- Fractional Calculus: Integrations and Differentiations of Arbitrary Order by Katsuvuki Nishimoto, March, 1989
- Convex Analysis with Application in the Differentiation of Convex Functions by John R. Giles, January, 1982
- The Fractional Calculus; Theory and Applications of Differentiation and Integration to Arbitrary Order (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, V) by Keith B. Oldham, Jerome Spanier, November, 1974
- Differentiation (Core Books in Advanced Mathematics) by C. T. Moss, C. Plumpton, 26 May, 1983
- Automatic differentiation : techniques and applications by Louis B. Rall,
- Families of Curves and the Origins of Partial Differentiation (North-Holland Mathematics Studies ; 93) by S. B. Engelsman, May, 1984
- Linear Spaces and Differentiation Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics) by Alfred Frolicher, Andreas Kriegl, August, 1988
- Calculus I: Differentiation and Integration by Said Hamilton, Linda Hamilton, February, 2002