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1. The Lattice Of Lambda Theories -- Lusin And Salibra 14 (3): 373 -- Journal Of Lo lambda theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that are closed under derivation. The set of lambda theories is naturally equipped http://logcom.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/14/3/373?ck=nck |
2. [cs/0211011] Intersection Types And Lambda Theories We illustrate the use of intersection types as a semantic tool for showing properties of the lattice of lambda theories. Relying on the notion of easy http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0211011 | |
3. JSTOR Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories DEGREES OF SENSIBLE lambda theories 47 Clearly, ~ Fn = I if R (n). Now suppose -n R (n). Then it is easily checked that there is an infinite reduction http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(197803)43:1<45:DOSLT>2.0.CO;2-6 |
4. Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories A $\lambda$theory $T$ is a consistent set of equations between $\lambda$-terms closed under derivability. The degree of $T$ is the degree of the set of http://projecteuclid.org/handle/euclid.jsl/1183740105 | |
5. UBLCS-2003-7 Abstract In this thesis by using filter models (i.e. intersection types) and methods of universal algebra we investigate some properties of lambda theories http://www.cs.unibo.it/pub/TR/UBLCS/ABSTRACTS/2003.bib?ncstrl.cabernet//BOLOGNA- |
6. Fundamenta Informaticae Vol. 45 Abstracts In this paper we prove that the lattice of lambda theories is not modular and that the variety generated by the term algebra of a semisensible lambda http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/abs45.html | |
7. Readings: Theory Of Computation Theories 16. Sensible Theories 17. Other lambda theories Part V. Models 18. Construction of Models 19. Local Structure of Models http://miser-theory.info/readings/theory.htm | |
8. CoMeta - Computational Metamodels - Publications GS·lambda theories enrich gs theories by requiring the existence of a right adjoint a _ to .. Intersection types and lambda theories. In WIT 2002, 2002. http://cometa.dimi.uniud.it/publications.shtml | |
9. Peter Selinger Papers Our second result is a syntactical characterization, in terms of socalled generalized Mal cev operators, of those lambda theories which cannot be induced http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/papers.html |
10. Front: [cs.LO/0211011] Intersection Types And Lambda Theories Abstract We illustrate the use of intersection types as a semantic tool for showing properties of the lattice of lambda theories. Relying on the notion of http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/0211.6011 | |
11. HAL :: [hal-00149556, Version 1] Graph Lambda Theories Berline, is whether, given a class of lambda models, there are a minimal lambdatheory and a minimal sensible lambda-theory represented by it. http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00149556/en/ | |
12. Seminaires De Logique En Region Parisienne: Seminaire Du Vendredi A general introduction to the theory of lambda theories will be attempted, and recent results concerning semantical and syntactical properties of theories http://pauillac.inria.fr/cdrom/www/coq/mailing-lists/GTlogique/0059.html | |
13. The Lambda Calculus - Elsevier Other lambda theories. Models. Construction of Models. Local Structure of Models. Global Structure of Models. Combinatory Groups. Appendices Typed Lambda http://www.biolc.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/501727/description?navope |
14. CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY PROGRAM IN PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC LOGIC Toward this end certain material on lambda theories will be excluded. @ Topics covered include (1)Basic properties of reduction and conversion (2)Reduction http://logic.cmu.edu/pal-courses-s06.txt |
15. DSpace At RU: Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories Title, Degrees of sensible lambda theories. Authors, Barendregt, HP Bergstra, JA Klop, JW Volken, H. Issue Date, 1978. URI, http//hdl.handle.net/2066/ http://hdl.handle.net/2066/17248 | |
16. Citebase - Lambda Theories Of Effective Lambda Models The sensible graph theories of lambda calculus. 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2004), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004. http://www.citebase.org/abstract?identifier=oai:arXiv.org:math/0701684&action=ci |
17. Scientific Commons The Lattice Of Lambda Theories (2002), 2002-01 The lattice lambdaT of lambda theories is isomorphic to the congruence lattice of the term algebra of the minimal lambda theory lambdabeta. http://de.scientificcommons.org/623559 | |
18. Intersection Types And Lambda Theories Intersection Types and lambda theories. Mariangiola DezaniCiancaglini, Stefania Lusin. Journal Title CoRR Logic in Computer Science. Date 2002 http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/dbl/xxcslo/0211011.html | |
