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1. The Church-Rosser Theorem For The Lambda Calculus For many years the churchrosser theorem has been a milestone in the treatment of the lambda calculus. It describes the confluence property, http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~hol/lamcr/ | |
2. Church-Rosser Theorem -- From Wolfram MathWorld The churchrosser theorem states that lambda calculus as a reduction system with lambda conversion rules satisfies the Church-Rosser property. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Church-RosserTheorem.html | |
3. Church-Rosser Theorem From FOLDOC churchrosser theorem. theory A property of a reduction system that states that if an expression can be reduced by zero or more reduction steps to either http://foldoc.org/?Church-Rosser Theorem |
4. Church-rosser Theorem - OneLook Dictionary Search churchrosser theorem FOLDOP - Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy home, info Additional searches for church-rosser theorem. http://www.onelook.com/?loc=rescb&w=church-rosser theorem |
5. Church-Rosser Theorem From FOLDOC foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/ foldoc.cgi?ChurchRosser+Theorem - Similar pages A Proof of the church-rosser theorem and its Representation in a We give a detailed, informal proof of the Church-Rosser property for the untyped A-calculus and show its representation in LF. The proof is due to Tait and http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Church-Rosser Theorem |
6. JSTOR A New Proof Of The Church-Rosser Theorem. In effect, the churchrosser theorem demonstrated a strong form of consistency for a certain system for analyzing the behavior of functions; this was done http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(195612)21:4<377:ANPOTC>2.0.CO;2-P |
7. A Church-Rosser Theorem For Graph Grammars 7 Rosen, B. K., Treemanipulating systems and church-rosser theorems. J. ACM 20 (1973), 160187. 8 Rosen, B. K. Correctness of parallel programs the http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1008343.1008344 |
8. Hardly Accessible Publications In Theoretical Computer Science A General churchrosser theorem by Peter Aczel and its corrections, (July 1978). The last section of this paper introduces contraction schemes that were http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/pierre.lescanne/not_accessible.html | |
9. Church-Rosser Theorem @ Computer-Dictionary-Online.org churchrosser theorem @ Computer Dictionary Online. Computer terminology definitions including hardware, software, equipment, devices, jargon abbreviations http://www.computer-dictionary-online.org/Church-Rosser Theorem.htm?q=Church-Ros |
10. Barendregt: Lambda Calculus The churchrosser theorem states that if two terms are beta-convertible to one another, then there is a common term to which they both reduce. http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/barendregt.php | |
11. Church-Rosser Theorem@Everything2.com A theorem of the lambda calculus. It states, basically, that each lambda expression with a terminating betareduction has a unique normal form, http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=609140 |
12. Church-Rosser Theorem churchrosser theorem. There is no more than one normal form. The normal form. Order of reductions doesn t matter. The normal form is the value of a - http://perl.plover.com/yak/lambda/samples/slide014.html |
13. Lecture22 - CS 330 This was proven by two people named Church and Rosser and is thus called the churchrosser theorem. Another name for this property is confluence. http://classes.eclab.byu.edu/330/wiki/index.cgi?Lecture22 |
14. Church-Rosser Theorem - Computing Reference - ELook.org Previous Terms, Terms Containing churchrosser theorem, Next Terms . chug chunker Church, Alonzo Church integer Church of the SubGenius http://www.elook.org/computing/church-rosser-theorem.htm | |
15. Church-Rosser Theorem - Definitions From Dictionary.com Definitions of churchrosser theorem at Dictionary.com. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Church-Rosser Theorem | |
16. Copyright (C) 1994 By Natarajan Shankar. All Rights Reserved. This (BOOTSTRAP THM) ;An Annotated Script of A MECHANICAL PROOF OF THE church-rosser theorem. ; by ; N. Shankar ; ;What follows is a list of events (definitions http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/boyer/ftp/nqthm/nqthm-1992/examples/shankar/churc |
17. Church-rosser Theorem - Definition Of Church-rosser Theorem By The Online Dictio Definition of churchrosser theorem in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for church-rosser theorem. http://onlinedictionary.datasegment.com/word/church-rosser theorem | |
18. Readings: Theory Of Computation The churchrosser theorem is treated in here, also. And a treatment of FP, the John Backus approach to functional programming. http://miser-theory.info/readings/theory.htm | |
