Typ = int t1 - t2 e in Exp = i e1 http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~greg/cs256sp2005/lec7.txt |
51. Samson Abramsky - Publications By Theme S. Abramsky and M. Lenisa, Fully Complete Minimal PER Models for the Simply typed lambdacalculus, CSL 2001 Conference Proceedings, Springer LNCS Vol. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/samson.abramsky/pubsthematic.html | |
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