19. British Library Direct: Order Details Order from the British Library lambda theories of Effective Lambda Models. http://direct.bl.uk/research/23/28/RN215434538.html | |
20. ODOBS - Publication Page: Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories. Degrees of Sensible lambda theories. Authors. Henk BARENDREGT; Jan A. BERGSTRA; Jan Willem KLOP; Henri VOLKEN. Year, 1978. Journal, J. Symb. Log. http://lupus.cs.uni-dortmund.de:8080/odobs/publication;jsessionid=7D6D5E35073902 |
21. Cookies Required A comparison with the f\Theta R\lambda theories is immediate. It is striking to notice that modified Friedmann equations are once more first order field http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevD.70.103503 | |
22. LDP : Séminaire Résumé We show how to solve the word problem for simply typed lambda calculus and various lambda theories, using elementary properties of presheaves and http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/ldp/Seminaire/SemLog99.html | |
23. Libra: The Lattice Of Lambda Theories Intersection Types and lambda theories(2002) (citation2). Mariangiola DezaniCiancaglini Stefania Lusin. We illustrate the use of intersection types as a http://libra.directtaps.net/papercited.aspx?id=2276738 |
24. McTafi - Goals - Specific Goals - Torino We plan also to characterise the lambda theories whose consistency can be shown using filter models, and the domain operators which can be equated to the http://www.mctafi.math.unipd.it/english/goals_specific-goals_To.htm | |
25. Libra: P. K. Agarwal And M. Sharir, Planar Geometric Location Problems, Tech. Re Relying on the notion of easy intersection type theory we successfully build a lambda;model in which the interpretation of an arbitrary simple easy term http://libra.msra.cn/papercited.aspx?id=1382497 |
26. Scientific Commons Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories (1978 Degrees of sensible lambda theories (1978). Bergstra, JA,; Barendregt, HP,; Klop, JW,; Volken, H. Publication details http://en.scientificcommons.org/15877012 | |
27. ICTCS 2007 Can a proper lambdamodel have an r.e. equational theory? 11.00-11.30, Coffee Break Proving the range property for lambda theories and models http://www.disp.uniroma2.it/ictcs07/program.html | |
28. [Pao04] Lambda-theories: Some Investigations On the other hand, we are able to show that some property on theories hold for each $\lambda\Delta$calculus.\\ The notion of solvability in the http://www.di.unito.it/~lambda/biblio/entry-paolini04phd.html | |
29. Re: Huge Hole Found In The Lambda-CDM And Big Bang Theories - Forums Powered By One of the most important predictions of lambda theory (and inflation) is that the inflation phase of the expansion process created a nearly homogeneous http://uplink.space.com/showthreaded.php?Board=sciastro&Number=799447 |
30. Scott: Relating Theories Of The Lambda-Calculus The correspondence is made complete by noting we can start with a (typed) lambdatheory and form a (syntactic) CCC representing the same theory of functions http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/scott80.php | |
31. DBLP: Antonino Salibra 18, Antonino Salibra A Continuum of theories of lambda Calculus without Semantics. LICS 2001 334346. 17 EE, Antonino Salibra Towards lambda Calculus http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/s/Salibra:Antonino.htm | |
32. [cs/0609080] Solution Of A Problem Of Barendregt On Sensible Lambda-Theories Solution of a Problem of Barendregt on Sensible lambdatheories. Authors Benedetto Intrigila, Richard Statman Comments 17 pages http://aps.arxiv.org/abs/cs.LO/0609080 | |
33. Domains And Lambda Calculi (book Announcement) Book announcement DOMAINS AND lambda CALCULI by Roberto AMADIO and 4.3 Interpretation of lambdacalculi 4.4 From CCC s to lambda-theories and back 4.5 http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~sweirich/types/archive/1997-98/msg00317.html | |
34. @article {LassenJanuary 20041571-06611, Author = Lassen S.B. The paper surveys notions of bisimulation and trees for sensible IMG SRC= /isoents/isogrk32/lambda-s.gif ALT= lambda -theories based on reduction to http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/15710661/2004/00000020/00000001/art000 |
35. LICS - Index Of Papers And Short Presentations By Authors : W Conditional lambdatheories and the verification of static properties of programs A Theory of Recursive Domains with Applications to Concurrency (LICS http://www.lfcs.inf.ed.ac.uk/events/lics/papers/W.html | |
36. Pugs, Practicing The Theories. | Lambda The Ultimate A lot of language theory goes past here on lambda the Ultimate, but we rarely see that theory directly impacting commercial programmers. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/620 | |
37. Cs/0609080 Solution Of A Problem Of Barendregt On Sensible Lambda-Theories title= Solution of a Problem of Barendregt on Sensible lambdatheories , year= 2006 , eprint= cs/0609080 , doi= 10.2168/LMCS-2(45)2006 http://eprintweb.org/S/article/cs/0609080/bibtex | |