19. CiteULike: A Proof Of The Church-Rosser Theorem And Its Representation In A Logi A Proof of the churchrosser theorem and its Representation in a Logical Proofs of meta-theorems are represented as higher-level judgments which relate http://www.citeulike.org/user/msakai/article/1639223 | |
20. Church-Rosser Theorem - Wikipedia The churchrosser theorem states that, in the lambda calculus, a term has at most one normal form. Specifically, if two different reductions of a term both http://www.facetroughgemstones.com/wikipedia/ch/Church-Rosser_theorem.html | |
21. Powell's Books - Cambridge Tracts In Theoretical Computer Science #0038: Metamat Derived inference rules; 4. The representability of metatheory; 5. The undecidable sentence; 6. A mechanical proof of the churchrosser theorem; 7. http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780521585330 |
22. Church-Rosser Theorem From FOLDOC Nearby terms Christianity « Chrysippus « Church Alonzo « churchrosser theorem » Church s theorem » Church s thesis » Cicero Marcus Tullius. http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Church-Rosser Theorem |
23. Church-Rosser Theorem For A Rewriting System On Categorical Combinators churchrosser theorem for a Rewriting System on Categorical Combinators. Hirofumi Yokouchi. Journal Title Theoretical Computer Science. Date 1989 http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/show?doc=dbl/tcstcs/1989_65_3_271_CTFARS.htm&query= |
24. Definition Of Church-Rosser Theorem In Computing Vietnamese English French Chinese online dictionary. Tu dien tieng Viet truc tuyen. Free Vietnamese online translation. http://vdict.com/Church-Rosser Theorem,6.html | |
25. Online Otter-û The churchrosser theorem. A term of the form Ap(lambda (i.e. one that matches the left side of the beta axiom) is said to permit beta reduction, http://michaelbeeson.com/research/otter-lambda/index.php?include=LambdaCalculus |
26. [Some Citations For Lambda Calculus Books From MathSciNet Djr He then gives the simplest known proof of the churchrosser theorem, which shows the consistency of both systems. Next follows a discussion of completeness, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/lambdacalc_refs |
27. Miscellaneous churchrosser theorem I If E1 \leftrightarrow E2 then there is an expression E, church-rosser theorem II If E1 E2, and E2 is in normal form, http://cs.wwc.edu/~aabyan/PLBook/HTML/Misc.html |
28. Masterclass Typed Lambda Calculus Untyped theory second fixedpoint theorem (6 Thm. 6.5.9), Scott s theorem (6 Thm. 6.6.2);. church-rosser theorem (1 Ch 4). Typed theory Church typed http://www.cs.ru.nl/~henk/Masterclass.html | |
29. #01 Hostgold Hospedagem De Sites Temas relacionados Church, Alonzo « Church integer « Church of the SubGenius « churchrosser theorem » ci » CI$ » CICERO. http://www.hostgold.com.br/hospedagem-sites/o_que_e/Church-Rosser Theorem | |
30. J Roger Hindley : Research MR0693047 J R Hindley, The completeness theorem for typing lambda terms, MR0302434 J R Hindley, An abstract form of the churchrosser theorem, I, http://www-maths.swan.ac.uk/staff/jrh/JRHresearch.html | |
31. A Proof Of The Church-Rosser Theorem And Its Representation In A Title, A Proof of the churchrosser theorem and its Representation in a Logical Framework. Author, Pfenning, Frank. Abstract, We give a detailed, http://www.ncstrl.org:8900/ncstrl/servlet/search?formname=detail&id=oai:ncstrlh: |
32. CSc 520 Principles Of Programming Languages : 29 churchrosser theorem. Question. If there is more than one reduction strategy, does each one lead to the same normal form expression? http://www.cs.arizona.edu/~collberg/Teaching/520/2005/Html/Html-24/index.html | |
33. Church-Rosser Theorem - Mathematics Dictionary And Research Guide churchrosser theorem - The ChurchÂRosser theorem states that if there are two distinct reductions starting from the same term in la. http://www.123exp-math.com/t/01704107984/ | |
34. The Church-Rosser Theorem II The churchrosser theorem II. The church-rosser theorem II. If E1 - * E2 and E2 is in normal form, then there exists a normal-order reduction from E1 to http://www.exso.com/courses/cs101a/slides/lambda/node11.html |
35. Church-Rosser Theorem Definition - Computer Dictionary Online churchrosser theorem definition Computer Dictionary, Computer Terms Dictionary online. http://www.hobbyprojects.com/computer-terms-dictionary/computer-dictionary-c/def |
36. FOLDOP Search churchrosser theorem. logic This property of a reduction system states that Nearby terms Chrysippus « Church Alonzo « church-rosser theorem » Cicero http://www.swif.it/foldop/dizionario.php?find=Church-Rosser Theorem |
37. Rewrite Rules, Reduction, And Normal Forms The first churchrosser theorem. Rewriting with beta and eta conversions The last result is a direct consequence of the second church-rosser theorem. http://www.cs.aau.dk/~normark/prog3-03/html/notes/eval-order_themes-reduction-se | |
