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Home - Lambda_Calculus - Bohm Trees |
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1. Barendregt: Lambda Calculus The Scott topology can be translated to Bohm Trees associated with terms. We have the upside down ChurchRosser Theorem for eta on Bohm-Trees. http://mathgate.info/cebrown/notes/barendregt.php | |
2. JSTOR Degrees Of Sensible Lambda Theories Bohm Trees. Let M be a Aterm. The Bohm tree of M, BT(M), is defined as follows. If M is unsolvable, then BT(M)= f/(f~ is just some symbol). http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0022-4812(197803)43:1<45:DOSLT>2.0.CO;2-6 |
3. COMPUTER SCIENCE TECHNICAL REPORT ABSTRACTS Keywords Linear lambda calculus, abstract Bohm Trees, term assignment systems, uniform provability. We present the spine calculus S -o T as an efficient http://reports-archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/anon/1997/abstracts/97-125.html | |
4. Publications Intersection Types For Lambda-Trees We introduce a type assignment system which is parametric with respect to five families of trees obtained by evaluating lambdaterms (Bohm Trees, http://pubs.doc.ic.ac.uk/Bakeletal-TCS-272-2003/ | |
5. Abstracts Of The Lectures At The School In Logic And Computation Bohm Trees, Bohm Trees modulo finite or infinite etaexpansions. In this talk, we will focus on the relations between the tree representations of the http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/eefschool1999/abstracts2.html |
6. Nabble - UIUC Maude - HOR'06 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Nondeterministic Bohm Trees * Barry Jay Typing the pattern calculus * Barry Jay Quantifying the benefits of sub-typing * Nao Hirokawa and Aart Middeldorp http://www.nabble.com/HOR'06---CALL-FOR-PARTICIPATION-td5489716.html | |
7. Domains And Lambda Calculi (book Announcement) 6.5 Towards sequentiality 6.6 PCF Bohm Trees 7 Domain equations 7.1 Domain equations 7.2 Predicate equations 7.3 Universal domains 7.4 Representation 8 http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~sweirich/types/archive/1997-98/msg00317.html | |
8. MOVES: Software Modeling And Verification (Info 2) of meaninglessness genericity of the class of meaningless terms, the consistency of equating all meaningless terms, and the construction of Bohm Trees. http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Events/Aachen1996/alpabstracts.html?styl |
9. Concurrency à Non-deterministism For instance, Dave Sands and others use them for equivalence of Bohm Trees in the lambdacalculus (which I never understood!!). http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~catuscia/teaching/DEA/2003/c2/cours.html | |
10. An Analysis Of Multivalued And Join Dependencies Based On The Systems and Computer Science , year = 1994, key = Bohm Trees for the Lazy Lambda Calculus with constants , number = Technical Report TRA8/94 } http://www.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/library/new-books/html/nus-discs-tra.html | |
11. RTA 2003 - Abstracts Of Accepted Papers In this paper, we define a tree logic that directly embeds XML Schema as a plain subset . sets S of values (such as headnormal forms or Bohm-Trees). http://www.dsic.upv.es/~rdp03/rta/abstracts.html | |
12. Abstract Böhm Trees We present a formalism of Trees with pointers, called abstract Böhm Trees, that provide a suitable abstract framework in which various cutfree proofs or http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=967286.967289 |
13. [DGL+98] Intersection Types, Lambda-models And Böhm Trees Title, « Intersection Types, Lambdamodels and Böhm Trees ». In, MSJ-Memoir Vol. 2 ``Theories of Types and Proofs . Volume, 2. Page(s), 45-97 http://www.di.unito.it/~lambda/biblio/entry-Dezani-Giovannetti-deLiguoro-Tokyo98 | |
14. IngentaConnect Bisimulation In Untyped Lambda Calculus - Bohm Trees And Bisimula On the basis of an operational bisimulation account of Bohm tree equivalence, a novel operationallybased development of the Bohm tree theory is presented, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/els/15710661/2004/00000020/00000001/art000 | |
15. Publications Of Fer-Jan De Vries We prove that the only continuous parametric Trees are Böhm and LévyLongo Trees. . Böhm Trees, bisimulations and observations in lambda calculus. http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/people/fdevries/fdv1/node15.xml | |
16. TOPPS Bibliography Keywords normalization by evaluation, untyped lambdacalculus, denotational semantics, functional programming, Böhm Trees, computational adequacy http://www.diku.dk/topps/bibliography/2005.html | |
17. Researchers In Intersection Types And Related Systems filter models, principality, union types, relevant logic, callby-value, subtyping, nondeterminism, approximants, Böhm Trees, combinatory logic, http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~jbw/itrs/researchers.html | |