38. Papers On Analysis-Based Transformation Conditional lambdatheories and the Verification of Static Properties of Programs. Information and Computation, 113(2)253277, 1994. http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/semantics/analysis-papers.html | |
39. Solution Of A Problem Of Barendregt On Sensible Lambda-Theories - Science-adviso Scienceadvisor.net is a free scientific search engine and online forum for scientific discussions, short reviews and ranking of research articles. http://science-advisor.net/article/cs/0609080 | |
40. Alessandro Berarducci - Home Page Alessandro Berarducci and Benedetto Intrigila, ChurchRosser $\lambda$-theories, infinite $\lambda$-terms and consistency problems, in Logic from http://www.dm.unipi.it/~berardu/pubblicazioni.html | |
41. EULER Record Details It shows that the addition of the GirardReynolds system $F$ to algebraic theories (and even simply typed $\lambda$ theories) is conservative. http://www.emis.de/projects/EULER/detail?ide=1993breaconsequatheo&matchno=206&ma |
42. CSL'04: Accepted papers Provably Total Primitive Recursive Functions theories with Induction A natural .. exploiting an equivalence between partial lambdatheories and partial http://www.csl04.ii.uni.wroc.pl/accepted.html | |
43. Takeuti Izumi: Abstracts This paper defines the theories of parametricity for the system lambdaP-omega in lambda cube, and shows some of its application. These theories are defined http://www.m.is.sci.toho-u.ac.jp/~takeuti/abs-e.html | |
44. The Sensible Graph Theories Of Lambda Calculus Sensible theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable -terms and are closed under derivation. http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/lics/2004/2192/00/21920276abs.htm | |
45. Classical Equivalence Of Lambda R Phi 2 Theories Classical equivalence of lambda R phi 2 theories. A J Accioly et al 1993 Class. Quantum Grav. 10 L215L219 doi10.1088/0264-9381/10/12/001 http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0264-9381/10/12/001 | |
46. Curried Lambda: Geoff Wozniak’s Weblog · Beauty, Theories And Equations Curried lambda Geoff WozniakÂs weblog. Musings on just about anything Beauty, theories and equations. Thursday, December 6th, 2007 in Opinion, http://wozniak.ca/2007/12/06/beauty-theories-and-equations/ | |
47. FLoC 2006 - LICS We call this coinductive syntactic theory extensional head normal form bisimilarity and in this paper we extend it to the lambda-pi calculus (the lambda http://www.easychair.org/FLoC-06/LICS-day225.html | |
48. Atlas: Boolean Algebra And Lambda Calculus By Antonino Salibra This implies that, if the term model of a lambda theory T is decomposible in a nontrivial way, then every model of T can be also decomposible in a http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caug-81 | |
49. Hans Aberg I have made a computer semantics, successfully implemented, that can be used to produce both functional (Church lambdatheory based) and imperative http://www.matematik.su.se/~haberg/ | |
50. Luke Ong's Selected Publications A. D. Ker, H. Nickau and C.H. L. Ong, Adapting innocent game models for the Boehm tree lambda-theory. In Theoretical Computer Science 308, pp. http://users.comlab.ox.ac.uk/luke.ong/publications/index.html | |
51. Categories And Computation | The N-Category Café and these are fullfledged models of nCob as a quantum lambda theory, because they But nCob isnÂt closed, so it canÂt be a quantum lambda theory, http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2006/08/cartesian_closed_categories_an.html | |
52. CSL07 Session lambda Calculus 1 Chair JeanPierre Jouannaud. 1600-1630, The Theory of Calculi with Explicit Substitutions Revisited; Delia Kesner http://www2.unil.ch/csl07/programme.html | |
53. Lambda-Renormalized Einstein-Schrodinger Theory In general though, there has not been much interest in the EinsteinSchrodinger theory for 50 years. lambda-renormalized Einstein-Schrodinger theory http://www.einstein-schrodinger.com/ | |
54. Type Theory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alonzo Church, inventor of the lambda calculus, developed a higherorder logic commonly called Church s Theory of Types, in order to avoid the Kleene-Rosser http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_theory | |
55. Summer School And Workshop On Proof Theory, Computation And Complexity The course will not strictly assume knowledge of the lambda calculus but participants who are already familiar with its syntactic theory will gain most from http://www.ki.inf.tu-dresden.de/~guglielm/WPT2/ | |
56. Bibliography For Intersection Types And Related Systems An extension of the basic functionality theory for the lambda calculus. Notre Dame J. Formal Logic , 21(4)685-693, 1980. http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~jbw/itrs/bibliography.html | |
57. RE: Lambda (was: Refactoring In Tunes) The usual meaning of the word notation is a mathematical device, which has to include the theory. lambda theory is about modelling function calls via http://osdir.com/ml/os.tunes/2000-01/msg00037.html | |
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