38. A Mechanical Proof Of The Church-Rosser Theorem. D2R Server A mechanical proof of the churchrosser theorem. Resource URI http//www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/journals/jacm/Shankar88 http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/dblp/resource/record/journals/jacm/Shankar88 |
39. The Church-Rosser Theorem In Isabelle: A Proof Porting Experiment This paper describes a proof of the churchrosser theorem for the pure -calculus formalised in the Isabelle theorem prover. The initial version of the proof http://nsdl.org/resource/2200/20061123082842405T | |
40. Church-Rosser Theorem - Wikiosity Topic churchrosser theorem, = one degree of separation. Boston Interior Design Rankings 2007 An unofficial guide to Greater Boston http://www.maxtility.com/scgi-bin/wikiosity.cgi?q=Church-Rosser_theorem |
41. Bibliography Of LF - The Twelf Project A proof of the churchrosser theorem and its representation in a logical framework. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1993. To appear. http://twelf.plparty.org/wiki/Bibliography_of_LF | |
42. Seminars Of The CENTRE De RECHERCHE En THEORIE Des CATEGORIES The constant \Label can be defined as a closed term, so that the labelled syntax is ultimately interpreted in a syntax for which the churchrosser theorem http://www.math.mcgill.ca/rags/seminar/seminar.listings.93 | |
43. Foundations Of Computer Science The notion of parallel reduction is extracted from the simple proof of the churchrosser theorem by Tait and Martin-Löf. Intuitively, this means to reduce a http://tcs.uj.edu.pl/csfs | |
44. A Notation For Deterministic Cooperating Processes The ideas in this paper are derived from the churchrosser theorem about systems that obey the diamond property 7, 20 and from the concept of http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/71.406962 | |
45. Awesome Library - Mathematics Proving theorems is a central activity of mathematics. Chebotarev s density theorem, Chinese remainder theorem, churchrosser theorem, Closed and exact http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Mathematics/College_Math/College_Math.ht | |
46. Projects Tobias Nipkow has proved the churchrosser theorem for the lambda-calculus using a novel formalization, covering both the beta and the eta rules. Isabelle http://isabelle.in.tum.de/projects.html | |
47. QG Seminar: Winter 2007 The churchrosser theorem. Surface diagrams showing the process of computation. -reduction as a fold catastrophe. Thom s ideas on catastrophe theory. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/qg-winter2007/ | |
48. ODOBS - Publication Page A Mechanical Proof Of The Church-Rosser A mechanical proof of the churchrosser theorem. Authors. Natarajan SHANKAR. Year, 1988. Journal, J. ACM. Volume, 35. Number, 3. Pages, 475-522 http://odobs.cs.uni-dortmund.de:8080/odobs/publication;jsessionid=B834D22721815E |
49. Annotated Bibliography - POPLmark 1992, Frank Pfenning A proof of the church-rosser theorem and its representation in a logical framework (via citeseer) Elf, HOAS. http://alliance.seas.upenn.edu/~plclub/cgi-bin/poplmark/index.php?title=Annotate |
50. DBLP: J. Roger Hindley 4, J. Roger Hindley The Discrimination Theorem Holds for Combinatory Weak Reduction 2, J. Roger Hindley An Abstract Form of the churchrosser theorem. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Hindley:J=_Roger.htm | |
51. Practical Foundations Of Mathematics FACT 2.3.3 The churchrosser theorem says that the pure l-calculus (without d-rules) is confluent (Definition 1.2.5). The simply typed pure l-calculus is http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~pt/Practical_Foundations/html/s23.html | |
52. Quals: Programming Languages - SEWiki The churchrosser theorem says that if there is more than one possible way of evaluating an expression in a functional language, then it does not matter http://www.cs.wm.edu/~coppit/wiki/index.php/Quals:_Programming_Languages |
53. ChurchâÂÂs Thesis And Functional Programming The two most important technical results are churchrosser theorem If A . The rules for reduction remain unchanged, as does the church-rosser theorem. http://www.scribd.com/doc/35191/Churchs-Thesis-and-Functional-Programming | |
54. I. Why Study The Theory Of Programming Languages? A. Arguments For C. churchrosser theorems - CHURCH ROSSER THEOREMS 1. If X Y, then there is some Z such that X * Z and Y * Z (this http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~leavens/ComS541Fall03/meeting-outlines/lambda-calculu | |
55. ChurchâÂÂRosser Theorem - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The ChurchÂRosser theorem states that if there are two distinct reductions starting from the same term in lambda calculus, then there exists a term that is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChurchâÂÂRosser_theorem | |
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