18. Bibliography 32, P.L. Curien, H. Herbelin, ``Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees , 49, G. Huet, H. Laulhère, ``Finite-state Transducers as Regular Böhm Trees , http://www.iist.unu.edu/~alumni/software/other/inria/www/coq/biblio-eng.html |
19. Fundamenta Informaticae Vol. 45 Abstracts This technique is used to give a direct proof of the theorem of Hyland and Wadsworth two lterms that have the same Böhm Trees, up to (possibly infinite) http://fi.mimuw.edu.pl/abs45.html | |
20. DBLP Gérard P. Huet WCRE 2001 127135. 1998. 35, Gérard P. Huet Regular Böhm Trees. 34, Gérard P. Huet, Henri Laulhère Finite-State Transducers as Regular Böhm Trees. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/h/Huet:G=eacute=rard_P |
21. Bienvenue Sur Ma Page Personnelle I develop a technic to compute with Böhm Trees. This gives a proof of R.Kerth s conjecture on unsolvable terms. This also gives a syntactical proof of http://www.lama.univ-savoie.fr/~david/ | |
22. Research Böhm Trees. I still hope to make use of a coinductive understanding of Böhm Trees. Up to now, Klaus Aehlig and me just came up with yet another presentation http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~joachski/research.html | |
23. Bibliography Of Hugo Herbelin Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees , with PierreLouis Curien, Proceedings of FLOPS 98 (bibtex Keywords Game Models, Abstract Machines, Böhm Trees. http://yquem.inria.fr/~herbelin/publis/index-eng.html | |
24. The Sensible Graph Theories Of Lambda Calculus This result is a consequence of the fact that all the equations between solvable terms, which have different Böhm Trees, fail in every sensible graph http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/lics/2004/2192/00/21920276abs.htm | |
25. HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.; Programme For The Opening Of Beer-bohm Tree's ... - Arti Programme for the Opening of BeerBohm Tree s New House. LONDON, April 24. BeerBohm Tree has had over 10000 applications for seats for the opening night http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FB0F13FC3D5414728DDDAC0A94DC405B8 |
26. Readings: Theory Of Computation Böhm Trees Part III. Reduction 11. Fundamental Theorems 12. Strongly Equivalent Reductions 13. Reduction Strategies 14. Labelled Reduction http://miser-theory.info/readings/theory.htm | |
27. The Little Calculist: Freshness... With Respect Now, I wonder about infinite programs like Böhm Trees. Although I don t know if they actually only use a finite number of names even though the term is http://calculist.blogspot.com/2005/05/freshness-with-respect.html | |
28. EULER Record Details \par Contents \par $\ell$Representable Functions Over Free Structures Revisited (M. Takahashi); Computing with Abstract Böhm Trees (P.-L. Curien and H. http://www.emis.de/projects/EULER/detail?ide=1998satopapefromfuji&matchno=57&mat |
29. The Lambda Calculus - Elsevier Classical Lambda Calculus (Continued). The LambdaCalculus. Böhm Trees. Reduction. Fundamental Theorems. Strongly Equivalent Reductions. http://www.biolc.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/501727/description?navope |
30. DoCIS Search Result Abstract Böhm Trees Hierarchical Spatial Data Structures .. Spanning Tree Representations of Graphs and Orders in Conceptual Structures http://wotan.liu.edu/docis/search?query=structures |
31. This Document Was Made By OCR From A Scan Of The Technical Report Proof The stability theorem follows from the stability of Böhm Trees Ber78. Here we sketch a simple, alternative proof. http://research.microsoft.com/lampson/56-Dependencies/56-DependenciesOCR.htm | |
32. Search Results For "TACS" â FacetedDBLP 1, Gérard P. Huet, Henri Laulhère, FiniteState Transducers as Regular Böhm Trees. Search with DBLP WebCrawler Search on Bibsonomy http://dblp.l3s.de/?q=TACS&search_opt=venuesOnlyExact&resultsPerPage=100 |
33. Information And Computation, 2002; 178 (1) Intersection and Singleton Type Assignment Characterizing Finite BöhmTrees / Kurata, Toshihiko, 1-11. Linear Time and the Power of One First-Order http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/compludoc/W/10210/08905401_2.htm | |
34. Infinity Symposium - The Infinity Project To give semantics to a term graph rewrite system, we can use a generalization of the Böhm tree called Böhm semantics. Proving that a particular Böhm http://fspc282.few.vu.nl/infinity/index.php/Infinity_Symposium | |
35. Anthony Dekker - Publications List Dekker, A.H. The Lazy Lambda Calculus with Constants A Böhm Tree Model (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of Computing the Australian Theory Seminar, http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dekker/publications.html | |
36. FLoC '02 - DOMAIN Sunday July 21st We do so by constructing an infinitary lambda calculus which not only has the confluence property, but also is normalising every term has its Böhm tree http://floc02.diku.dk/DOMAIN/Sunday.html | |
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